Original discussion here: https://forum.artofmemory.com/t/application-of-memory-techniques-for-speedsolving/59340
Quoting Abendregen, "In speedcubing, we have Algorithms. An algorithm is a memorized sequence of moves that achieves something on the cube and that has to be done quickly. There are...
Hey Speedsolving, I'm starting to get into 3BLD now, and I decided to make a sheet for all of my terms for letter pairs, but I'm wondering how I could put those in my mind and remember them when doing solves? Thanks!
So I have a new memo method that Im planning to use (Im tired of using letters). The method goes as me imagining the cube in my mind, then in that cube, i put numbers on my target list. Is this categorized as visual method?
I wanted to present to you the method I'm using for edges memorization. It is an audio-based method that has the advantage of producing a very condensed audio sequence, and not requiring to translate the letters into words or images. You basically memorize just one long word composed of...
A few months ago I released BLD Memo Tool. Since then I have been working on BLD Memo Tools. It does everything that the original one did, and more.
Enter your own letter scheme, buffers, and many more settings (just the first time; bookmark the page to save your settings (no cookies))
I am making this forum because I fill their is very little information on how to memorize for turbo edges. So if you know anything about how to memorize for turbo please post on this thread. I'm hoping to make a big list to get more people to use turbo!
hello guys!
in this writing i want to share about my idea in memorization. the idea came up when i realized that my memorization time is so long it could take 5 minutes eventhough i am using visual memo.
and just a couple of days ago i found that letter-pair memo is really potential (i am...
okay, hi
i have just uploaded a video of me doing a multi bld solve ,2 cubes out of 2.
edges: m2
corners : old pochmann (need to change it but i cant lol)
memorization :
letters edges (one image of Person Action Object per 3 targets)
audio corners, with some visual
memo time ~15...
Use this thread for short BLD questions.
(I was looking for it but did not see one, if there is? please let me know and I merge).
Well, my question, TuRBo, is it only a edge method or did anyone develop the same for corners?
(I'm looking at it atm, this is...
Hi everybody,
I've been trying to learn Blindfold solving, and I did read couple online tutorials (One from cubefreak.net for example). The problem is, I have no idea what the tutorials are talking about and I haven't been able to learn anything so far.
How should I start off?