Improvement (kind of) on CLL in Waterman
This is weird. So as many of you guys know, I main Waterman. A lot of people know about CLL in Waterman. I just learned all of EG-1 on 2x2 and all of those algs preserve a 1x2x3 block in the back of the bottom layer, so there's that I guess. I want to start learning TCLL soon (not now) and I have a feeling they will preserve the 1x2x3 block as well. Maybe in Waterman, to help with efficiency (but adding hundreds more algs), we can just make a 1x2x3 block and insert the corners however we want.
Variants with algs already genned
CLL, EG-1, TCLL+, TCLL-, TEG-1 A+, TEG-1 A-. TEG-1 C+, TEG-1 C-
43 Algs each set (42 with normal CLL) = 343 Algs (43x7+42=343)
Variants with algs not genned
CLL-T (Corners solved but twisted and it looks like a T case if you do x2)
CLL-U (Corners solved but twisted and it looks like a U case if you do x2)
CLL-T Parity (Same as CLL-T but corners are swapped, not solved)
CLL-U Parity (Same as CLL-U but corners are swapped, not solved)
CLL Gun Right (Corners are solved and twisted, but it looks like a gun case from TCLL facing right)
CLL Gun Left (Corners are solved and twisted, but it looks like a gun case from TCLL facing left)
CLL Gun Right Parity (Same as CLL Gun Right but the corners are swapped, not solved)
CLL Gun Left Parity (Same as CLL Gun Left but the corners are swapped, not solved)
43 Algs each set = 344 Algs (43x8=344)
If there is already Algs genned for these cases, please let me know.
L5C (486 algs + 486 mirrors = 972 Algs) can be used if you just want to do a 1x2x3 block + 1 corner and not two.
Someone (I forget who) texted me on discord wondering if EG-2 Was possible in Waterman. EG-2 on Waterman is a 1x2x2 block on DBL (BL portion of D Layer), and the DR Edge and DFR Corner solved. The swapped corners are DFL and BDR.
There is also a mirror set where the swapped corners are DFR and BDL with a 1x2x2 block on DBR and DL Edge solved.
I guess I can label the top set EG-2 A (43 algs) and the other set EG-2 B (43 Algs) which would total up to 86 algs.
Let's screw this up even more. What if we did an EG version of L5C? 972 more algs to learn, One corner is placed but in the wrong spot.
343+344+972+86+972=2717 Algs in total.
The funny thing is that all of this is still less algorithms than 1LLL.
On another note, I am currently generating Algs for L7E Algs where the L-Layer is solved and 3 of the redges are swapped and flipped in some order on the R-Layer; no redges are in the M-Layer (80 algs). I also finished L7E Algs for if UL is solved, but flipped, and two redges are swapped in some order in the R-Layer; no redges are in the M-Layer. I'm just passed halfway done with the L-Layer solved stuff, however, I might pause genning L7E Algs for the CLL Variants I listed earlier.
Thank you.
Edit: Now that I think more of EG-2 waterman, maybe TEG-2 is possible
TEG-2 A+
TEG-2 A-
TEG 2 B+
TEG-2 B-
43 x 4 = 172
172 + 2717 = 2889
Another Edit: Some people I guess like the twisted corner to be in the back. TEG-2 A will Have the DBR corner twisted and TEG-2 B will have the DBL Corner Twisted
TEG-2 A+ Back (43 Algs)
TEG-2 B+ Back (43 Algs)
43x2 = 86
So all this CLL crap is 2975 Algs, STILL LESS THAN 1LLL ON 3x3