
  1. CubeLite

    Guess the Speedcuber Thread

    This was inspired by the "Guess That Cube Thread", and it's basically the same, I hope nobody did this already, since I didn't found any. You have 2 ways of giving hints: 1. By taking a picture of the cuber like blured If is famous, and slowly get it at a higher graphic 2. By giving hints The...
  2. LunarCuber

    Please answer my Survey for a Maths Project on the Rubik's Cube

    Hello everyone! I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I thought it would be. I'm doing a statistical investigation on Rubik's Cubes for a school project, so if you guys could fill out this survey, since I need responses from both cubers and non-cubers, it'd really help...
  3. itzwoyingg

    What Cubing Youtubers Do You Watch?

    I watch from: JPerm : Tutorials in getting faster Tingman : Interesting and fun cubing videos BenTheCuber : Just for fun and relatable cubing things ... and more that I can't think of ...
  4. Human Cuber

    What? I Colour Graded Your Cubing Video!

    The Biggest Collaboration I did so Far! ENJOY!
  5. White KB

    🇺🇸 Nebraska, USA

    Hey, If there is anyone else from Nebraska (in the US) who is on the forums, please reply to this thread.
  6. J

    GAN Speed ACE Program Launched!

    您好,我是GAN Cube的Joann。 上次,我与您分享了我们的新GAN Gurus Teamer。 但是今天,我们正在寻找GAN Speed ACE的成员! 什么是GAN Speed ACE? -GAN的少年速滑队。而且我们正在寻找12岁以下,可以稳定地发展到20岁以下甚至更快的时间! GAN团队特权: -竞争基金 -多维数据集赞助 -GAN品牌大使 -破纪录奖 专业GAN服务正等着您! 单击链接或扫描QR码,申请GAN Speed ACE。
  7. Shal

    [Member Intro] Hello! I'm Shal.

    Hello Every one! My name is Shal. I love Cubing. And I'm Happy to join this community. My main event is 3x3.
  8. edgymove

    [Member Intro] Hey hey :3

    Hey hey, I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself :) I'm relatively new to speedsolving, I got a rubiks brand cube when I was around the age of 9 but I never managed to solve it and I lost it a few years later, now I started again to try my luck, my best time with the 3x3 and the CFOP...
  9. CubeCow

    How do you get sponsors on YouTube?

    I'm looking to start a Youtube cubing channel,and I know that unboxings and reviews are what's popular in cubing videos right now. The problem is I don't have a lot of money to buy cubes. I know that unboxings and reviews aren't all I can do, but I'm not currently a super fast cuber, so my...
  10. skycube


    Hi everyone! I have been a cuber for almost 8 months now. I mostly solve my 3x3. But I can solve 2x2, 4x4, and a 5x5. I also like to solve my axel cube. It's one of my fav's. I wan to start a collection of twisty puzzles. Right now, my collection is still small, but growing! My average on a...
  11. M

    Haii everybody !!

    I am new to this forum. So far it is the best i ever joined. I joined it to get more information about LL stuff. I am Micha from Switzerland. I am 15 years old. I started cubing 9 months ago. Currently i am averaging 12-13 seconds on 3x3 and around 55 seconds on 4x4. At the moment i am...
  12. sub20cuber

    Cuber Catchphrases

    In the comment section below you can write down any of your favourite cuber catchphrases that you yourself use or that you know other famous/not famous cubers use. Personally I use "no cube, no cuber" but when im in the middle of a 3x3 etc. solve I will say in my head "sub______here I come". now...
  13. T

    [Unofficial] 3x3 10.57 avg12 9.74 avg5

    oskcodqKuNQ 11.25, 10.21, 11.61, 9.42, 10.95, 9.62, 10.45, (13.29), 12.36, 10.02, (9.34), 9.78, 12.28, 9.42, 13.86 15 solves in the video Bolded is avg 12 and underlined is avg 5 9.74 avg5 starts at 3:47 (kept the 13.86 because I did CLL/ELL) Pretty good for me. Wasn't paying much...
  14. granada

    Brazilian cuber

    Hello there. I'm from Brazil, my name is Renan, 17 i'm years old, and i solve rubik's cube :] So... I learned how to solve rubik's cube on my own. It tookme 3 full days. I used some algorithms that i made only with a paper and my mind, but then when it came to PLL and OLL i used a computer...
  15. wytefury

    Hailing all the way from Alaska, give a big welcome to WYTEFURY!

    Hey what's up guys, just decided I would make a quick little post to introduce myself to the forums. I'm a spanish and music major in college (I play bassoon, oboe, and tenor sax). I'm a bboy (break dance). And I'm a cuber. I learned how to cube about a year ago, I got a cube for Christmas...
  16. Yuxuibbs

    Speedcubing addiction

    I have this project where I have to do research on a topic and I chose speedcubing. I can't find a lot of reliable information. So far I'm going on the WCA stuff and some random articles/blogs/threads. How many people are addicted? What are the treatment options/medications? Is it genetic...
  17. blackzabbathfan

    It's the cuber, not the cube: Is there a limit?

    Everyone is always saying that it is the cuber not the cube, which I totally agree with, but is there a limit? Could faz have gotten 5.66 with a Rubik's Brand? I am curious to knowwhat you guys think of this.
  18. R

    [Unofficial] My process while solving the cube!

    well i know i'm slow but i still want to be faster!so please help me with tips!:) ill appreciate it:)
  19. MostEd

    [Unofficial] [begginer cuber] sub50 solve, roux method

    I'm a begginer cuber(end of may) I learned roux, currently do 2L CMLL, and I have the cube nearly the whole day in my hands, so I do practise. There might be sound problems, since youtube decided to delete the Eruption track I put on it ;(, so you'll either hear some jazz or nothing.
  20. K

    When do you consider a cuber a master?

    What times would a cuber need to get in order to be considered a master? Also, what would you consider proficient? What would you call average? Discuss. :)