Hai Yan Zhuang
- Joined
- Jan 16, 2009
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- 101
When Chris came to china, I look him as a friend. I took him to a TV show, but after the director
record all the program they still do not record him. I tell the director if you do not let him show on the TV, please give up to show our video on TV. Otherwise I will charge you. I just want the director according to what he had promise to me. I look chris as a friend, I must protect my friend. Finally the director record him. I tell director chris brought WCA to china. He does much for Chinese cuber.For A long time I look him as a friend. I show him to many of my friends.
But by the end of last year, I heard someone told me, WCA want change the BLD rules, because my speed is too fast, others have no chance. I feel it is very funny. But I really do not care if modify the rules. I will accord the rules to attend the competition.
There have something happens during the competition on December last year. I find maybe chris only want BLD hold one round. This makes me feel maybe someone do not want me have more chance. I still look him as my friend. I am not care. But for Chinese habit maybe better chris should tell me if he have some difficulty to makes he have to give me only one round. If he explains to me I will agree him. But he says nothing to me.
When I attend the Hangzhou open this year. There have a cuber who want solve 4*4*4 BLD.Only one cuber attend 4*4*4 BLD, so nobody want hold 4*4*4 BLD.Even MingZheng and chris. But finally chris give him chance to hold 4*4*4 BLD for himself. The day before the competition I ask the organizer how many round will the BLD be. He told me two round. 11:00AM and 3:00PM.I am very happy. I told him maybe someone do not want me have two round chance. There have 16 cuber attend the 3*3*3 BLD.
After I solve the first round, everybody want me break the WR. The organizer and the others told me, the final will begin on 3:00PM. I practice much in the afternoon. But it is 3:00PM, I ask Mingzheng when should the competition begin. He told me only one round, he announces it on MF8. But I do not visit MF8 recently and many cuber do not visit it. So I ask the organizer what happened. He said he write the schedule 3 days ago. It do have two round. But When he ask another organizer, the other organizer told him Mingzheng change it two days ago .He change the 3*3 BLD to one round and add 4*4 BLD.. I have attended so many competition , every competitors can get a paper about the schedule .I do ask the organizer for the schedule that morning he said no one print it. Normally WCA delegate help us print the schedule.
The organizer asks MingZheng if he can add one round. MingZheng said of course. BLD will hold After 3*3 final finished. I wait about 30 minutes, suddenly I find my flight is 7:00PM. So I ask MingZheng if the BLD can hold on 4:00PM. Of course, he agree.Everybody wait 4:00P to begin BLD.
But at that time chris told me he do not agree. I think he is just joke. But after a minute he discuss something in secret with MingZheng. MingZheng told the organizer he cancel the second round. The organizer want hold two round very much. He talk about this with Ming Zheng again and again. But Ming Zheng still do not agree. I have to ask Ming Zheng myself. He do not agree. I told him, everybody told me have two round ,why do you told me only one round left. He said he change the schedule two days ago. I said but I do not know that ,even the organizer do not know that. And there have no one schedule in the competition place. He said I write in on MF8, you should visit it yourself. I said I just attend the WCA competition I do not need visit MF8. MF8 is not WCA’s official site.
I ask him, why 3 days ago the BLD have 2 round but you change it to 1 round 2 days ago. And why you change it to 4*4 BLD instead. Everybody know the things of 4*4 BLD. Ouyang want attend 4*4 BLD. Many cuber laugh at Ouyang some days ago. No one wants hold for him. Chirs do not want hold for him.Ming zheng do not want also.He told many cuber he do not want,because he think only hold for him waste time it is unfair for others. But chris is ouyang’s friend.. Finally they add the 4*4 BLD for him. So I ask Ming zheng, Ouyang is your and chris’s friend , so you add 4*4 BLD for him and change 3*3 BLD to one round. For 3*3 BLD there have 16 cubers. In order to hold 4*4 BLD for only one cuber you give up 16 cubers. What I have said make him become angary. He said :I think Chinese always hold two round for you is unfair for others. What he said makes me very angary ,I really realize what chris said to him. Why do not you think hold 4*4 BLD for chris and your friend is umfair? It is really unfair. For your friend you add 4*4 for him you think it is fair.. But for me. Chinese always hold two round for me is unfair . We begin to strife.
I really feel very unfair that time. I pick up the microphone and announce: I feel very unfair about today’s competition. Organizer and every cuber told me 3*3 BLD have 2 round but when I want to competite Mingzheng told me only have one round. There have no schedule pager here. No one know the schudle ,it is his breach of duty .And in order to add 4*4 BLD for his friend he changes the two round BLD to only one round.This WCA delegate is not worth his salt.
Finally I said what I want said for almost one year. Chinese cuber should choose our own WCA delegate. Chinese cuber need democracy. We do not want the appoint people by favouritism. In China ,WCA delegate only choose his friends as the new WCA delegate. It is very unfair. The world is a democracy world. We need to choose the WCA delegate justice ourselves. Every cuber applauds for me. Every cuber want choose our own WCA delegate for a long time.
Chris find things go bad. He ask me what happened. He told the organizer how many round is determined by the organizer does not determined by the WCA delegate. They can hold two round. But I do not want compete. I told chris we need the WCA delegate choosed by Chinese cuber ourselves.
That competition is Mingzheng’s first competition. Before that competiton.,China have only one WCA delegate. Every cuber wants more WCA delegate .But it seems WCA never heard our voice.
I need thanks ron. I remember I have ever write mail to him and tell him we need 4-5 delegate.
