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can you create a 3bld method where you solve the corners and than the edges after?

The correct answer is that any method that solves corners and edges separately can be done in either order. The only thing you need to do is use a different parity alg.
I thought of a neat 4x4 idea:
- Start by solving two opposite centres
- Finish the cross and other four centres
- Solve three F2L pairs (not triplets). No reduction step necessary
- Use <R,U,u> moves to pair up the LL edges while orienting them (may require some awkward F moves) to get a cross on top, making use of the FR slot. Could OPA help here?
- Solve the four remaining "equator" edges and solve LS
- OCLL+PLL (+PLL parity) or COLL+4x4 EPLL
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Here's what you've all been waiting for (I can guarantee that if it you saw a shooting star this would be what you would wish for), a direct solving 4x4 method that's speedsolving viable!

The steps are pretty simple and mirror CFOP/Zipper relatively well, there are 0 steps that reduce the cube to a 3x3. Also uses comms but equally could be used without a knowledge of them.

Step 1: Opposite centres with one that is your D colour, exactly the same as Yau.
Step 2: 3 cross edges, exactly the same as Yau.
Step 3: Last 4 centres, exactly the same as Yau.
Step 4: Final cross edge, exactly the same as Yau. (You could also pair up an F2L edge in the exact same way as Yau).
Step 5: F2L-1. This isn't the same as Yau. You solve the D corner and the wing that forms the F2L pair.
The way you recognise if the wing is the second or third layer wing is by firstly determining its orientation. If it is orientated (using ZZ rules) and is the final wing (going clockwise on U, F or B) out of the two on its dedge, it is the F2L wing. If it is bad and is the first one, it is the F2L wing. You could also use trial and error to develop a sense of knowing.
Step 6: Keyhole in 3 3rd layer edges by using the empty slot.
If the final slot is in FR, you can do Uw* to move the place you insert your wing to FR then you can insert the wing like any 3 move insert. Repeat for the other 2.
You can use R U R' F' R' F R to flip the wing from RFd to FRu.
Step 7: Finish F2L.
Step 8: CLL.
Step 9: L9W (last 9 wings). In this step you use either comms or intuition (and a parity alg when necessary) to solve the final 9 wings.
Using the base comms of [L u L', U*] and [y/Uw: [R' u' R, U*]], along with sledges/inserts, you can solve the wings fully intuitively (along with a parity alg). If you want to optimise it further, read the (extremely clear) Google doc linked. I'm going to make a video and I'll go most in depth into this step.
Obviously, the first 4 steps are exactly the same, so we can discount them.
Steps 5 and 7 are equal to F2L in Yau.
CLL is approximately equal to OLL.
Now we're left with 2 steps: F3L-1+L9W compared to PLL and 3-2-3 edge pairing. I would, at a guess, say that they're almost equal but it is definitely a lot harder to quantify. At the very worst, this method will only be a bit slower than Yau, but best case scenario it is slightly faster.
Parity is worse in this method than OLL by a very small amount but you don't have 2 parity algs to watch out for. Parity in this method is a lot more obvious than PLL parity too, so this would help a little bit to balance out any differences if it is worse.
Steps 1-4: Yau cross.
Step 5: F2L-1
Step 6: Keyhole in edges to give F(N-1)L-1.
Step 7: F2L
Step 8: Use K4 style F3L to finish the wings up to and including the edge (on a 5x5 this is inserting just the edge, on 6x6 it's the wing and on 7x7 it's the wing and the edge).
Step 9: CLL
Step 9b: ELL on odd layered cubes.
Step 10: L9W for each remaining layer.
Here's my Google doc with all the parity algs needed and an example solve. It also has some clarification for the final step and is very much a rough thing. Note that if you want a Hoya start instead, you can.

Any ideas to improve welcome! Also having people try this method out would be great too.

It sounds similar to this (but you obviously take it a slightly different way post F2L-1). It would be cool to see these kinda methods being used more.
Extending my ""method"" (though this idea can also be used with Z4, 4trus, OBLBL or any other 4x4 method that enforces EO before getting to LL).
1. Get to EOF2L, ignoring OLL parity
2. COLL, preserving the flipped edge if it is present.
3. 3x3 EPLL, OLL parity and PLL parity all done in a single alg.

Guaranteed 2LLL every solve. I will count how many algs this takes with pen and paper. Should not be too many