old pochmann

  1. BirdCubing

    How to get better at 3BLD (Sub-2)

    Ok, I have learned M2/OP I now average 5-7 minutes on average How do I improve with this I want to get it down to under 2/3 So I think that some of my weaknesses are that I probably don't execute as fast And I could try to do my memo faster in some way Are there tips that I could do to get down...
  2. Timona

    [3BLD] Old Pochmann Dilemma

    I rewatched JPerm's Old Pochmann video from 5 years ago and I'm a little confused. The way I remember OP for corners, the swapping alg is (R U' R' U') R U R' F' (R U R' U') R' F R. According to his video, the buffer piece is UBL and you swap with E (according to Speffz) with V of DFR. But the...
  3. teboecubes

    How I Solve A Rubik's Cube BLINDFOLDED 🤯 | #shorts

  4. T

    Can someone give me a list of all pieces and the letters they correspond to in Old Pochmann?

    Hi! I'm just getting back into speedcubing and I decided to try and learn how to solve the cube blindfolded. I know how it works, I'm just not familiar with the letters yet. Would someone be able to send me a list of all of the piece letters for corners? For example, I know edges are: AQ BM CI...
  5. MrMan

    Need help with Old Pochmann corners

    Hello guys, I'm having trouble with old pochmann corners. A lot of time the buffer piece goes back into his position so I have to swap it with an other piece and then the buffer piece comes back in his position (or after a second corner has been placed). And it makes me 10-14 swap long corner...
  6. A

    Help me with BLD edges!

  7. R

    Old Pochmann Flipped Edges

    Hi all, I'm learning full Old Pochmann, (edges and corners), and watched Zane's tutorial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idRv29MhQ74) on how to do it. But I'm still confused about flipped edges. I mean, in his tutorial, he briefly says that you shoot to both stickers. I get that part, but what I...
  8. antoineccantin

    [Unofficial] 1:11.04 3BLD (M2/OP) - Antoine Cantin

    Memo: 37 (corner: 22 and edge 15), execution: 34 (edge 15+3 and corner 14).
  9. B

    First Time Blindsolving a 3x3

    Well I've been learning about blindsolving (old pochmann) for quite a while, getting some of the techniques down before I actually attempted a blindsolve. I finally decided to try it out and this was the result. Failure (obviously) but not bad I suppose. I think I must have messed up some of the...
  10. cubeflip

    2x3x3 Blindfolded Tutorial

    How to solve a 2x3x3 cube blindfolded using Old Pochmann! Algs-- Y Perm: (R U') (R U') (R U R) D' (R U R) U' R D R Edges: R U2 R U2 R U2 Scramble: R2 F2 B2 U2 F2 B2 U' F2 B2 L2 U L2 F2 U' F2 B2 R2 F2 U B2 U2 F2 U F2 B2 L2 U2 R2 L2 F2 B2 L2
  11. Kenneth

    [Help Thread] Blindsolving Discussion and Help

    Use this thread for short BLD questions. (I was looking for it but did not see one, if there is? please let me know and I merge). -------------------------- Well, my question, TuRBo, is it only a edge method or did anyone develop the same for corners? (I'm looking at it atm, this is...