
  1. qwr

    Speedcubedb F2L numbering

    Can anyone confirm the F2L case numbering is different from the usual SS wiki F2L numbering? https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php?title=First_Two_Layers Idk if the wiki one is standard, but it seems to be the most widespread https://www.speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/F2L/F2L_39 Also I am...
  2. gedikli

    I cerated a website for all CFOP algs, Which may help you.

    I created a website which may help you. It includes All Rubik's Cube Algorithms at Cubingle! Hey everyone! I wanted to share something cool with all the Rubik's Cube enthusiasts here! 🎉 I've just launched a new website called cubingle.com, where I've compiled all the algorithms you need to...
  3. Hugo

    Hey guys im learning F2L right now and im transitioning from beginners method to CFOP!

    Can you please give me tips on how to practice F2L?
  4. CR4FT3RTW0CUB35

    NATHANAEL'S PROGRESSION THREAD, GOING FOR SUB 20 ON 3X3, sub-5 on 2x2 and more

    I recently learned F2L and I wanna get some tips to achieve sub 20 average FEEL FREE TO BE BRUTALLY HONEST (NOT TOO BRUTAL) AND SHARE WHATEVER TIPS YOU HAVE 😁
  5. Discomantis

    How do I stop trying to do keyhole

    So ever since I learned keyhole I have this habit of doing it every single time I see an edge/corner solved in a slot and I will not solve any other pair if I see that. This often causes me to be in a very bad situation where it is impossible to tell where the corner is without rotating. I don't...
  6. S

    Is there an alogirthm to say a corner or an edge can be determined?

    In a 3x3x3 cube solving process, using cfop method, cross and 2 or 3 slots have been solved, and you can only see three faces of the cube(normally front right, and top), according to current information you get, is there a programming algorithm to say a corner or an edge can be determined or...
  7. Discomantis

    Need help differentiating two similar f2l cases

    So I recently learned advanced f2l and I am having trouble with the case where the white sticker on the corner is facing up and the edge is on top and they are split. I don't know a fast way to pair them up without moving the edge to its corresponding center to figure out which algorithm to use...
  8. Timona

    What's the Easiest Way to Plan First Pair?

    Title says it all. I cant grasp Cubeskills' way of tracking both the edge and the corner at the same time. I've tried it and most times I've even messed up cross. And during competitions, 15 seconds isnt going to be enough for all that so i just want a way that's short and simple and easy to master
  9. patricKING

    New F2L sheet – need help

    Hey! Trying to keep this as short as possible. I've developed a new method for categorising F2L cases (or not really developed, but just figured out with help from others.) It will consist of two letters, where the first letter describes the dominant colour of the edge – that means the colour...
  10. F2L Algsheet (2018)

    F2L Algsheet (2018)

    Taken on a different SD card from the PLL algsheet image, the F2L algsheet really helped me to learn F2L. I took a picture when I was learning F2L for easy reference.
  11. patricKING

    My website Speedcubism

    This is going to be the official place where I discuss ideas, and update my site. Everything I have posted before have led here. The link is: shorturl.at/bejwE I also need some help in making the site. If there is somebody who would like to help, but doesn't know anything about websites, I...
  12. teboecubes

    3x3 Rubik’s Cube F2L Case TIER LIST

  13. Existential Shrimp

    Easy 5 Move Multislotting Trick

    read the description :>
  14. Nir1213

    Nir1213's Quest to Sub-20 with CFOP!

    This is a thread where i practice and learn cases and algs to get to sub 40. Right now i learned intuitive f2l but i also need help and tips with it. so now i have this problem where i see that before i learned intuitive f2l i had a 40 second average on f2l, so i went to learn intuitve f2l to...
  15. Existential Shrimp

    How To Make This Case SUPER EASY! | F2L Trick

    If you enjoyed, or it helped, then please leave a like and subscribe for more f2l tricks!
  16. Existential Shrimp

    How To Easily Do This TERRIBLE F2L Case!

    Please leave a like and subscribe if it was helpful. :) Thanks!
  17. S

    [Help Thread] Help!!!

    Help !! I need your feedback and some help I just got my first Sub-30 i usually avg 35-40 seconds I need some f2l tips i take abt 25 seconds for f2l and abt 5 seconds for oll and pll. I look for pieces all around the cube and do lots of cube rotations.How do i reduce this?? Pls HELP And i am...
  18. H.E's a cuber


    Hey guys! I made a video on the advanced F2L algs that are worth learning. Give it a watch and tell me what you think about it. Thanks!
  19. teboecubes

    4 Tips For Getting Faster At 3x3 (Sub-20 / Sub-15)

  20. teboecubes

    4 Tips For Getting Faster At 3x3 (Sub-20 / Sub-15)
