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Obviously more expensive ≠ better,
I used to main GAN 356 M (about £30 - £40 (yes I can't be bothered to convert to dollars for everyone else)), then switched to the WRM (£24). But GAN is kinda overpriced anyway, especially the 12 maglev, it doesn't even really work.
Honestly I'm flicking between like five different cubes at the moment.

TengYun V1, GAN Mini (if I had to choose, would probably go with this), GAN Duo, Valk Elite (absolutely hated it out of the box - never disliked a cube more), GAN 356M.
Obviously more expensive ≠ better,
I used to main GAN 356 M (about £30 - £40 (yes I can't be bothered to convert to dollars for everyone else)), then switched to the WRM (£24). But GAN is kinda overpriced anyway, especially the 12 maglev, it doesn't even really work.
Yeah I have the gan 12 maglev and it’s impossible to get a good setting as in either it’s too tight or it’s too lose
All three from speedcubeshop?!?! Or can i just get one?😅
Probably not necessary to get Stardust, but Weight 1 and Lunar really help. I would say 10 mL of Weight 1 and 10 mL of lunar. Be sure to use discount code Jperm at checkout.
As for TC, you get more weight 1 at a lower price, and silk also goes up to 10 CC