Another Idea for ZZ-d
Hi everyone.
I don't post often in this thread, although I'm a ZZ user, but I don't think this random idea deserved a new thread.
A few weeks ago I decided to find my own approach to the so-called "missing link", that is to say permuting the corners while finishing the Left Block (or the Right Block) to put yourself in a < R, U > move group.
I found a method which is mostly intuitive: it requires only two 5-moves algorithms.
I didn't make any image to explain this, mainly because I don't know any easy way to do it, and I didn't want to learn one only for this. To simplify, I named the corners this way:
FRD: 1
RBD: 2
URF: 3
UFL: 4
UBR: 5
ULB: 6
I use the number to refer both to positions and corner, so I might say "corner 1 and 2" or "position 3".
Obviously, corners orientation doesn't matter at all, so if I say "place corner X in position Y" I mean you can place it there with any orientation.
My approach works after finishing the first block (which in my explanation will be the Right Block).
Now, to the method, which is divided in two very easy steps:
Step 1: Place corners 1 and 2
This step is supa-easy and supa-fast: you simply have to place corners 1 in either position 1 or 2, and the corner 2 in the remaining D-layer position. To make it short, place the D-layer corners in the D-layer (either placed correctly or swapped).
This can be easily looked-ahead while finishing the right block. Back when i thought of it, I also did some brute-force math:
Average: 1.8
Worst Case: 3
Average: 2.4
Worst Case: 4
Step 2: Actually permute corners
Now the tricky part: you have to recognize the U-layer corners permutation. It can be one of 3 cases: permuted correctly, orizontal swap or diagonal swap.
Combining this 3 cases with the 2 possibilities of the D-layer (corners permuted or swapped) you have a total of 6 cases.
I use this code:
N = corners of the U-layer permuted correctly
O = corners of the U-layer off by an orizontal swap
D = corners of the U-layer off by a diagonal swap
n = corner of the D-layer placed correctly
s = corners of the D-layer swapped.
So for example Ns means that the corners of the U-layer are ok while the 2 corners of the D-layer are swapped.
Case 1 and 2: Nn and Ds
Nothing to do, Yay!
Case 3 and 4: On and Os
The algorithm to use here is L' U R U' L
For the case Ns place the two swapped corners in positions 3 and 5, use the alg, and here you go.
For the other one, place the swapped corners of the U-layer in positions 4 and 6, use the alg, and here you go.
Case 5 and 6: Dn and Ns
The algorithm is L' U R2 U' L
The position of the U-layer is irrelvant. Yay!
I did some math also here and, not counting the AUFs, the moves this step requires are:
Average: 25/6 (~4.167)
Worst Case: 5
Average: 13/3 (~4.333)
Worst Case: 6
Average: 179/30 (~5.967)
Worst Case: 8
Average: 101/15 (~6.733)
Worst Case: 10
-Mostly intuitive
-8 moves... let's 9 with the AUF it's, in my opinion, a good price for a 2GLL
-Recognition it's still a pain. I don't know if will be any suitable for speedsolving.
-If you're used to solve the 2 blocks together, building one first and then the other one can be unexpectedly slower.
I played with this approach for a while, but I didn't get any nice result. I will try to improve with it, maybe with OH, but I'm not very optimist. If someone else wants to try, please tell me if you find it somehow nice or a total crap.