1. Is that a 4-sided cube? (Points to Rubik's revenge)
2. You only have one sticker unsolved. You are so close. (Doing blindsolve at the time, so I was confused.)
3. My cousin can solve the 5*5 in almost 10 seconds,
4. I can scramble it so hard that you cannot solve it ( a common one).
5. Hey you're looking! (I was memorising my cube for a blindfold attempt.
Truth: What songs, if any, do you listen while cubing?
Dare: Spend 1 hour practising your least favourite event.
Also quick question why am I not seeing this thread at the home page?
♫ Ahh ahh ahh ahh, tryna keep this thread alive, tryna keep this thread alive ♫
I listen to lofi or casual pop music
Truth: If you could have any twisty puzzle, past or present, what would it be? (you can't just say a really expensive one and sell it)
Roll 2 dice. First dice is the puzzle you have to solve, second is how many times you have to solve it. If you got a roll that you didn't have, roll again E.g I roll a 6 and a 4, I don't have a 6x6 so I roll again and I get a 5 so I have to solve a 5x5 4 times.