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Random Blindfold Cubing Discussion

Hey, so the only cubes I can do BLD are 2x2 and 3x3. What's the easiest WCA event to do BLD that's not an NxN?
Hey, so the only cubes I can do BLD are 2x2 and 3x3. What's the easiest WCA event to do BLD that's not an NxN?
Clock, probably. Pyraminx also is pretty easy, and skewb is not that difficult either. Megaminx is quite challenging - not complicated from a solving perspective, but very difficult to memorize. And square-1 is very challenging too, for very different reasons from megaminx.
What is auditory loop?
Auditory loop is just memorizing a quick string of syllables by saying them (or saying them in your head) - the human brain is wired to be able to remember a short string of syllables very easily for short periods of time, and if you repeat those syllables a few times before beginning to solve, it can lead to very quick memorization and recall for small amounts of memorization. Most good 3BLD solvers memorize at least edges in auditory loop, and a few seem to memorize a whole cube in it. For 4BLD, the common thing these days seems to be to memorize wings with auditory loop (although that's more information than I can seem to remember with it, so I just put corners in my 4BLD auditory loop).
Best way to know is do tracing while memorizing edges. That way, you will know when you have finished. If there is a cycle break, just see where your fingers aren't touching and memo from there.
I've tried tracing before but I found it to be a bit hard holding the cube while memorizing. But I guess if I practise enough it won't bother me too much
How do I memo single letters when I have parity ? I'm not sure what words i can make with just one letter
I'm thinking about starting 3x3 blindfolded, but if I am bad at memorizing algs, will I be bad at blind? My initial guess is no because one is letters and the other one is pieces, but I am not sure. Thoughts?
I'm thinking about starting 3x3 blindfolded, but if I am bad at memorizing algs, will I be bad at blind? My initial guess is no because one is letters and the other one is pieces, but I am not sure. Thoughts?
No I don't believe you will if you make words from letter pairs and make a story from them. You just need to do algs over and over again but for blind, there are many memory methods out there