multi bld

  1. V

    This competition has been canceled

    Competition for blind and multi blind. 2blind, 3blind, 4x4 blind, 5x5 blind, and multiblind. Competitor limit of 15, PM for registration. I don’t think I’ll make that limit, but yeah. There will be 1 round. 9 people
  2. highnickk

    100/100 2x2 Multiblind Progress Thread

    I want to have a multi blind world record, and 2x2 blindfolded is relatively easy. Also, the best result I saw anywhere is 6/6. I´m taking an incredibly ambitious journey to get 100/100 2x2 multi blind success. I´ll update everyone when I get a new best or something important happens. So far, I...
  3. C

    Good letter pair images for these pairs?

    I need good letter pair IMAGES for AV, AD, BJ, CQ, CX, DI, DN, EC, EH, GU The list of letter pairs on speedsolving wiki doesn't have good ones for all pairs.
  4. Meneghetti

    [Unofficial] 12/12 MBLD 55:23.58[41:35.13] (Diego Meneghetti)

    This was my 6th attempt with 12 cubes. Finally got it all right :D In two weeks I'll be trying this in a competition!
  5. Kenneth

    [Help Thread] Blindsolving Discussion and Help

    Use this thread for short BLD questions. (I was looking for it but did not see one, if there is? please let me know and I merge). -------------------------- Well, my question, TuRBo, is it only a edge method or did anyone develop the same for corners? (I'm looking at it atm, this is...