This is his reply:
Dear Danyang,
We received an e-mail from Hai Yan Zhuang about the need for more WCA delegates in China. He says that the number of competitions in China is growing fast and asks to appoint more WCA delegates for China. Could you please advise us on the following: - how many WCA delegates are needed for China for 2009/2010? - in which areas of China do we need WCA delegates? Requirements for WCA delegates: - must be a very trustworthy person - must know the WCA regulations by heart - must be a strong person who can convince people to behave according to the spirit of WCA and follow the regulations of WCA - must be recommended by another WCA delegate Could you please talk to the Chinese community and recommend new WCA delegates (given the areas of China where competitions are held)?
Thanks, Ron
I am appreciate Ron , but I do not know why Danyang give up this chance. He only recommend one delegate. And he never meet Mingzheng before. I really do not want say how can Mingzheng become a delegate…………………
You know in China no one like undemocratic. We need more WCA delegate for a long time. There sale 20000000 cubes last year. There have many nonWCA competition in China each month. We want more delegates. Just as you see, there have 6 WR in China now. We do really need more delegates.
Many president of cube club in each province want get delegate to hold their own competition. They ask me to talk about this with chirs, but we never get his response. They also talked about this with him. He never agree them.. We told him we need choose the WCA delegate ourselves and after we choose we will ask him if the man is fit. If the man do not fit,we will recommends others but he never reference our Chinese cubers opinion. There have a gap between chris and Chinese cuber..
I like cube .I do not want things goes bad. I try to make better relation with him. He said the reason WCA want ban me is that I always ask two round during the competiton.
Ok ,I will said what happened during recent competition.
4 April. The organizer is my friend .He want hold 2 round for me..I break WR 2 times in the first round.. Chris ask me better do not begin the second round. Actrually When I find there have only 4 competitor I think two round is a shame.
During that competition ,I think a friend is better than a enemy. I do not want remember what happened in Hangzhou. I want have good realationship with chris. I still try to be his friend.And I also try to persuade him to give us more delegate. We want recommend a best man. Every WCA delegate in China and cuber think his is fit for a better delegate. But It seem chris never hear our point of view .
24 April zhengzhou open.
It is my hometown. Every cuber and organizer want me go there, they invite me there and give me two round. Today I call the organizer and ask him have I ever ask you must hold 2 round for me. He said never. Every cuber want you break WR.
After the first round .The organizer told me Mingzheng do not want hold two round .There have only 6 competitors. I also think it is not fit for two round. For me, I think if there have no more than 8 cuber ,I will never do 2 round. It is my rule.
1 May Beijing open.
I give the competition 700$ sponsor of Alpa cube company. And also 120 Alpha cubes. I know there have many cuber attend the BLD. So I ask the holder can I have two round. I do ask for two rounds. If ask for two round is also guilty ,I have nothing to say. The organizer told me there must have two rounds. But the BLD change to 1 round. I really feel unhappy. I think I have right to complain. But I do noting during the competiton. That night the leader of other city also want me talk about with chris about the delegate, But he sill as before., He even never want talk with us. Ok.
8 11 may Beijing Daxue
I know chris do not want talk with me about the delegate. I give up. Others talk with him.
It seems that he maybe want talk with us about this.
This makes me very happy .We even finds chance.
7 May Taiyuan open
All the competitor is the member of my own forum. They are all my friend, They hold 2 round for me. I never need ask them hold 2 round for me. But that time I change my mind. I do not want break WR. I tell chris I do not want break. Becauese I really do not want others say me always have so many chance. The second round I get 3 DNF. I tell the organizer. I do that on purpose.
That time. Fangyuan Chang told me.WCA Board want change the BLD rule so that restrict me break the WR Last year. Chris do not agree with them .He help me. I says thank you to chris.I really think there have no gap between me and chris. I think chris finally want give us the WCA delegate of our own. Everyone think he will do that.
But suddenly Fangyuan Chang becomes a WCA delegate. No one ever told us. Even Fangyuan Chang do not dare tell to anybody. Many leader in different city unhappy. Chris choose WCA delegate never talk with Chinese cuber. This is the contradiction origin between chris and many cuber leader in different city. There realy have a big a great gulf fixed between chris and Chinese cuber.
Although every cuber leader feel chirs do not respect us, but I do not want things go bad.I announce Fangyuan Chang be the new delegate in our Chinese cube forum.It is funny your delegate is announced by me. Fangyuan Chang ask me do that.I think my support can makes more cuber identify with her ..
For a long time I think chris maybe already change his mind. Maybe he want give us delegate choose by ourselves. I do not care about the delegate again. But my fault. After I back from Indonesia two weeks ago.I find he write in our forum that Honghou open should ban me. 5 months have passed, I do not know why he say that again. I call him。If you want ban me you should told me 5 months ago. And everything is passed I even feel you agree give us delegate, so I am respect you .But I do not know why you says that again. I ask him to delete what he said. He says ok. But he do not have time. So I ask him again. I will ask others to help me delete. He agrees. So I delete it myself and ask Fangyan chang to Edited it. Otherwise Chirs will angary. Fangyuang Chang agree with me. But she never do that.. The second day chris find I edit it..He write many worlds to revile me. I do not know why he become so mad. I do nothing for him for a long time. He say ban me I also do not angry. I have to write him again. I said he is so dogmatism. He must ask the Opinion of Chinese cuber. No one approve his dictatorship. Because he scold me, I have to give him some strike back.
Everyone even Changfang yuan think he should not do that this time. He should not write Hanghzou Open again.And he should not abuse me.
If he think there have something should talk with me about the Hanzhou open, he should talk with me directly. Maybe I could agree with him. But I will also tell him what his wrong.
For me if I want have two rounds, it is guilty. Is it really guilty? Maybe everybody in the world think me is guilty. Or no one think me guilty. I do not know which one I hurt? My fast speed is my guilty?
