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Eli Apperson

Mar 15, 2021
Las Vegas, NV
Visit Channel

First sub-2:00 single on Megaminx!

The Dayan makes Megamix so enjoyable, I think it's now my favorite event over 6x6.

LL was really lucky, EO1 to CO7 finishing with a Ua-perm.
Congrats! When did you get the Dayan?


Nov 25, 2021
Visit Channel
sub 8 3x3 single

Generated By csTimer+ on 2021-12-28
single: 7.38

Time List:
1. 7.38 U2 R2 D' L2 U' B2 D L2 U' L D' L D B L2 F2 U R F'



L' F' B2 U' R' F2//cross

U y' R U R'//first pair

R' U' R U R' U2 R//second pair

y' R U2 R' U' L' U L//third pair

U2 y L' U L//fourth pair

U' l' U l2 U' l2 U' l2 U l'//oll/ pll skip
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2006
My 2021 accomplishments:
  • APB - A new, very competitive method / system. As evidenced in this post.
  • NBRS - Added block referencing to our standard notation. Also, with a lot of help from a few others, developed a way to describe cube states.
  • ACRM - A new recognition method that works for CxLL, NMCxLL, and Conjugated CxLL (CCLL). tsmosher created a document for the recognition method.
  • Got Nautilus settled into its primary variants and grew a Discord server for the method.
  • MI4 big cube method.
  • Ætherman 3x3 method.
  • Helped solve the Briggs / YruRU / Noah's CP Block debate. The full method is now called CEOR.
  • Developed iterative L7E EO for 42 and other methods.


Dec 23, 2021
Behind you
i got my first sub 18 average! 17.84 ( i average mid 19s) and in that same average i got a 14.07 my new pb single! (almost sub 14!!)


Oct 12, 2010
Just solved my new face- turning Starminx (yay for late Christmas presents!) with minimal help. I used a tutorial but only for tips on what order to do things in. After I got the next step, I paused the video and worked on getting that next step done on my own. It was a challenge and took me all day, but I had a lot of fun figuring things out. I'm looking forward to giving it another shot tomorrow.
I had state auditions for choir today and I hadn't made it so I was pretty bummed out for the whole day. I was cubing to try and calm myself down and I realized that I got 2 sub 10s in a row. The next solve was a low 10 so I knew it was going to be a good average. The next solve ended up being a high 13, so to get a pb, I had to get a really fast time. I managed to get a 9.72 which led to a 9.90 ao5; my first ever sub 10 average. I'm still in shock. It took me over 3 years to get to this point and I'm very satisfied.

Generated By csTimer on 2022-01-08
avg of 5: 9.907

Time List:
1. (9.650) D2 R B2 F2 R2 D2 R F2 L' R2 U' F L2 U R' F2 L2 U' F
2. 9.680 D' L' B U2 L2 B2 L' U' B U F2 R2 U R2 U2 R2 U F2 L2 B2
3. 10.320 D L2 B2 U R2 B2 D R2 D' B2 F2 D' L' F' R2 D2 B D2 R2 F D'
4. (13.980) B2 L D' F' R' F' U' R2 F' R' B2 L F2 U2 R D2 R' D2 F2 D2 R2
5. 9.720 U' F2 U F2 U' L2 U2 R2 U L2 F' U F R' B D2 F' R F' U2


Dec 23, 2021
Behind you
I just broke a bunch of pbs! 2X2 i got a pb average of 4.29 and a really great single of 1.85 (it was more like a 1.50 but I missed the spacebar, also I use Ortega), a pb pyraminx average of 7.90 (i use lbl) a pb 4x4 average of 1.45 minutes and a pb 4x4 single of 1.21 minutes. So I'm really happy with this, i got a pb average and single in all the events i do with a few exceptions (no 3x3 pbs, but i got a pb single and average a few days ago, scroll up. And no pyraminx single, but i did get a pretty good 5 second solve in that average)
Mar 16, 2016
First time getting all four pairs in inspection? kinda sorta?

D2 B2 L2 B' D2 B' L2 B' D2 U2 F2 R2 D' F' D B U R' D R F

white cross is very easy, just y' z2 in inspection, then L D' R' D2. blue/red and blue/orange pairs are obvious, U R U' R' inserts blue/orange without disturbing blue/red, which I could insert with r' F U' R U M. I also saw that the green/orange edge piece would end up in the back left slot, and traced the corner to the front left with a L U L2 U' L insert. (recreating the solve now it turns out I didn't even trace it correctly but I traced it so incorrectly it actually ended up in that spot anyway. Neat.) Anyway turns out that after the first two pairs, green/red, the only pair I didn't plan for, ended up as a three mover after the first two pairs... that you insert with L U L'. Which I was doing anyway for green/orange.

Anyway I finished F2L sub 6 with a lot of lock-ups (my cube is still super tight because that's the only way I can control it until I bother to buy some new lube) and with a lot of insecurities about my planned solution, got super excited, and messed up the OLL algorithm and ended up with a 16. (I average mid 13.)