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The Square-1 "Example Solve" Game

Next: (4,0)/ (6,3)/ (3,-3)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-5,0)/ (3,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-5,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,-2)/ (-3,0)/
(4,-1)/ (-2,3)/ (2,-3)/ (-1,-2)/ (-3,0)/ -- CSP (5/5)
(1,0)/ (2,-1)/ (0,3)/ (1,-2)/ (-4,-1)/ -- OBL (5/10)
(1,0)/ (-3,0)/ (3,3)/ (0,-3)/ (-4,3)/ (-3,0)/ (3,3)/ (0,-3)/ (3,4) -- PBL (8/18)

Next: (0,-4)/ (1,4)/ (3,3)/ (-1,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-2)`/` (-3,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-5)/ (0,-2)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-1)
Next: (0,-4)/ (1,4)/ (3,3)/ (-1,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-2)`/` (-3,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-5)/ (0,-2)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-1)

(0,-5) / (2,0) / (1,-2) / (-1,0) / (0,2) / (1,2) / (-3,-3) / -- CS (7)
(-3-4) / (-3,6) / (-2,1) / (3,0) / (-1,-1) / -- D-Layer (5/12)
(6-5) / (-3,0) / (3,3) / (0,-3) / (4,0) / (-3,0) / (3,3) / (0,-3) / (-4,0) -- T-Perm (8/20)

Next: (-3, 5) / (4, -2) / (0, -3) / (0, -3) / (3, 0) / (-3, 0) / (2, 0) / (-3, 0) / (-2, -1) / (-4, -3) / (6, -3) / (0, -4) / (0, -1)
Next: (-3, 5) / (4, -2) / (0, -3) / (0, -3) / (3, 0) / (-3, 0) / (2, 0) / (-3, 0) / (-2, -1) / (-4, -3) / (6, -3) / (0, -4) / (0, -1)
y2 -- Inspection
(-3,1)/ (4,0)/ (0,1)/ (-2,0)/ (-5,2)/ (0,3)/ -- CSP (6/6)
(-3,1)/ (0,-3)/ (5,2)/ -- OBL (3/9)
(1,4)/ (3,3)/ (2,-1)/ (-2,1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-4,3) -- PBL (5/14)

Next: (-2,0)/ (0,3)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-5)`/` (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (2,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-2,0)/
Next: (-2,0)/ (0,3)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-5)`/` (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (2,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-2,0)/

(-4,-4) / (0,2) / (-4,0) / (2,1) / (3,3) / -- CSP (5)
(3,5) / (1,-5) / (3,-3) /(-1,-1) / (3,0) / (-3,0) / -- Lin Blocks (6/11)
(-2, -2) / (0,-3) / (3,0) / (-4,2) / (4,1) / (0,-3) / (2,-3) -- PLL+1 (6/17)

Next: (0, -1) / (3, 6) / (4, -2) / (0, -3) / (2, -4) / (1, 0) / (-3, 0) / (5, -3) / (-5, 0) / (2, 0) / (-1, -2) / (4, 0) / (1, 0)
Next: (0, -1) / (3, 6) / (4, -2) / (0, -3) / (2, -4) / (1, 0) / (-3, 0) / (5, -3) / (-5, 0) / (2, 0) / (-1, -2) / (4, 0) / (1, 0)
(-1,0)/ (-4,0)/ (1,2)/ (-2,0)/ (-1,-2)/ (-3,0)/ -- CSP (6/6)
(-5,0)/ (0,3)/ (-4,-1)/ (3,0)/ -- OBL (4/10)
(-2,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (3,3)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (-5,1)/ (2,-4)/ (4,1)/ (6,0)/ (5,6) -- PBL (10/20)

Next: (4,3)/ (-1,5)/ (-3,-3)/ (-2,-5)/ (-1,-4)/ (-5,0)`/` (0,-3)/ (-3,-2)/ (-1,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (-3,-4)
Next: (4,3)/ (-1,5)/ (-3,-3)/ (-2,-5)/ (-1,-4)/ (-5,0)`/` (0,-3)/ (-3,-2)/ (-1,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (-3,-4)

Method: Lin

(-3,-2) / (2,0) / (1,2) / (2,3) / (0,3) / -- CSP (5)
(6,-1) / (4,1) / (-1,-4) / (-3,3) / -- Lin Blocks (4/9)
(6,0) / (1, -5) / (0,6) / (2,-3) -- PLL+2 (3/12)