After Hangzhou open ,I promise I will do nothing during other competition. I really do nothing during the competition. Even the 2 round belongs to me are canceled.I want stay equanimity even the worse happen.
Fangyuan chang also give me two round two days ago. There have 15 cubers.She ask me for a long time. In order to save time, the two rounds will hold together. But when the competition hold Fangyuan Chang is not in the room. Chris asks for 1 round again. I have already used to this situation. For me two round is guilty. So I do not care. After Fangyuan Chang back. I ask her 2 round why becomes 1 round again. She said she will watch the time ,if the time is enough, she will give me 1 round again. Actually I do not care if there have 2 rounds.I told me I need not angry. For a long time I told myself 1 round is ok. Do not care so much. I practice again. Finally ,there have no second round . I ask Fangyuan Chang.You told me there have two round ,why do not you write it in on the schedule. She said if she write it on the schedule chris will never agree. You will never have chance to get 2 round this time. It seems it become a war of how many round. And I will always be the loser.
And if I want 2 round I will be guilty, Fangyuang chang is my best friend.I can told my unhappy to her. I still do nothing during the competition. But I think I have right to feel unhappy.
For a long time our Chinese cuber leader in different city talk with chris. Our Chinese cube association and WCA are one family. I tell Fangyuan Chang many times. We want we can work together for our cube competition. Actrully ,all the competitions hold in China are hold by the cuber leader in different city.They dedicate much for the competitions. But finally chris never really want work with us together. We show our attitude many times ,but he never agree us one times. We never want enforce him accept our delegate person(s) selected. But we do need someone choose by ourselves.I have told him we can recommend one to him. If he feel not good.We will recommend another one. Until he think he is fit.
I think ,after all the competition is hold by Chinese cuber. We support and respect WCA for a long time. But WCA ,maybe it is chirs always like a dictator. I think WCA want hold better competition in China, at least should respect the Chinese cuber’s viewpoint.
Everybody know what happened.
1. How many round.
2. We need our own delegate.
This is the basic contradiction
I have ever told T and want ask he tell the wca delegate in Japan what happened in china. But I am not good at write English .Maybe I told yours early is better.
I have said I do not want something happened in competition again. Yes I myself think I should not do that during Hanghzou Competition.It is not fit.
But is chris really have no mistake? Should he try to understand and belong into Chinese cuber. It seems he is far from Chinese cuber.
Should WCA think of the WCA delegate appoint rule?
I suggest change the BLD to one round.
I have told yours what happened in China. I still admit WCA and even admit chris.
No one want thing goes bad.
My last words: I have ever dream for a long time,WCA and Chinese cuber are one family.
Thank you for you take so long time o read it.
Best Regards
Haiyan Zhuang
>>1) Hangzhou Open 2010. When you used the microphone and did you
announcement about your unhappiness regarding the competition, were you
aware that other competitors were competing and that you thus distracted
them by your announcement?
I do really not aware that during that time. It is my mistake.
But everybody applaud for me.
>>2) In your reply letter, you refer to the following competitions:
4 April
24 April Zhhengzhou Open
7 May Taiyuan Open (do you mean 30 May?) http://worldcubeassociation.org/results/c.php?i=Taiyuan2010
11 May Beijing Daxue
3) My summary of Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 (7 Feb) reads
"Several timers and displays were borrowed from Haiyan Zhuang by the
competition organisers. Weeks before the competition, Haiyan Zhuang
calls the organisers repeatedly asking for two rounds of Rubik's Cube
blindfolded and said that he otherwise would not attend the competition.
The organisers did not find it suitable with two rounds because of the
limited amount of participants in that event. However, with the Hangzhou
Open 2010 in fresh memory, the organisers were afraid that Haiyan Zhuang
might disrupt the competition. Thus, after discussion with the WCA
delegate, they included a second round in the schedule, and Haiyan
Zhuang was satisfied with it."
What are your comments regarding this? Where you aware that the
organisers felt threaten by you?
>>"Several timers and displays were borrowed from Haiyan Zhuang by the
competition organisers. Weeks before the competition, Haiyan Zhuang
calls the organisers repeatedly asking for two rounds of Rubik's Cube
blindfolded and said that he otherwise would not attend the competition.
Yes Shuang Chen ask me for the timer at least 40 days before the competition.I want support the
competition. When he borrow the timer from me ,I ask him how many round will there be. He said two round. I do not treat him I think he want hold two round .
>>The organisers did not find it suitable with two rounds because of the
limited amount of participants in that event.
There have 10 cubers attend the competition and 7 cubers success ,it is fit to hold 2 round. It is fit the WCA BLD rules. I think you can find the truth in the WCA Web site.
>>However, with the Hangzhou
Open 2010 in fresh memory, the organisers were afraid that Haiyan Zhuang
might disrupt the competition. Thus, after discussion with the WCA
delegate, they included a second round in the schedule, and Haiyan
Zhuang was satisfied with it."
I think this sentence should be changed to:
However, with the Hangzhou Open 2010 in fresh memory, Ming Zheng want changed the BLD to 1 round again. When I heard that I told Shuang Chen, if the BLD change to one round I will not attend the competition. The flight cost is enough to hold one competition. I do not think it worth to waste so much money to attend a competiton which only have one round BLD. Because the flight cost is paid by myself, no one company supports me the money this time.
I also told ShuangChen not matter how many round the BLD is. I will support the competiton forever. I wish the competition hold well. I will still support them the timer.
You know during the Hangzhou competion I tell every cuber the WCA delegate should be chosed by Chinese cube ourselves. This hurt another man very much. Xiaobo Jin the organizer of ShangHai open. Maybe he writes the mail above to you. Ming Zheng tell him I do not want Xiaobo Jin be the new WCA delegate. They have unofficial decision that Xiaobo Jin will be the new delegate. So Xiaobo Jin begin to hate me. This is the reason why he write that to you. I have a suggestion if what he write is not truth ,should WCA ban him?
