Hi everyone! I have been a cuber for almost 8 months now. I mostly solve my 3x3. But I can solve 2x2, 4x4, and a 5x5. I also like to solve my axel cube. It's one of my fav's. I wan to start a collection of twisty puzzles. Right now, my collection is still small, but growing!
My average on a...
Use this thread for short BLD questions.
(I was looking for it but did not see one, if there is? please let me know and I merge).
Well, my question, TuRBo, is it only a edge method or did anyone develop the same for corners?
(I'm looking at it atm, this is...
My names dylan and i like to solve the 3x3x3 alll the time even in lessons my best is a pathetic 49 seconds but after hard practice on my 2x2x2 i can now do the 2x2x2 in 12 seconds - i bet really good cubers will read and be like "what a noob" but i have not been cubing long and i am not as old...