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4-(1)-4 Edge Pairing

An alternative to 3-2-3 edge pairing for 4x4.

1. Do the first step of 3-2-3 WITHOUT slicing back.
2. Look at the edge in the FLu spot, and find the other edge that matches it.
Then find the edge that matches the one in the BRd spot.
3. Pair the two edges together without messing up the edges you previously inserted.
4. Insert that edge into the middle layer like it is part of the 3-2-3.
5. Now slice back to pair up all the edges. Then replace the solved edges with another set of 4 edges, in the style of 3-2-3. Then slice back.

Perhaps a video tutorial would be better, but I don't have a channel...
Yes and no.

Do you mean something like this? If you do, good idea that's been had before. The one thing I would say is to do your research first, just to increase the quality of the thread.
I feel like this is different than what I was saying. As I said, a video tutorial would be better, but I don't have a channel.
So I thought of this method for 3x3:

1. Roux FB
2. Roux SB
3. Using the BD edge slot, OLL+1 (Idk how many algs, not including a flipped edge in BD)
4. Using the FD edge slot, PLL+1 (80 Algs)

-Low movecount
-Easy to understand
-Mostly alg-based
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So I thought of this method for 3x3:

1. Roux FB
2. Roux SB
3. Using the BD edge slot, OLL+1 (Idk how many algs, not including a flipped edge in BD)
4. Using the FD edge slot, PLL+1 (80 Algs)

-Low movecount
-Easy to understand
-Mostly alg-based
What u r describing as PLL+1 is also called HKPLL and I don’t remember it being any good
cool ZB I found while messing around with the cube
R U2 R' U2 L' U R U' M'
This doesn't fit in this thread. It's neither a new method, subset or concept and isn't even a new alg.

So I thought of this method for 3x3:

1. Roux FB
2. Roux SB
3. Using the BD edge slot, OLL+1 (Idk how many algs, not including a flipped edge in BD)
4. Using the FD edge slot, PLL+1 (80 Algs)

-Low movecount
-Easy to understand
-Mostly alg-based
I'm not convinced by the low movecount honestly. Even if it is low movecount, as said, the algs are probably not great. The way to improve it is to treat corners and edges separately, but then you have Roux.
This doesn't fit in this thread. It's neither a new method, subset or concept and isn't even a new alg.

I'm not convinced by the low movecount honestly. Even if it is low movecount, as said, the algs are probably not great. The way to improve it is to treat corners and edges separately, but then you have Roux.
This is true. You could do EO+OLL+1, and then PLL, or solve middle block+EO then ZBLL, but it all circles around to roux.
EOArrow+2e: Solve an EOLine plus the three left side F2L edges. This allows you to keyhole the left side of the ZZF2L corners in a regripless manner using only R, U and D moves, because RUD is a nicer moveset than RUL.

Possible extensions: EOCross+2e.

Is this bad, or cool?
Edit: After even more testing, to me the solving style feels a bit awkward. I still prefer vanilla EOLine over this
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What do you guys think of this?-

2VEL (2x2, VHLS, ELS, L4C)-

1. Solve a 2x2 block in the back left+FD cross edge.
2. VHLS the FL F2L pair.
3. While inserting the FR F2L pair, solve ELL. (1 alg)
4. Do L4C LL.
Worse petrus, why would u want to force L4C?? The recog for forcing it isnt the best imo and makes rb have more pauses, don’t be lazy just do zbll. Comparing petrus eo223 to this version. Petrus takes 12 moves for block and 5 moves for eo. So 17 moves. This takes 9 moves for arrow+1, and like 5 moves to make pair, and then another 5 moves (I am being very generous here) to solve the pair while doing eo. So for eo223 that is 19 (likely more) moves compared to petrus’ 17. And again, why L4C??? 😭

And btw, ELS is a name of a set that solves the FR edge while solving EO, it doesn’t solve ep.
What do you guys think of this?-

2VEL (2x2, VHLS, ELS, L4C)-

1. Solve a 2x2 block in the back left+FD cross edge.
2. VHLS the FL F2L pair.
3. While inserting the FR F2L pair, solve ELL. (1 alg)
4. Do L4C LL.
My methods usually suck, but I think this is not so bad. If I got the general gist of it, you solve an XCross-1e, solve FL while doing EO, then finish off F2L while reducing to L4C (so, algorithmic superphasing).
However, VHLS can only affect at most only four edges in terms of orientation. This is because it solves F2L (so, 1 potential edge flip), while orienting the 4 LL edges (1+4=5, and the closest even number lower than 5 is four). Your 2x2x2+FD cross edge into VHLS idea would need to orient 8 edges, which is impossible using only VHLS.

If you meant doing pEO during FL and only fixing F2L, doing actual "ELS" (and not "EPLS") then I guess VHLS could be used, but it would be difficult to get the pieces in the right spot. You would need to find a separate algset
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What do you guys think of this?-

2VEL (2x2, VHLS, ELS, L4C)-

1. Solve a 2x2 block in the back left+FD cross edge.
2. VHLS the FL F2L pair.
3. While inserting the FR F2L pair, solve ELL. (1 alg)
4. Do L4C LL.
This doesn't solve the cube. What about the DR edge and BR pair (aka dBR)? If you mean 2x2x3, yeah, worse Petrus. L4C also has some of the worse ZBLLs. Also some of the best, but these are mostly the L3C algs. You should either have all of ZBLL or L3C, not this in between thing. The final problem is that VHLS plus FR will probably have some not great cases.