4) At Inner Mongolia, the schedule announced a first round for both
2x2x2 and Rubik's Cube Blindfolded, and a second round would be added if
there were time. There were 39 competitors in 2x2x2 and 9 in Rubik's
Cube blindfolded. I know that you wanted a second round of Rubik's Cube
blindfolded, but what is your opinion regarding the fact that there were
no second round of 2x2x2?
FangYan Chang told me if there have time he will add two round for both 2x2x2 and
BLD. She said there have 3 WCA delegate here. Myabe she can hold it in different room.She also
told me everybody want watch my BLD ,so better hold BLD with 2x2x2 together.
1 month before the competiton she told me there will have two round of BLD. 3 days before she told me better hold two round together .If somebody success he can begin the second round at once. This can ,make the tow round finish together., Because the man who can success will be very fast. I tell her:”You need not care me .The competition is the most important.You can arrange the time you want.”You can ask her about this here:
5) Is there any other person that you want me to contact during my
investigation that you feel could explain the situation?
You can ask the competition organizer I supply link to you above.
6) There have 7 Chinese cuber talked with Chris even whole night 2 days ago.
We ask him 3 questions. He said the 3 questions is truth.
1: He have ever said many times and said to Several cubers that: Chinese always hold BLD 2 round for Haiyan Zhuang is unfair for foreigner.
We ask him why hold 2 rounds are unfair for foreigner. We are according to the WCA rules.Your rules. We do nothing wrong.
He open his mouth and say nothing for a long time.. He has nothing to say. He agrees he have ever said that.
2: The organizer of Hangzhou ask him for 2 round many times. I never ask for him. He said he never heard the organizer for him. He tell a lie. You can ask the orginzer here: http://worldcubeassociation.org/results/c.php?i=HangzhouOpen2010
The organizer want hold 2 round very much. You can ask the organizer.
3:Ok .How can Chris know I want 2 round He said maybe they ask for Ming Zheng. Ok. They ask for Mingzheng. But Why do not you agree to give 2 round. He said, the time is not enough. I ask him, the whole competition is finished on 4:30 PM. The time is enough, every cuber during that competition can give you proof for the time. He has noting two say. He can not explain for his mistake. Eveyboday saw him can not stop tremble that night. Because he know he lie and he realize his mistake. He never told the real truth about HangZhou open to WCA Board.
We ask him about the 3 question above , do you think you are mistake.He said no. But everybody told him you are wrong.
If you want I can ask the man who were here to tell you what Chris said.
7) About the suspend , every Chinese cuber think it is not fit. WCA do not know the whole truth now. It is not fit to forbid me attend the competition now. This mistake decision will make Chinese lose trust foe WCA.Further you if WCA want suspend me they need also suspend Chris .If they wan ban me they need also ban Chris. He make a big mistake, He hurt Chinese very much.
Another suggestion,if what Xiaobo Jin said about the ShangHai open is not truth. Can WCA ban him?
“Chinese always hold BLD 2 round for Haiyan Zhuang is unfair for foreigner.” These words hurt not only me but Chinese forever.
Sorry for waste you so many time.
Thank you very much for your investigation.
There have a cuber named r_517I have ever give him 8 cubes when he in Ireland . There have a competition will be hold on August on ShangHai. When Fangyuan Chang ask if Xiaobo jin
Want hold it. He said he do not want. So a man called Tianping want hold it. But when Tianping Begin to prepare for the competiton. Xiaobo jin set up a defend group to.They told Tianping.The competiton must be hold by Xiaobo Jin . Because he is the new default WCA delegate. So Tianping must do what Xiaobo Jin ask him do. Otherwise the competiton will not be WCA. He will be the WCA delegate everybody must do what he want him do .He ask many cuber to disturb Tianping and threaten him. This makes him can do nothing and fell smarting. He have to ask me help him . Becauese he think maybe I can help him. I heard what he said.I fell very unfair. I call Xiaobo JIan and denounce him. He do not dare harm TianPing Anymore. I told him never obstruct the WCA competiton. He do not hurt the competition again, He begin to ask his group to abuse me. I just keep peace and like I hear nothing,
After WCA want ban me. Xiaobo Jin ask his group abuse me whole day. This make me very
Painful. Becauese no one cuber in China know the truth. Their taunt make the man do not know what happened do not trust me.They abuse me again and use different account,They hurt me much.
r_517 isXiaoBojin’s friend and he is also in the defend group.He is the man abuse me most. He abuse me many and mang times. But now in Chinese forum no one trusts him. Because they know he know nothing about what happened and he is Belongs to ShangHai defend group. No one trusts him again.
I find he begin to lie here.I have to write the truth her. Dear administrator,if you find someone whose Ip is form Chinese Shanghai .or Guangzhou. They are belongs to the defend group.Maybe they will abuse me.Please do not trust them.Forget a man called Hongzhang maybe will abuse
also. I just want tell everybody .Never trust the man who do not konw the truth.
After WCA announce the investigation result.No one trust WCA. They do not think I can do things like this:
uring the competitions he has acted aggressively, threatened to physically harm an individual several times, and verbally abused other competitors and WCA delegates.
2k3) competitor behaves in a way that is unlawful, violent or indecent, or intentionally damages venue facilities or anyone's personal property within the venue;
If I do like this I will be sent to prison. No one ever saw me do that.
About 2k2) competitor is suspect of cheating or defrauding the officials during the competition;
This is the biggest insult for my dignity. No one Chinese cuber would think I can do that. Your investigate result make no one trust WCA.
