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The Truth About Corner Cutting

Can you show me a post of this? Just wondering.

This was the thread that compelled me to make the video.

Corner cutting (8.7/10) : Because the cube (like most other cubes) does not have backward corner cutting, it is a bit hard to adjust (when using the GuHong). The forward corner cutting can cube definitely over 40 degrees. Also, I think the corner cutting isn't effected very much, when tightened/loosened (mine is slightly loose)
What's everyone complaining about the tension for? "THE Type F-II Review" says tension doesn't "effect [sic]" corner cutting much.
Can you show me a post of this? Just wondering.

This was the thread that compelled me to make the video.

Corner cutting (8.7/10) : Because the cube (like most other cubes) does not have backward corner cutting, it is a bit hard to adjust (when using the GuHong). The forward corner cutting can cube definitely over 40 degrees. Also, I think the corner cutting isn't effected very much, when tightened/loosened (mine is slightly loose)
What's everyone complaining about the tension for? "THE Type F-II Review" says tension doesn't "effect [sic]" corner cutting much.

They are either joking, lying, stupid, or speaking without knowledge. One of those. Take a cube, tighten it all the way, can you corner cut? Then loosen all of the screws 2 full turns and try again. Can you corner cut? Now loosen all of the screws 2 more full turns and try again. Can you corner cut?

Wha? It's getter better?

Hypothesis: Tension of springs and tightness of screws does not affect corner cutting abilities.
Planned experiment: Use 1 cube (to keep data consistent) tighten screws all the way, test. Loosen all screws 2 turns. Test. Loosen all screw 2 more full turns. Test. Continue until hypothesis is proven or disproven.
Controlled Variable: Tension of springs and screws.
Possible human error: Ignorance.
To further prove correct or incorrect, try on multiple types of cube, F2, aV, Memory, A2 etc.

Results: For my experiments I ended up using 5 cubes (aV, F2, HMemory, A2, and GH2) and ended up loosening them all 6 full turns (2 per test). All of them got remarkably better at corner cutting. This does not take into consideration popping, which is a result of loosening the cube too much (usually).

Regardless, 45 degrees of cutting isn't even close to necessary. Accurate turning > amazing ability to corner cut.
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Regardless, 45 degrees of cutting isn't even close to necessary. Accurate turning > amazing ability to corner cut.
tell that to faz
You are very biased. You tension your other cubes very tight, then tension your A2 loose, and tell us the new cubes are bad?

Well done, you just exposed yourself as a giant idiot. It's fortunate for me that people around here trust me, whether they like it or not (I know that I'm not the most popular person).

How about you? Where are all your friends? Where are all the people that think I would do such a stupid thing to promote a cube that I have spent a year trying to replace?
I believe that the video is correct for your own cubes, Dene.
However, it is not permissible for people to blindly exaggerate or to imply such as without proof. In other words, "pics or it didn't happen".

My F-II cuts just over 30, according to Stefan's guide. I like it. It suits my turning style, and I never get lockups. After using a GuHong at a recent competition, I liked it, but I found the supercutting to be utterly useless.

TO THE FORUM: What practicalities does 45+ degree corner cutting have?
I believe that the video is correct for your own cubes, Dene.
However, it is not permissible for people to blindly exaggerate or to imply such as without proof. In other words, "pics or it didn't happen".

My F-II cuts just over 30, according to Stefan's guide. I like it. It suits my turning style, and I never get lockups. After using a GuHong at a recent competition, I liked it, but I found the supercutting to be utterly useless.

TO THE FORUM: What practicalities does 45+ degree corner cutting have?

I believe he can do whatever he wants =p

As for the 45+: None. at all.
I believe that the video is correct for your own cubes, Dene.
However, it is not permissible for people to blindly exaggerate or to imply such as without proof. In other words, "pics or it didn't happen".

My F-II cuts just over 30, according to Stefan's guide. I like it. It suits my turning style, and I never get lockups. After using a GuHong at a recent competition, I liked it, but I found the supercutting to be utterly useless.

TO THE FORUM: What practicalities does 45+ degree corner cutting have?

I believe he can do whatever he wants =p

As for the 45+: None. at all.

@permissible: This was to the widespread trolling of "this cube cuts 180 degs lolol" and the like. I wasn't saying Dene couldn't post--he had a video to serve as his proof. The others, however, did not. Now that is blasphemy.
IMO, a good cube requires: good control, reasonably good corner cutting, low lock up rate, and a low pop rate.

When I say good control I mean each face of the cube will stop exactly where you want it to stop without much force required.
I believe that the video is correct for your own cubes, Dene.
However, it is not permissible for people to blindly exaggerate or to imply such as without proof. In other words, "pics or it didn't happen".

My F-II cuts just over 30, according to Stefan's guide. I like it. It suits my turning style, and I never get lockups. After using a GuHong at a recent competition, I liked it, but I found the supercutting to be utterly useless.

TO THE FORUM: What practicalities does 45+ degree corner cutting have?

I believe he can do whatever he wants =p

As for the 45+: None. at all.

@permissible: This was to the widespread trolling of "this cube cuts 180 degs lolol" and the like. I wasn't saying Dene couldn't post--he had a video to serve as his proof. The others, however, did not. Now that is blasphemy.

Their cube can cut 180 though ;)
So can mine.