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[Unofficial] [begginer cuber] sub50 solve, roux method

Well I use fridrich for anything other then 2-4 as I use Ortega roux and k4 and I switched to roux 3 days ago from my 16-17 second fridrich average I now average 19-22 and I don't care because I enjoy it, do whatever you enjoy don't get method superiority flamed and 5BLD you seem a nice guy we've talked on YouTube but you're one he'll of a roux fanboy, it has advantages and disadvantages like other methods so don't be a douche about it,
That's my metaphorical '2 cents' on this topic.
Well I use fridrich for anything other then 2-4 as I use Ortega roux and k4 and I switched to roux 3 days ago from my 16-17 second fridrich average I now average 19-22 and I don't care because I enjoy it, do whatever you enjoy don't get method superiority flamed and 5BLD you seem a nice guy we've talked on YouTube but you're one he'll of a roux fanboy, it has advantages and disadvantages like other methods so don't be a douche about it,
That's my metaphorical '2 cents' on this topic.

Your right about 5BLD, im in constant contact with him (20-30+ messages a day) and yup... he likes roux... despises other methods and isn't ashamed to shout about it...
Yeah, I hate inside jokes too... Especially when it involves me...

But MBR is a good way to start learning imo. When I teach people they just can't do it without a guideline, and they dont understand pair up then insert, or move out of the way. So I teach them something similar to mb, and later on try to get them to work out their own ways of doing blocks.
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Not that, just the whole post. I don't think you can really compare the two like that.
Well, I wasn't basing that statement purely on my times, but on many things that have gone through my head the last days. Am considering posting my thoughts, ala Stachu's rantings.

Secondly, I don't see why you can't compare the two like that. Even though I can often do the first block in ~8 moves, I can do EOLine in fewer moves. The EOLine does use some less fingerfriendly moves though, so speedwise it is currently the same.