Until now. I have ever attend 17 times 1 round and 13 times 2 round.
record all the program they still do not record him. I tell the director if you do not let him show on the TV, please give up to show our video on TV. Otherwise I will charge you. I just want the director according to what he had promise to me. I look chris as a friend, I must protect my friend. Finally the director record him. I tell director chris brought WCA to china. He does much for Chinese cuber.For A long time I look him as a friend. I show him to many of my friends.
But by the end of last year, I heard someone told me, WCA want change the BLD rules, because my speed is too fast, others have no chance. I feel it is very funny. But I really do not care if modify the rules. I will accord the rules to attend the competition.
There have something happens during the competition on December last year. I find maybe chris only want BLD hold one round. This makes me feel maybe someone do not want me have more chance. I still look him as my friend. I am not care. But for Chinese habit maybe better chris should tell me if he have some difficulty to makes he have to give me only one round. If he explains to me I will agree him. But he says nothing to me.
When I attend the Hangzhou open this year. There have a cuber who want solve 4*4*4 BLD.Only one cuber attend 4*4*4 BLD, so nobody want hold 4*4*4 BLD.Even MingZheng and chris. But finally chris give him chance to hold 4*4*4 BLD for himself. The day before the competition I ask the organizer how many round will the BLD be. He told me two round. 11:00AM and 3:00PM.I am very happy. I told him maybe someone do not want me have two round chance. There have 16 cuber attend the 3*3*3 BLD.
After I solve the first round, everybody want me break the WR. The organizer and the others told me, the final will begin on 3:00PM. I practice much in the afternoon. But it is 3:00PM, I ask Mingzheng when should the competition begin. He told me only one round, he announces it on MF8. But I do not visit MF8 recently and many cuber do not visit it. So I ask the organizer what happened. He said he write the schedule 3 days ago. It do have two round. But When he ask another organizer, the other organizer told him Mingzheng change it two days ago .He change the 3*3 BLD to one round and add 4*4 BLD.. I have attended so many competition , every competitors can get a paper about the schedule .I do ask the organizer for the schedule that morning he said no one print it. Normally WCA delegate help us print the schedule.
The organizer asks MingZheng if he can add one round. MingZheng said of course. BLD will hold After 3*3 final finished. I wait about 30 minutes, suddenly I find my flight is 7:00PM. So I ask MingZheng if the BLD can hold on 4:00PM. Of course, he agree.Everybody wait 4:00P to begin BLD.
But at that time chris told me he do not agree. I think he is just joke. But after a minute he discuss something in secret with MingZheng. MingZheng told the organizer he cancel the second round. The organizer want hold two round very much. He talk about this with Ming Zheng again and again. But Ming Zheng still do not agree. I have to ask Ming Zheng myself. He do not agree. I told him, everybody told me have two round ,why do you told me only one round left. He said he change the schedule two days ago. I said but I do not know that ,even the organizer do not know that. And there have no one schedule in the competition place. He said I write in on MF8, you should visit it yourself. I said I just attend the WCA competition I do not need visit MF8. MF8 is not WCA’s official site.
I ask him, why 3 days ago the BLD have 2 round but you change it to 1 round 2 days ago. And why you change it to 4*4 BLD instead. Everybody know the things of 4*4 BLD. Ouyang want attend 4*4 BLD. Many cuber laugh at Ouyang some days ago. No one wants hold for him. Chirs do not want hold for him.Ming zheng do not want also.He told many cuber he do not want,because he think only hold for him waste time it is unfair for others. But chris is ouyang’s friend.. Finally they add the 4*4 BLD for him. So I ask Ming zheng, Ouyang is your and chris’s friend , so you add 4*4 BLD for him and change 3*3 BLD to one round. For 3*3 BLD there have 16 cubers. In order to hold 4*4 BLD for only one cuber you give up 16 cubers. What I have said make him become angary. He said :I think Chinese always hold two round for you is unfair for others. What he said makes me very angary ,I really realize what chris said to him. Why do not you think hold 4*4 BLD for chris and your friend is umfair? It is really unfair. For your friend you add 4*4 for him you think it is fair.. But for me. Chinese always hold two round for me is unfair . We begin to strife.
I really feel very unfair that time. I pick up the microphone and announce: I feel very unfair about today’s competition. Organizer and every cuber told me 3*3 BLD have 2 round but when I want to competite Mingzheng told me only have one round. There have no schedule pager here. No one know the schudle ,it is his breach of duty .And in order to add 4*4 BLD for his friend he changes the two round BLD to only one round.This WCA delegate is not worth his salt.
Finally I said what I want said for almost one year. Chinese cuber should choose our own WCA delegate. Chinese cuber need democracy. We do not want the appoint people by favouritism. In China ,WCA delegate only choose his friends as the new WCA delegate. It is very unfair. The world is a democracy world. We need to choose the WCA delegate justice ourselves. Every cuber applauds for me. Every cuber want choose our own WCA delegate for a long time.
Chris find things go bad. He ask me what happened. He told the organizer how many round is determined by the organizer does not determined by the WCA delegate. They can hold two round. But I do not want compete. I told chris we need the WCA delegate choosed by Chinese cuber ourselves.
That competition is Mingzheng’s first competition. Before that competiton.,China have only one WCA delegate. Every cuber wants more WCA delegate .But it seems WCA never heard our voice.
I need thanks ron. I remember I have ever write mail to him and tell him we need 4-5 delegate.
