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Apr 3, 2021
Hi cube community.

I just started with 2 look OLL and PLL.

There is this 2 look OLL algo that i always mess up.

It is for the T orientation see image below

The algo is as follows r U R' U' r' F R F'

Now i wondered whether it might have something to do with the lower 'r'. I know in a 4x4 a non capital means the one on the inside. But what does it mean in this case? the middle? shouldn't it be called 'M' in that case?


Nov 9, 2020
London, England
It means a wide move, where you move the outer layer and the inner layer. If there is a prime than you would make the move in the direction that the outer layer would usually make. Eg. r' means to turn both the m and r slice down.
May 28, 2021
Hello. I am a cuber which finally reached sub 20 2 months ago. However, I finished learning all the OLL and PLL and am too lazy to learn ZBLL or Roux or anything else. It was at this point that I decided that i should try to improve my PLL algs. This thread is for people to get general advice on which PLLs to use.
Also, I feel like there shoulld be an updated PLL spreadsheet with alternate algs in case other cubers would like them which is why I made a google sheets. (will be added in an update)

Also, which alg do you use for Aa Perm? x R' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2 or l' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2?


Apr 4, 2021
Melbourne, Australia
For Aa I use the L2 D2 alg. I am kind of right hand dominant but can still get 0.8-0.9 on average with that algorithm. I do use a lot of lefty algs (probably about 10-12 lefty olls) but can get the 10 tps required fairly easily with that alg.

I want to know, how fast can you guys get at V Perm? I know zzoomer is sub 1 with every pll but everyone has different algs that they prefer for V perm.

And; F perm. This one will be **controversial** but F Perm is actually one of my preferred PLL’s. easy recog; rotationless and regripless algorithm, can get about 1.2 seconds on it, what’s not to like?

Again, maybe one of the weirder things about me: I like getting G perms and R perms. I’d kind of be prepared to call Rb Perm one of my favourite plls. The only bad G perm is the one that starts with F’ U’ F because of said F’ U’ F.

I’m not new to knowing full pll; I’m not old either, but I’ve had 6 months to be decent at recog and exec.

Edit: me and my friend are making an algorithm sheet which has some alternate plls and olls.


May 9, 2021
Playing chess
Visit Channel
I want to know, how fast can you guys get at V Perm? I know zzoomer is sub 1 with every pll but everyone has different algs that they prefer for V perm.

And; F perm. This one will be **controversial** but F Perm is actually one of my preferred PLL’s. easy recog; rotationless and regripless algorithm, can get about 1.2 seconds on it, what’s not to like?

I agree. Great recognition, fun alg (the one I use, at least), consistent. Sub 0.9-able

Again, maybe one of the weirder things about me: I like getting G perms and R perms. I’d kind of be prepared to call Rb Perm one of my favourite plls. The only bad G perm is the one that starts with F’ U’ F because of said F’ U’ F.

Yeah G perms are heavily underrated. It gains hate for no clear reason. They're average at worst. Gc is actually one of my favorite PLL's because i have the YTWB because it's fun. As for R perms, they're average imo.

I'm working on a PLL video where I show all my PLL algs and executions. I will share once I'm done making it!
May 28, 2021
If you want to get better I recommend focusing on improving f2l and look ahead. I am sub 20 and only know beginner oll and pll Though I do know some more pll's I am not fast enough with them to use in solves yet.
Thanks @CFOP INC for that. Maybe will come back to this thread after I improve my times a bit. (I don't time many of my solves)

Also zzoomer which RUD V Perm is that?