The idea : on the nth day of March, solve n cubes MBLD style.
So on the 1st, 1 cube
On the 2nd, 2 cubes
On the 3rd, 3 cubes …
Depending on your level/motivation, you can :
- do the whole marathon as described above
- do a half marathon (either end the challenge on the 15th or restart at 1 cube...
A couple of days I do my best attempt in Multi-Blind (12/13 in 44:13), now, I'm trying to do 17/17, but I don't know how to improve my memo system, I do it like that:
1-3 memo
1-3 Review
4-6 memo
4-6 review
1-6 review
7-9 memo
7-9 review
10-12 memo
10-12 review
7-12 review
1-12 review
I wanted to see whether there was any correlation between the success rates of 3bld, 4bld and mbld solvers. I wasn't sure if there was any website to perform that type of database query, so I got a bit carried away with making semi-manual spreadsheets.
Only successful solves and DNFs are...
Welcome to the Race To Sub-X for BLD!
This race thread works similarly to the other Race threads. Every week on Tuesday, I will post 5 scrambles for 3BLD. You set a Sub-X goal, and if your average is below that goal, you have met it, and that week is a success. Three successful weeks in a row...
So recently I've picked up programming again, and started learning Python. I am doing Delphi at school but I don't intend on using it after school really. I've had an idea for a program, just something small, that can work out your average exec, memo and total /cube for a multiblind attempt...
The goal of this thread is to add 5 cubes to your MBLD result in a month. I think that the problem right now with MBLD is that most people are too lazy to practice, so hopefully this thread will motivate some people, including me, to practice some multi. The only requirements are that you can do...
Use this thread for short BLD questions.
(I was looking for it but did not see one, if there is? please let me know and I merge).
Well, my question, TuRBo, is it only a edge method or did anyone develop the same for corners?
(I'm looking at it atm, this is...