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Question: What is Reloading in F2L like what Brian Sun is doing in this video:

Reload is when you reset a finger to do a turn. For example, after doing a U' turn with your left index, your finger isn't exactly in place to do another U' (unless you want to do eido). So you have to reload if you want to do another U' with left index.
Question: What is Reloading in F2L like what Brian Sun is doing in this video:

Reloading is when you have to move a finger back to its starting place, to do the same finger trick once again. Most notably if you were to do something like U' U', no doubleflick or eido - just two consecutive U's. You'd likely reload your left index finger.

It'll go like this - finger behind the UBL (up back left) corner, U', your finger is now next to UFL corner, so you reload it back to UBL to do the next U'
Hi - I see the OOL/PLL last layer algs. Is there an alternative algorithm set where you perm/orientate edges in alg 1 then perm/orientate corners in alg 2? Or does this turn out to be a bad choice in reality?
Hi - I see the OOL/PLL last layer algs. Is there an alternative algorithm set where you perm/orientate edges in alg 1 then perm/orientate corners in alg 2? Or does this turn out to be a bad choice in reality?
There is something similar called cfce. It is like cfop but does corners, then edges, not edges, then corners.
Hi - I see the OOL/PLL last layer algs. Is there an alternative algorithm set where you perm/orientate edges in alg 1 then perm/orientate corners in alg 2? Or does this turn out to be a bad choice in reality?
It's barely okay for FMC, but pretty bad for speedsolving. You might want to look into LLEF and L4C. Most of the LLEF algs are quite fast/short, and the L4C algs are okay on average (most cases can be solved with one or two fast commutator algs). If I remember correctly, the average move count is a bit lower than OLL and PLL too.

However, LLEF's recognition is pretty awful. You cannot reliably determine the edge permutation just from looking at the edge stickers on three faces (top face + two adjacent sides); you'll have to either look at four faces, or also look at the corners. (Why do you have to look at the corner stickers to determine edge permutation? That's because the eight visible corner stickers always have enough information for you to determine the permutation parity, but the eight six visible edge stickers don't always. The parities of the edge pieces and of the corner pieces are always the same, so knowing one tells you the other.)

(L4C recognition is the same as ZBLL/ZZLL recognition, except with fewer cases so it's a bit easier. Mostly the same thing, and it's not too bad once you practise it enough.)

LLEF+L4C is also very bad on big cubes, where you have to deal with PLL parity. If you solve the edges early and you find that you have PLL parity, you end up having to swap opposite edges, then fixing the edges again, then finally solving L4C for real. (Side note: This is a problem that also afflicts many beginner last layer methods that solve the edges in multiple steps, then solve the corners in multiple steps.)
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I recently got a new 3x3 cube. I forget the brand but will include a pic of the logo. I can solve 3x3 sub 30 but after I scrambled it I couldn't. I went through all of the methods of seeing if I accidentally twisted a corner to no avail. I put it through grubiks solver but it said It couldn't solve because of a corner twist, but I tested it for corner twists and found none. What should I do?


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I recently got a new 3x3 cube. I forget the brand but will include a pic of the logo. I can solve 3x3 sub 30 but after I scrambled it I couldn't. I went through all of the methods of seeing if I accidentally twisted a corner to no avail. I put it through grubiks solver but it said It couldn't solve because of a corner twist, but I tested it for corner twists and found none. What should I do?
It would help if you showed a picture of the unsolved part of your cube
It has been a long time since I realised that my H perm doesn’t ALWAYS work, sometimes after a do it a get a Z perm situation.
My Alg: M2 U M2 U2 M2 U M2
Pls help 🥹🥹🥹
Hmmm. That alg should work, and becasue H perm is completely symmetrical, you can do the alg from any side. The only reason I can think that you get a Z perm is that you turned too fast and messed up somewhere in the middle, accidentally getting a Z perm.
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