This is his reply:
Dear Danyang,
We received an e-mail from Hai Yan Zhuang about the need for more WCA delegates in China. He says that the number of competitions in China is growing fast and asks to appoint more WCA delegates for China. Could you please advise us on the following: - how many WCA delegates are needed for China for 2009/2010? - in which areas of China do we need WCA delegates? Requirements for WCA delegates: - must be a very trustworthy person - must know the WCA regulations by heart - must be a strong person who can convince people to behave according to the spirit of WCA and follow the regulations of WCA - must be recommended by another WCA delegate Could you please talk to the Chinese community and recommend new WCA delegates (given the areas of China where competitions are held)?
Thanks, Ron
I am appreciate Ron , but I do not know why Danyang give up this chance. He only recommend one delegate. And he never meet Mingzheng before. I really do not want say how can Mingzheng become a delegate…………………
You know in China no one like undemocratic. We need more WCA delegate for a long time. There sale 20000000 cubes last year. There have many nonWCA competition in China each month. We want more delegates. Just as you see, there have 6 WR in China now. We do really need more delegates.
Many president of cube club in each province want get delegate to hold their own competition. They ask me to talk about this with chirs, but we never get his response. They also talked about this with him. He never agree them.. We told him we need choose the WCA delegate ourselves and after we choose we will ask him if the man is fit. If the man do not fit,we will recommends others but he never reference our Chinese cubers opinion. There have a gap between chris and Chinese cuber..
I like cube .I do not want things goes bad. I try to make better relation with him. He said the reason WCA want ban me is that I always ask two round during the competiton.
Ok ,I will said what happened during recent competition.
4 April. The organizer is my friend .He want hold 2 round for me..I break WR 2 times in the first round.. Chris ask me better do not begin the second round. Actrually When I find there have only 4 competitor I think two round is a shame.
During that competition ,I think a friend is better than a enemy. I do not want remember what happened in Hangzhou. I want have good realationship with chris. I still try to be his friend.And I also try to persuade him to give us more delegate. We want recommend a best man. Every WCA delegate in China and cuber think his is fit for a better delegate. But It seem chris never hear our point of view .
24 April zhengzhou open.
It is my hometown. Every cuber and organizer want me go there, they invite me there and give me two round. Today I call the organizer and ask him have I ever ask you must hold 2 round for me. He said never. Every cuber want you break WR.
After the first round .The organizer told me Mingzheng do not want hold two round .There have only 6 competitors. I also think it is not fit for two round. For me, I think if there have no more than 8 cuber ,I will never do 2 round. It is my rule.
1 May Beijing open.
I give the competition 700$ sponsor of Alpa cube company. And also 120 Alpha cubes. I know there have many cuber attend the BLD. So I ask the holder can I have two round. I do ask for two rounds. If ask for two round is also guilty ,I have nothing to say. The organizer told me there must have two rounds. But the BLD change to 1 round. I really feel unhappy. I think I have right to complain. But I do noting during the competiton. That night the leader of other city also want me talk about with chris about the delegate, But he sill as before., He even never want talk with us. Ok.
8 11 may Beijing Daxue
I know chris do not want talk with me about the delegate. I give up. Others talk with him.
It seems that he maybe want talk with us about this.
This makes me very happy .We even finds chance.
7 May Taiyuan open
All the competitor is the member of my own forum. They are all my friend, They hold 2 round for me. I never need ask them hold 2 round for me. But that time I change my mind. I do not want break WR. I tell chris I do not want break. Becauese I really do not want others say me always have so many chance. The second round I get 3 DNF. I tell the organizer. I do that on purpose.
That time. Fangyuan Chang told me.WCA Board want change the BLD rule so that restrict me break the WR Last year. Chris do not agree with them .He help me. I says thank you to chris.I really think there have no gap between me and chris. I think chris finally want give us the WCA delegate of our own. Everyone think he will do that.
But suddenly Fangyuan Chang becomes a WCA delegate. No one ever told us. Even Fangyuan Chang do not dare tell to anybody. Many leader in different city unhappy. Chris choose WCA delegate never talk with Chinese cuber. This is the contradiction origin between chris and many cuber leader in different city. There realy have a big a great gulf fixed between chris and Chinese cuber.
Although every cuber leader feel chirs do not respect us, but I do not want things go bad.I announce Fangyuan Chang be the new delegate in our Chinese cube forum.It is funny your delegate is announced by me. Fangyuan Chang ask me do that.I think my support can makes more cuber identify with her ..
For a long time I think chris maybe already change his mind. Maybe he want give us delegate choose by ourselves. I do not care about the delegate again. But my fault. After I back from Indonesia two weeks ago.I find he write in our forum that Honghou open should ban me. 5 months have passed, I do not know why he say that again. I call him。If you want ban me you should told me 5 months ago. And everything is passed I even feel you agree give us delegate, so I am respect you .But I do not know why you says that again. I ask him to delete what he said. He says ok. But he do not have time. So I ask him again. I will ask others to help me delete. He agrees. So I delete it myself and ask Fangyan chang to Edited it. Otherwise Chirs will angary. Fangyuang Chang agree with me. But she never do that.. The second day chris find I edit it..He write many worlds to revile me. I do not know why he become so mad. I do nothing for him for a long time. He say ban me I also do not angry. I have to write him again. I said he is so dogmatism. He must ask the Opinion of Chinese cuber. No one approve his dictatorship. Because he scold me, I have to give him some strike back.
Everyone even Changfang yuan think he should not do that this time. He should not write Hanghzou Open again.And he should not abuse me.
If he think there have something should talk with me about the Hanzhou open, he should talk with me directly. Maybe I could agree with him. But I will also tell him what his wrong.
For me if I want have two rounds, it is guilty. Is it really guilty? Maybe everybody in the world think me is guilty. Or no one think me guilty. I do not know which one I hurt? My fast speed is my guilty?
