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r2 for 4bld is a lot like M2 for 3bld. So learning M2 first will help you have an easier time.
M2 used to be THE intermediate edges method, but isn't as much anymore because it uses a bad buffer.
r2 for 4bld is a lot like M2 for 3bld. So learning M2 first will help you have an easier time.
M2 used to be THE intermediate edges method, but isn't as much anymore because it uses a bad buffer.
Wait if M2 is bad now what's the best intermediate method for edges (I'm learning bld and want to switch to one as soon as I'm comfortable with OP)
M2 used to be THE intermediate edges method, but isn't as much anymore because it uses a bad buffer.
I disagree. There are many people who are Sub-30 currently and only use M2/OP. Orozco isn't really that much better from M2. If you are planning to be advanced, instead of learning Orozco, you could go straight into 3-Style.
Wait if M2 is bad now what's the best intermediate method for edges (I'm learning bld and want to switch to one as soon as I'm comfortable with OP)
Still M2. It's just that some pro BLDers recommend jumping straight into 3-Style now instead of switching buffers until you are good, then switching again.
Orozco is often recommended for Corners, not that much for edges, although it is viable for some that don't want to put in the whole effort for Full commutators.

I disagree. There are many people who are Sub-30 currently and only use M2/OP.
So you disagree with the general consensus because the Suboptimal method is still good? It's not like what I said is an opinion, it's how the community shifted.
Back in like 2013-2015 I remember DF 3-Style edges being used by some that came from M2 but you don't hear about it that much today either.
If you want to get good in BLD, use M2/OP, if you want to make it big, jump into 3-Style.
im beginning to get interested in blind solving, what blind tutorials and methods do you recommend?
I started with 2BLD from J-perm's tutorial, because it explains the general blindsolving method much better than in his 3BLD tutorial(in my opinion). 2BLD can be annoying since 2x2s have no centers and this complicates things , so I would recommend just using "corners only" scrambles from CSTimer.

Once you get comfortable with 2BLD, you should learn from J-perm's 3BLD tutorial.

This is what I did, but alternatively I've also heard good things about Charlie Eggins' 3BLD tutorial, so it might be worth checking out.

Good luck!