So, yeah I have been recently learning 3 styles method of Blindfold solving and more than likely going for a software developer career. So, I just wanted to see if there is anyone out there who know both( Blinding and coding) and give some insights on the comparison of the " difficulty level" in...
Hey everyone, I'm trying to solve the 2x2 blindfolded, but I dont know any tutorials, and I want to know the best and fastest method to do it.
Also, do they still do 2x2 BLD in competition? Thanks!!!
Well I've been learning about blindsolving (old pochmann) for quite a while, getting some of the techniques down before I actually attempted a blindsolve. I finally decided to try it out and this was the result. Failure (obviously) but not bad I suppose. I think I must have messed up some of the...
Use this thread for short BLD questions.
(I was looking for it but did not see one, if there is? please let me know and I merge).
Well, my question, TuRBo, is it only a edge method or did anyone develop the same for corners?
(I'm looking at it atm, this is...