After Hangzhou open ,I promise I will do nothing during other competition. I really do nothing during the competition. Even the 2 round belongs to me are canceled.I want stay equanimity even the worse happen.
Fangyuan chang also give me two round two days ago. There have 15 cubers.She ask me for a long time. In order to save time, the two rounds will hold together. But when the competition hold Fangyuan Chang is not in the room. Chris asks for 1 round again. I have already used to this situation. For me two round is guilty. So I do not care. After Fangyuan Chang back. I ask her 2 round why becomes 1 round again. She said she will watch the time ,if the time is enough, she will give me 1 round again. Actually I do not care if there have 2 rounds.I told me I need not angry. For a long time I told myself 1 round is ok. Do not care so much. I practice again. Finally ,there have no second round . I ask Fangyuan Chang.You told me there have two round ,why do not you write it in on the schedule. She said if she write it on the schedule chris will never agree. You will never have chance to get 2 round this time. It seems it become a war of how many round. And I will always be the loser.
And if I want 2 round I will be guilty, Fangyuang chang is my best friend.I can told my unhappy to her. I still do nothing during the competition. But I think I have right to feel unhappy.
For a long time our Chinese cuber leader in different city talk with chris. Our Chinese cube association and WCA are one family. I tell Fangyuan Chang many times. We want we can work together for our cube competition. Actrully ,all the competitions hold in China are hold by the cuber leader in different city.They dedicate much for the competitions. But finally chris never really want work with us together. We show our attitude many times ,but he never agree us one times. We never want enforce him accept our delegate person(s) selected. But we do need someone choose by ourselves.I have told him we can recommend one to him. If he feel not good.We will recommend another one. Until he think he is fit.
I think ,after all the competition is hold by Chinese cuber. We support and respect WCA for a long time. But WCA ,maybe it is chirs always like a dictator. I think WCA want hold better competition in China, at least should respect the Chinese cuber’s viewpoint.
Everybody know what happened.
1. How many round.
2. We need our own delegate.
This is the basic contradiction
I have ever told T and want ask he tell the wca delegate in Japan what happened in china. But I am not good at write English .Maybe I told yours early is better.
I have said I do not want something happened in competition again. Yes I myself think I should not do that during Hanghzou Competition.It is not fit.
But is chris really have no mistake? Should he try to understand and belong into Chinese cuber. It seems he is far from Chinese cuber.
Should WCA think of the WCA delegate appoint rule?
I suggest change the BLD to one round.
I have told yours what happened in China. I still admit WCA and even admit chris.
No one want thing goes bad.
My last words: I have ever dream for a long time,WCA and Chinese cuber are one family.
Thank you for you take so long time o read it.
Best Regards
Haiyan Zhuang
>>1) Hangzhou Open 2010. When you used the microphone and did you
announcement about your unhappiness regarding the competition, were you
aware that other competitors were competing and that you thus distracted
them by your announcement?
I do really not aware that during that time. It is my mistake.
But everybody applaud for me.
>>2) In your reply letter, you refer to the following competitions:
4 April
24 April Zhhengzhou Open
7 May Taiyuan Open (do you mean 30 May?) http://worldcubeassociation.org/results/c.php?i=Taiyuan2010
11 May Beijing Daxue
3) My summary of Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 (7 Feb) reads
"Several timers and displays were borrowed from Haiyan Zhuang by the
competition organisers. Weeks before the competition, Haiyan Zhuang
calls the organisers repeatedly asking for two rounds of Rubik's Cube
blindfolded and said that he otherwise would not attend the competition.
The organisers did not find it suitable with two rounds because of the
limited amount of participants in that event. However, with the Hangzhou
Open 2010 in fresh memory, the organisers were afraid that Haiyan Zhuang
might disrupt the competition. Thus, after discussion with the WCA
delegate, they included a second round in the schedule, and Haiyan
Zhuang was satisfied with it."
What are your comments regarding this? Where you aware that the
organisers felt threaten by you?
>>"Several timers and displays were borrowed from Haiyan Zhuang by the
competition organisers. Weeks before the competition, Haiyan Zhuang
calls the organisers repeatedly asking for two rounds of Rubik's Cube
blindfolded and said that he otherwise would not attend the competition.
Yes Shuang Chen ask me for the timer at least 40 days before the competition.I want support the
competition. When he borrow the timer from me ,I ask him how many round will there be. He said two round. I do not treat him I think he want hold two round .
>>The organisers did not find it suitable with two rounds because of the
limited amount of participants in that event.
There have 10 cubers attend the competition and 7 cubers success ,it is fit to hold 2 round. It is fit the WCA BLD rules. I think you can find the truth in the WCA Web site.
>>However, with the Hangzhou
Open 2010 in fresh memory, the organisers were afraid that Haiyan Zhuang
might disrupt the competition. Thus, after discussion with the WCA
delegate, they included a second round in the schedule, and Haiyan
Zhuang was satisfied with it."
I think this sentence should be changed to:
However, with the Hangzhou Open 2010 in fresh memory, Ming Zheng want changed the BLD to 1 round again. When I heard that I told Shuang Chen, if the BLD change to one round I will not attend the competition. The flight cost is enough to hold one competition. I do not think it worth to waste so much money to attend a competiton which only have one round BLD. Because the flight cost is paid by myself, no one company supports me the money this time.
I also told ShuangChen not matter how many round the BLD is. I will support the competiton forever. I wish the competition hold well. I will still support them the timer.
You know during the Hangzhou competion I tell every cuber the WCA delegate should be chosed by Chinese cube ourselves. This hurt another man very much. Xiaobo Jin the organizer of ShangHai open. Maybe he writes the mail above to you. Ming Zheng tell him I do not want Xiaobo Jin be the new WCA delegate. They have unofficial decision that Xiaobo Jin will be the new delegate. So Xiaobo Jin begin to hate me. This is the reason why he write that to you. I have a suggestion if what he write is not truth ,should WCA ban him?
