I'm not sure if it's right, but I sure do like the numbers better.So. CPLL+ELL would many algs? I want to say 84, 21 PLLs per 4 edge cases (all, adj, opp, none)
But Thom then said 6*48=288.
So then I looked again, and thought
21 (regular PLL)
21 (all edges flipped)
Those only get a set of PLL each, since the angle doesn't matter.
21*2 (opp edges)
One set where flipped on L/R, one on U/B.
21*4 (adj edges)
One set per AUF.
21 + 21 + 42 + 84 = 168.
Is this correct?#Non-EPLL PLLs=22-4=18 (Don't forget pure flips)
ELL: 29
Regular PLL: 18-1=17 (Pure flip=Solved)
PLLEF: 18 (Like CLLEF)
Opp flip: 2*18-2=34 (N-perm overcount)
Adj flip: 4*18-1-6=65 (E&N-perm overcount)
Sum: 19+17+18+34+65=153
Please correct me if this is wrong.
However, recog will probably deter me from learning this, but I can at the very least learn ELL and see what I feel like from there.