
  1. BirdCubing

    How to get better at 3BLD (Sub-2)

    Ok, I have learned M2/OP I now average 5-7 minutes on average How do I improve with this I want to get it down to under 2/3 So I think that some of my weaknesses are that I probably don't execute as fast And I could try to do my memo faster in some way Are there tips that I could do to get down...
  2. A

    Why not to list all cycles of rubik's cube?

    Hello, every blindfolded cuber. I am here to offer you crazy idea. Why not to shoot 6M algs for 2 years? 3; 5; 7-cycles for Rubik's cube. Let me explain detailed calculations for 3; 5; 7 cycles: 3 - letters to permutate - every letter linked to 21 others, getting 21 algs, 21 set = 21×21 = 441...
  3. D

    I need blindfolded help.

    Recently I’ve been getting in to blindfolded solving. I am starting with 2x2 and working my way up. When I get a piece of paper and a 2x2, I can write down my moves and the letter pairs just fine, but I have a few questions that no tutorial can solve because all 2bld tutorials are from 2-4 yrs...
  4. yalesunivrasity

    Should I learn 2BLD first or jump strait to 3BLD?

    Should I learn to do 2BLD then do 3BLD or just go strait to solving 3BLD?
  5. yalesunivrasity

    Is it possible to get a 5 second solve with BLD method?

    Since times can already get close to sub-10 counting the inspection time, I think the execution time might be able to break the 5 second barrier and potentially get to near WR times. Tommy Cherry‘s 10 second BLD solve‘s execution time is already very close to 5 seconds. -I do not know how to do BLD
  6. CornerTwisted

    All WCA event discord servers

    OH solvers: BLD solvers: 2x2 solvers: 4x4+ solvers: Skewb solvers: Square-1 solvers: Pyraminx solvers...
  7. teboecubes

    How I Solve A Rubik's Cube BLINDFOLDED 🤯 | #shorts

  8. teboecubes

    I Broke Rubik's Cube World Records!

  9. ProyectoSigma

    U2 method, a way to go to 3-Style

    U2 was made by Orozco since 11 years ago, but in this moment there were inneficient algorithm. The idea behind U2 is to use it as a "Base method", with UF/UFR as the buffers, the mechanism is the same than M2 and R2,. Corners (Speffz) A: U2 B: [l' R' : [D2, R U R']] + U2 C: Buffer D: [R' D R...
  10. pepodiferente

    Why BLINDFOLDED is just AMAZING - Cubing Animated Video

    Why BLINDFOLDED is just AMAZING - Cubing Animated Video Hi, I made a video talking about Blindfolded and why this is an amazing WCA event. If enjoyed the video please like, share and subscribe. It helps a lot.
  11. teboecubes

    Solving 2x2 Mirror Blocks (and Solving it BLINDFOLDED)

  12. GAN 356 X

    [WR] Jeff Park - 18.18 3BLD wr mean

    Wow! I didn't expect Jack's WR average to be beaten so quickly! Congratulations to Jeff Park!
  13. Animaginarytale

    U2 Method v2

    I stumbled across an old thread talking about U2, an improvement to R2, which you all know is generally regarded as bad. The idea is similar, but you setup to UFR and use U2 to swap with UBL buffer instead. The problems with the older thread: Parity sucked Special cases sucked So I have...
  14. TipsterTrickster

    Solving a 3x3 Blindfolded on a unicycle!

    4 bld next? Also If you have any ideas on future challenges post them here!
  15. Meneghetti

    [Brazilian NR] 33.03 3BLD single (Diego Meneghetti)

    yay got it!! done @ Porto Alegre Open 2015 ~12.7 memo and ~20.3 execution There were 3 solved edges and 1 flipped corner! I'll post the scramble here soon. I had a 2s+ pause during 3rd corner commutator because I couldn't recall my alg for PW (speffz), which I had changed several times in...
  16. Meneghetti

    [Official] 40.40 3BLD single - Diego Meneghetti

    @ Brasilia Spring 2015 Lots of pauses during execution... but still a gj single for me! And this was my MBLD attempt: 13/18 58.07
  17. Meneghetti

    [Unofficial] 3BLD 38.79 avg12 / 32.67 avg5 (Diego Meneghetti)

    Tips? :)
  18. Meneghetti

    [Unofficial] 3BLD 47.79 avg12 - Diego Meneghetti

    Been practicing a lot these "safe but still sub-1" solves lately! That's the kind of solve I'll be trying to do in the first round at World's :) Average of 12: 47.79 (σ = 4.66) 1. 45.89 F L D B2 U' L' B2 R2 B2 R D2 L2 F B2 D2 B2 D2 F R2 D2 F 2. 41.93 U' L2 B2 L2 D2 F2 D B2 F2 L' F...
  19. Meneghetti

    [Unofficial] 3BLD 40.20 avg5 (Diego Meneghetti)

    3-style :) 37.98, 42.64, (35.35), (DNF(43.50)), 39.99 mo3: 38.66 (σ = 3.69) avg5: 40.20 (σ = 2.34)
  20. Meneghetti

    [Official] 54.84 3BLD single - Diego Meneghetti

    My first official sub-1 :) @ Brasilia Open 2015 (cubecomps) 3-style FTW!