So last night my friend told me to try a challenge she invented. You have to try and solve a 3x3 without turning the cube, and instead by moving the pieces around by taking two pieces out of the cube. The rules are like this:
- You should use beginner method/cfop to solve
- You must choose what...
I've been out of cubing 'competitively' for a few years now, and still have my collection. I would estimate right now before I've done any totaling that I spent well over $1,000+ on my collection and they rarely ever see daylight anymore. I've been strongly considering selling at least a good...
Hey guys, can you help me fill in this survey? It's for my HKDSE SBA project.
English version:
Chinese version:
The questions might be a bit complicated, so just try your best, every response counts! No pressure.
I want to dye the yellow side of the yuxin squan black and i'm not sure how to do it while keeping the feel of the plastic the same. I have considered rit dye.
since I have not found any Algorithm-Doc for Full Last Layer on Kilominx, i created my own. I got 73 of the total 196 algs, I tried to use a lot of already existing OLLCP/ZBLL-Algs, but I also discovered some on my own. Currently I am running out of ideas for Algs, therefore I'd be very...
So I need some help recreating a solve. Here is the scramble: R2 B R2 B' L2 R2 B' U2 B L2 U2 R' U B L' B2 D' U B2 L F'
It had an X-cross (yellow) which went as follows: y R' U F R' D2. It solves the green/orange pair in the BL slot. The F2L is what I need help recreating. The OLL was R U2' R2' F...
A few days again I was timing and I was getting all low 20 secs and today I have started timing and keep getting low 20 secs and low 30 secs. Any ideas on how to stay at one speed range?
(ON 3X3)
Trying to solve the middle layer. Everyone keeps saying there are only 3 possible scenarios: 1)top layer edge needs to move right diagonal 2)top layer edge needs to move left diagonal 3)edge piece in middle layer is correct bug backwards. I have a 4th scenario, though, and don't know how to...
I just bought a 42mm ZhanChi and the tensions were wonky, so I retensioned it and apparently I messed with the red side so much that now I cant use it with a screwdriver (circle) and all of the sides are fine except that one side that turns like a dollar store cube. I need to fix it by...
Please read before posting
I'm making this thread for all of those ideas you have that are interesting, yet are not fully developed. This is a place to post them. I have come up with many ideas and didn't want to post a new thread for every one of them when most don't get very far. Perhaps if...
I recently got an 8x8x8 Shenshou cube and I've managed to solve all the centers but the last two, and I'm having a hard time understanding how to solve these last two centers. Unless someone has solved an 8x8x8 and can tell me that it's markedly different from solving the 7x7x7's edges...
Hello everybody...I have had the TomZ plus mf8 for quite a while now...and have just learnt how to solve it...almost...I can solve every part easily except for the parity...can someone please help me with the parity...I know all the algs, I just don't know how to use them correctly (for the...
Err...well....i started learning the 5x5 about a week ago. i learned how to do the centers really easily. however, when i got to the pairing up tredges, i didnt understand a thing. would anybody care to help? i also checked the other websites and i didnt help much unfortunately.
3x3 13.68 Average of 5 - Tips and Reconstruction Appreciated
This was shot right after a 12.52 average of 12, but of course the second I turn on the camera I get 13's. Considering that I average around 13 right now, this is a pretty normal solving for me. I would appreciate some tips or...
I am traveling to downtown Chicago soon and I was wondering if anyone knows of anywhere in Chicago inn which there is a physical cube shop. Any help would be appreciated!
I can solve the rubik's cube layer by layer starting with the white cross and so on. My current average is 1 minute 17 seconds. I have been practicing for about 1 year. I would like to get into speed cubing. There are so many websites for the speed cubing and they are lengthy, and confusing. I...
Hi this will be a thread on any modded cubes you have. You can share pictures here too.
I'll start w/ an "elite" I just made.
Here are my mods.
Keep clicking on next to see the other pics.
cube4you gigaminx
dayan core
dayan cube
dayan guhong v2
ghost hand
ghost hand ii
guhong v2
rubiks cube
sand paper
shengen f2
type f
type f2
Hey guys, im still relatively new to cubing ( 2 months ) and i have purchased a white Guhong from icubemart. I love it, however there seems to be a slight problem. No matter how loose, or how tight i adjust the tension screws, the tension doesn't change. The white and yellow sides are so lose...