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What's the Easiest Way to Plan First Pair?


Feb 19, 2019
Northampton, UK
Visit Channel
Title says it all. I cant grasp Cubeskills' way of tracking both the edge and the corner at the same time. I've tried it and most times I've even messed up cross. And during competitions, 15 seconds isnt going to be enough for all that so i just want a way that's short and simple and easy to master
Title says it all. I cant grasp Cubeskills' way of tracking both the edge and the corner at the same time. I've tried it and most times I've even messed up cross. And during competitions, 15 seconds isnt going to be enough for all that so i just want a way that's short and simple and easy to master
I would like to know this information too, because I struggle with cross and first pair in inspection.
Title says it all. I cant grasp Cubeskills' way of tracking both the edge and the corner at the same time. I've tried it and most times I've even messed up cross. And during competitions, 15 seconds isnt going to be enough for all that so i just want a way that's short and simple and easy to master
Just use as much time as you need in inspection, and then work on getting faster at it. No one can just try it the first time and get it in sub-15 seconds.
I'm also trying to work on cross+1. I don't try it every solve yet but on easier crosses I normally see:
-If a piece is not affected or affected minimally by the cross solution, track the other piece of the pair (can be helped by restricting your cross to 3-gen if possible)
-If the solution is short, it's easy to track both and see the exact F2L case you will get
-If pieces move around the top and middle layer, I prefer tracking them because having a corner in the bottom = bad case

And probably you should use unlimited inspection time and be able to do it blindfolded just like when first starting out w/ cross.