
  1. SpeedCubingLord

    Best Blind Tutorial

    Hey guys I have decided to learn 3BLD. But what is the best tutorial? The JPerm tutorial doesn't make the most sense to me... So yeah where should I learn?
  2. Puzzle Maniac

    [NR] James Macdiarmid 19.57 3BLD single

    Hugely deserved Sub-20 after a 20.00 and a 20.01.
  3. BirdCubing

    How to get better at 3BLD (Sub-2)

    Ok, I have learned M2/OP I now average 5-7 minutes on average How do I improve with this I want to get it down to under 2/3 So I think that some of my weaknesses are that I probably don't execute as fast And I could try to do my memo faster in some way Are there tips that I could do to get down...
  4. Averageof12

    What Is Your 3BLD Main?

    What is your main cube for 3BLD? I use my GAN 356 M cuz I took the logo off, but it bad so I need a new main. Any suggestions?
  5. Gecko777

    Gecko777's 3BLD Progress

    Hi! I'm thinking of wanting to learn 3BLD and would appreciate any tips or anything that might help me before i start learning it. I am planning on Old Pochmann first.
  6. Curunír

    Curunír's 3BLD progression thread | quitting 3bld :(

    12th of Jan 2024 I am trying to get sub-30 global in 3BLD and thought I might share my progress here. first my journey so far. I started 3-BLD on the 17 of august 2023 with op/op. my first success was 4 days later. I reached a sub-1 minute single in 7 weeks using m2/op. I also just got a sub-30...
  7. MasterCj

    Looking for 3BLD coach

    Hello! I currently average 50 sec - 1 minute using M2 / OP For the past year, I have been trying to learn 3 style using EVERY single tutorial out there on the internet, but I am struggling very badly! I even tried to learn Orozco to bridge the gap, but that was challenging for me to learn as...
  8. Curunír

    Apantasiac 3BLDers

    I have aphantasia (no minds eye) and do 3BLD. I'm curious how many other 3BLDers there are with aphantasia,
  9. C

    [3BLD CEEC] how to train memo retention for corners

    In CEEC, one would usually use PAO (or something similar) to memorize corners, then do audio on edges, solve edges quickly, then move back to corners at last. I use this approach and have trouble to retain the memory on corners after solving edges, or to be specific, the very first letter...
  10. DVD Cuber

    Move from OP to 3-Style

    I started 3bld this month, i learned OP but my question is Is posible to move from OP to 3-Style? any other method recomendation?
  11. Timona

    [3BLD] Old Pochmann Dilemma

    I rewatched JPerm's Old Pochmann video from 5 years ago and I'm a little confused. The way I remember OP for corners, the swapping alg is (R U' R' U') R U R' F' (R U R' U') R' F R. According to his video, the buffer piece is UBL and you swap with E (according to Speffz) with V of DFR. But the...
  12. Llewelys

    March’s MBLD Marathon Challenge (MMM Challenge)

    The idea : on the nth day of March, solve n cubes MBLD style. So on the 1st, 1 cube On the 2nd, 2 cubes On the 3rd, 3 cubes … Depending on your level/motivation, you can : - do the whole marathon as described above - do a half marathon (either end the challenge on the 15th or restart at 1 cube...
  13. BLD (2020)

    BLD (2020)

    Doing BLD is hard but rewarding. This is a picture of me after doing a 2/2 MBLD attempt.
  14. teboecubes

    How I Solve A Rubik's Cube BLINDFOLDED 🤯 | #shorts

  15. eyeoh

    3bld/4bld/mbld official success rates comparison

    I wanted to see whether there was any correlation between the success rates of 3bld, 4bld and mbld solvers. I wasn't sure if there was any website to perform that type of database query, so I got a bit carried away with making semi-manual spreadsheets. Only successful solves and DNFs are...
  16. L

    3BLD buffers (transistion from OP to 3 style)

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post here so please tell me what I did wrong and I will correct it if I can... I am currently at around 1:30 in 3BLD using M2/OP (and a few EKA corner comms). For M2 I use the standard DF buffer and for OP/EKA corners I don't use UBR, but instead RBU like JPerm...
  17. S

    [Help Thread] 3x3 Blindfolded | Help Needed

    I started 3x3 blindfolded a month ago.. At that time I used old pochmann.. Now I have started to use orozco for corners but I don't what to do when there is parity(odd numver of edges and corner). please help me someone
  18. S

    3 Blind Method Debate Thread

    A thread to debate 3 Blind Methods. To preface, this thread will be mainly to debate intermediate blind methods ( e.g. Orozco, Eka, TuRBo, Ayam, ZBLD, Boomerang, etc. ), since there is an overwhelming general consensus that BH/3-Blind is the best method. Likewise it should be done looking at...
  19. S

    How to Memo Letter Pairs

    Hey Speedsolving, I'm starting to get into 3BLD now, and I decided to make a sheet for all of my terms for letter pairs, but I'm wondering how I could put those in my mind and remember them when doing solves? Thanks!
  20. FluxDigital01

    Race To Sub-X on BLD 2020

    Welcome to the Race To Sub-X for BLD! This race thread works similarly to the other Race threads. Every week on Tuesday, I will post 5 scrambles for 3BLD. You set a Sub-X goal, and if your average is below that goal, you have met it, and that week is a success. Three successful weeks in a row...