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The method debate thread

it was well agreed inside community a few years ago that zz must exit big3
I doubt you'll get anything from this message but for anyone else who might be reading

It was also well agreed a few years before that, that Roux was terrible for OH. People can be wrong. Opinion can change.

I've also put off making a video about the Jayden/Kian/Dylan ZZ stuff for a while now, ought to get around to that.
I doubt you'll get anything from this message but for anyone else who might be reading

It was also well agreed a few years before that, that Roux was terrible for OH. People can be wrong. Opinion can change.

I've also put off making a video about the Jayden/Kian/Dylan ZZ stuff for a while now, ought to get around to that.

But Jayden is well respected member that can back up his knowledge with results and titles. You are just a theorist. Why would I trust you more than him?
But Jayden is well respected member that can back up his knowledge with results and titles.
1) Being successful does not mean you know why you are successful. This is a general thing though, as I do believe Jayden knows why he is successful etc. He takes a very scientific and measured approach to cubing that I do admire.

2) my rebuttal falls on three fallacies in his video. The first, being that the entire video is about a type of ZZ that doesn't get used for two handed (eoline). The second, is the disregarding of ZBLL. The third, is the disregarding of eocross entirely.

Jayden might know more than me about cubing but I know more than him about ZZ.
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1) Being successful does not mean you know why you are successful. This is a general thing though, as I do believe Jayden knows why he is successful etc. He takes a very scientific and measured approach to cubing that I do admire.

2) my rebuttal falls on three fallacies in his video. The first, being that the entire video is about a type of ZZ that doesn't get used for two handed (eoline). The second, is the disregarding of ZBLL. The third, is the disregarding of eocross entirely.

Jayden might know more about me than cubing but I know more than him about ZZ.

You are just biased because you use zz. He is objective. That is the real difference
But Jayden is well respected member that can back up his knowledge with results and titles. You are just a theorist. Why would I trust you more than him?
In a conversation I had with Jay last year, they stated and I quote, "with the zz discord, has there been much discussion about ways to solve F2L that minimize awkward RUL turning? i feel like that's legitimately the thing that will make me acknowledge it as a "big x" method if it gets resolved." (9/14/2021)

In case you missed it, most of ZZ is RU/LU gen. Not many solutions will have actual RUL turning. Build pair RU or LU gen, then insert RU or LU gen. So voila, problem solved. ZZ is part of the the big x.
You are just biased because you use zz. He is objective. That is the real difference
Hmm yes. The Zz user is biased towards ZZ so his opinion must be invalid. But the person who only specialises in cfop and at that point in time hadn't put enough effort into even considering eocross for his video has to be correct.

What, are you gonna link Jperms video next? Are you so much of a sheep that you see some big name say that "x thing is bad" so it has to be true?
Your main source of argument has literally basically changed his mind on the matter as Ore just pointed out. How about for the future of this argument you actually make your own opinions as well as, now I know this is gonna be hard, actually provide concrete evidence.

Doing this will lead to enjoyable debates which will a) not leave people in negative moods
and b) actually make your presence on these forums enjoyable to others

Have a great day! :D
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funny how you think I am the troll here, when it's you trying to convince the whole world that zz is equally as fast as cfop. just watch the video of almighty Jayden McNeill.
You put words in my mouth. I never try to convince anyone that a method of the big 4 is better than the others because they are all equally better, but sure, let's shine the light to you. Why do I think ZZ is better than CFOP based on the posts I wrote on this forum?

Jayden is a fast cuber indeed. But, if you would have been on the forums for longer you would know they are not well respected. Jayden rarely posts and asks about probabilities in the probability and FMC thread that nobody cares about. Many don't even know Jayden posts here at all.

Oh and one thing. The minimum age to make an account here is 13. You might have missed that.
You put words in my mouth. I never try to convince anyone that a method of the big 4 is better than the others because they are all equally better, but sure, let's shine the light to you. Why do I think ZZ is better than CFOP based on the posts I wrote on this forum?

Jayden is a fast cuber indeed. But, if you would have been on the forums for longer you would know they are not well respected. Jayden rarely posts and asks about probabilities in the probability and FMC thread that nobody cares about. Many don't even know Jayden posts here at all.

Oh and one thing. The minimum age to make an account here is 13. You might have missed that.
you don't understand.what else should i expect from person whose nickname starts with zz. do you have better look ahead than max park? or do you spam tps like ruihang? eoline, eocross etc take extra moves to orient the edges. those moves could be used to solve additional pieces at the cost of rotations.
Ruffleduck has many pll former ytwbs
So yes some zzers can have ruihang tps
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