4) At Inner Mongolia, the schedule announced a first round for both
2x2x2 and Rubik's Cube Blindfolded, and a second round would be added if
there were time. There were 39 competitors in 2x2x2 and 9 in Rubik's
Cube blindfolded. I know that you wanted a second round of Rubik's Cube
blindfolded, but what is your opinion regarding the fact that there were
no second round of 2x2x2?
FangYan Chang told me if there have time he will add two round for both 2x2x2 and
BLD. She said there have 3 WCA delegate here. Myabe she can hold it in different room.She also
told me everybody want watch my BLD ,so better hold BLD with 2x2x2 together.
1 month before the competiton she told me there will have two round of BLD. 3 days before she told me better hold two round together .If somebody success he can begin the second round at once. This can ,make the tow round finish together., Because the man who can success will be very fast. I tell her:”You need not care me .The competition is the most important.You can arrange the time you want.”You can ask her about this here:
5) Is there any other person that you want me to contact during my
investigation that you feel could explain the situation?
You can ask the competition organizer I supply link to you above.
6) There have 7 Chinese cuber talked with Chris even whole night 2 days ago.
We ask him 3 questions. He said the 3 questions is truth.
1: He have ever said many times and said to Several cubers that: Chinese always hold BLD 2 round for Haiyan Zhuang is unfair for foreigner.
We ask him why hold 2 rounds are unfair for foreigner. We are according to the WCA rules.Your rules. We do nothing wrong.
He open his mouth and say nothing for a long time.. He has nothing to say. He agrees he have ever said that.
2: The organizer of Hangzhou ask him for 2 round many times. I never ask for him. He said he never heard the organizer for him. He tell a lie. You can ask the orginzer here: http://worldcubeassociation.org/results/c.php?i=HangzhouOpen2010
The organizer want hold 2 round very much. You can ask the organizer.
3:Ok .How can Chris know I want 2 round He said maybe they ask for Ming Zheng. Ok. They ask for Mingzheng. But Why do not you agree to give 2 round. He said, the time is not enough. I ask him, the whole competition is finished on 4:30 PM. The time is enough, every cuber during that competition can give you proof for the time. He has noting two say. He can not explain for his mistake. Eveyboday saw him can not stop tremble that night. Because he know he lie and he realize his mistake. He never told the real truth about HangZhou open to WCA Board.
We ask him about the 3 question above , do you think you are mistake.He said no. But everybody told him you are wrong.
If you want I can ask the man who were here to tell you what Chris said.
7) About the suspend , every Chinese cuber think it is not fit. WCA do not know the whole truth now. It is not fit to forbid me attend the competition now. This mistake decision will make Chinese lose trust foe WCA.Further you if WCA want suspend me they need also suspend Chris .If they wan ban me they need also ban Chris. He make a big mistake, He hurt Chinese very much.
Another suggestion,if what Xiaobo Jin said about the ShangHai open is not truth. Can WCA ban him?
“Chinese always hold BLD 2 round for Haiyan Zhuang is unfair for foreigner.” These words hurt not only me but Chinese forever.
Sorry for waste you so many time.
Thank you very much for your investigation.
There have a cuber named r_517I have ever give him 8 cubes when he in Ireland . There have a competition will be hold on August on ShangHai. When Fangyuan Chang ask if Xiaobo jin
Want hold it. He said he do not want. So a man called Tianping want hold it. But when Tianping Begin to prepare for the competiton. Xiaobo jin set up a defend group to.They told Tianping.The competiton must be hold by Xiaobo Jin . Because he is the new default WCA delegate. So Tianping must do what Xiaobo Jin ask him do. Otherwise the competiton will not be WCA. He will be the WCA delegate everybody must do what he want him do .He ask many cuber to disturb Tianping and threaten him. This makes him can do nothing and fell smarting. He have to ask me help him . Becauese he think maybe I can help him. I heard what he said.I fell very unfair. I call Xiaobo JIan and denounce him. He do not dare harm TianPing Anymore. I told him never obstruct the WCA competiton. He do not hurt the competition again, He begin to ask his group to abuse me. I just keep peace and like I hear nothing,
After WCA want ban me. Xiaobo Jin ask his group abuse me whole day. This make me very
Painful. Becauese no one cuber in China know the truth. Their taunt make the man do not know what happened do not trust me.They abuse me again and use different account,They hurt me much.
r_517 isXiaoBojin’s friend and he is also in the defend group.He is the man abuse me most. He abuse me many and mang times. But now in Chinese forum no one trusts him. Because they know he know nothing about what happened and he is Belongs to ShangHai defend group. No one trusts him again.
I find he begin to lie here.I have to write the truth her. Dear administrator,if you find someone whose Ip is form Chinese Shanghai .or Guangzhou. They are belongs to the defend group.Maybe they will abuse me.Please do not trust them.Forget a man called Hongzhang maybe will abuse
also. I just want tell everybody .Never trust the man who do not konw the truth.
After WCA announce the investigation result.No one trust WCA. They do not think I can do things like this:

2k3) competitor behaves in a way that is unlawful, violent or indecent, or intentionally damages venue facilities or anyone's personal property within the venue;
If I do like this I will be sent to prison. No one ever saw me do that.
About 2k2) competitor is suspect of cheating or defrauding the officials during the competition;
This is the biggest insult for my dignity. No one Chinese cuber would think I can do that. Your investigate result make no one trust WCA.
Until now. I have ever attend 17 times 1 round and 13 times 2 round.
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