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The TRUTH about Jig-A-Loo

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Jul 12, 2008

ok, alot of people are useing jig-a-loo these days to "lube" there cubes. in my experience jig-a-loo doesnt really lube your cube, it softens the plastic and when i say soften i mean melt (no i did not dump the can into my cube) i did 2 short sprays into my cube and later noticed black marks on my pants. it was the melted plastic from my cube and to further test this i took and old type a Edge (diy) i no longer use, took the stickers off and just sprayed it. i picked it up to look at it and noticed i could actually see the plastic being eaten away and the cubie was warped from where i had touched it and my finger print was embeded into the plastic. now............ i was very brave and decided to experiment with my main cube (rubiks.com diy with A-core and A-spring/washer/screws) so i took out an edge sprayed for about 3 seconds and then worked the jig-a-loo in note* i scrambled the cube as i worked it in i did NOT keep it in its finished state. the results were astonishing the inside of my cube is as smooth as i could possibly imagine and because i scrambled as i worked it in the edges and corners of the cubies were smoother and rounder for better cutting and overall performance. all-in-all im very pleased with this though i was ridiculously scared at first that i just melted my cube.

If you plan on doing this i advise you try it with your backup cube or one you just don't like: simply remove and edge spray in jig-a-loo (NOTE* hold the straw in on the can or it will fly off and spray you in the eyes at 11:30PM and as you frantically run to the bathroom to washout your eyes you trip on your old computer) now spray for about 3 seconds quickly put the edge back in and scramble the cube as you work the jig-a-loo in, you will feel your cube sort of *boggdown* or get really slow, just keep working it in for about 5 min. it should start to get much easier and you should notice if feels like the hood of your car after a good waxing.

Sorry this is my first tutorial and im kinda ?dumb? yeah ok post any questions comments flames w/e
yeah, lol you have to constantly work it in and scrable it (aggressively) same thing happend to me with a different cube, just sprayed more jig-a-loo and turned like a mofo, works fine now "im gonna cut myself, im emo" LOL! i couldnt stop laughing nice vid
Three seconds of spraying sounds like a lot. I don't have experience with Jig-a-loo itself, but when I lube cubes one or two spritzes is usually enough.
Yeah.... after watching this vid im not even going to consider putting jig a loo in my cube ever.

In either this video or the one where he puts his 4x4 back together (too lazy to see which), Eric admits that he probably didn't work the jig-a-loo in well enough. The only bad thing I've ever seen jig-a-loo do is act like a glue if people lube their cube and then leave it. IMO it's not dangerous to your cube at all, unless you do something wrong.
I just got some the other day, and it made my store-bought AMAZING! It cuts corners better, and it's very very smooth now.
I'm tired of people dissing jigaloo and not reading the countless lubing threads in this forum :mad:

1a. Yes, it melts plastic BUT ONLY IN LARGE QUANTITIES
b. If you spray directly into the cube, you get pools/drops (aka significant quantities of lube [see 1a for what happens when too much jigaloo contacts plastic)

2. This could all be avoided if people actually disassembled their cubes and did the full, even coat of lube when spraying from a distance. This is one case where the "quick fix" is the quickest way to kill your cube.

3. About the "softening": Leave the coated pieces to sit for about 5min after spraying.

4. If you keep insisting on waging a holy war against jigaloo, I'll make a video showing my lubed Type A and it's non-glued state.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaahaha!!! Lol, that video was so funny!!!!!

"Did it come off? No, it's still glued, look at that! Look at that! Oh my god, look at that fu****g white blue piece, it's still glued to the other one!"

LMAO!!!!!! :D
Well, I've been using Jig-A-Loo for my entire cubing 'career' (No normal silicone sprays in canada, as far as I know.) I -always- fully dissasemble my cube before lubing it, I wouldn't just spray it in a corner.

This is why: For the first 4-5 minutes after spraying, jigaloo makes the cubies soft. Like, so soft you can dig pieces of plastic out with your fingernail, or leave fingerprints in it. After it's dried, everything becomes hard again, so it's not a lasting thing. I'd imagine spraying it directly in wouldn't be good for the cube. =P.

I'm actually going to drive down to the states soon to pick up a few cans of CRC, because I really don't trust this stuff not to just ruin my cubes one day. It also really doesn't last very long at all : (.
I use jigaloo, works amazing.

The melt barely damages any of my cubes, and ive sprayed all my cubes with it.
I even used it on my v cubes, to amazing effect.

Jigaloo is the best lube ive ever used.
I went to buy some at Wal-Mart today, and guess what. They checked my ID, apparently you have to be over 18 to purchase one.

CRC was SOOO cheap at the Wal-Mart I bought it from today, it was twice the normal size and half the price at $2.
I love Quebec, they don't card you for ANYTHING unless you're obviously under 12. Including bars.

Well, I exaggerate. But still, we don't get carded for stuff like lubricant or lighters\fluid o_O.
I really don't trust this stuff not to just ruin my cubes one day. It also really doesn't last very long at all : (.
...You realize that most Canadian cubers use Jig-a-loo, right? So do I, and I'm completely satisfied. (Jason Thong uses Motomaster, and Craig as well, but he got a can from a competition after Jason accidentally left it behind :p)
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