@AndrewT99 I must say, you are a worthy rival

Next: (0, 5) / (4, -2) / (-3, 0) / (2, -1) / (3, -3) / (3, 0) / (0, -5) / (-3, -3) / (-4, 0) / (0, -5) / (4, 0) / (0, -5) / (0, -1)
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Next: (0, 5) / (4, -2) / (-3, 0) / (2, -1) / (3, -3) / (3, 0) / (0, -5) / (-3, -3) / (-4, 0) / (0, -5) / (4, 0) / (0, -5) / (0, -1)
y2 -- Inspection
(6,0)/ (2,0)/ (-1,-2)/ (-3,-3)/ -- CSP (4/4)
(4,0)/ (-4,2)/ (0,3)/ -- OBL (3/7)
(0,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (3,3)/ (0,-3)/ (0,2)/ (-3,0)/ (3,3)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (0,4) -- PBL (9/16)

@Silky Haha, idk what kind of rivalry there is to be had doing example solves, but yeah same to you

Next: (-3,-1)/ (1,-5)/ (5,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-5)/ (2,0)`/` (3,0)/ (0,-4)/ (1,0)/ (6,-4)/ (4,-1)/ (0,-4)
(I scramble and solve with white top)

/ (2,-5) / (-2,0) / (-2,-1) / (3,3) / -- CSP
(0,2) / (-5,1) / (3,-3) / (-4,-1) / (-5,1) / (-1,-1) / (3,0) / -- FB and SB + D edge
(1,4) / (-3,0) / (-1,2) / (1,-2) / (-3,3) / (-4,-1) / (-3,0) / (1,1) / (3,0) / (-1,5) / (0,6) / (-3,1) -- CMDLL cancel into Z perm

I am not good at Square 1 because I don't know PLL+1 or CSP (I just got lucky) but I think this is a fairly good solution.

Next: (1,0)/ (-3,6)/ (3,3)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,-1)/ (-3,-2)/ (3,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-1)/ (-5,-4)/
Next: (1,0)/ (-3,6)/ (3,3)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,-1)/ (-3,-2)/ (3,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-1)/ (-5,-4)/
/-14/01/03/ #CSP L/3-2-1 (4/4)
10/ #CO (1/5)
6-3/-30/30/-1-1/-30/41/ #EO (6/11)
-13/03/-3-3/30/ #CP forcing good U (4/15)
-5-3/5-1/-21/-1-1/-21/03 #EP (5/20)

Next: (-5,0)/ (3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,-4)/ (-5,-2)/ (-3,-1)/ (3,0)/ (-4,-3)/ (-3,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (1,0)/ (-4,0)
/ 50/02/0-4/01/03/ #CS
40/ #CO
63/30/30/-1-1/-21/-30/ #EO
/03/0-3/03/0-3/ #setup to a case i know
-33/ 03/-1-1/1-2/ #adj adj to setup to JN
-4-1/03/0-3/03/0-3/3-5 #JN
Next: (1,0)/ (0,3)/ (5,-4)/ (-2,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)`/` (-3,0)/ (4,-1)/ (6,0)/ (-2,-3)/ (0,-2)/
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Next: (1,0)/ (0,3)/ (5,-4)/ (-2,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)`/` (-3,0)/ (4,-1)/ (6,0)/ (-2,-3)/ (0,-2)/
y2 -- Inspection
(-2,0)/ (2,0)/ (-2,3)/ (-2,-1)/ (-3,0)/ -- CSP (5/5)
(5,0)/ (-2,1)/ (5,2)/ (4,1)/ (-1,-4)/ -- OBL (5/10)
(4,4)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,-2)/ (6,3)/ (6,0)/ (-1,-3) -- PBL (6/16)

Next: (0,2)/ (1,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,0)`/` (-3,-3)/ (1,0)/ (2,-2)/ (2,-2)/ (-4,0)/
Next: (0,2)/ (1,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,0)`/` (-3,-3)/ (1,0)/ (2,-2)/ (2,-2)/ (-4,0)/
y2 -- Inspection
(0,-2)/ (-2,4)/ (1,0)/ (-3,-3)/ -- CSP (4/4)
(0,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,1)/ (2,5)/ -- OBL (4/8)
(6,0)/ (-3,0)/ (3,3)/ (0,-3)/ (1,1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-3,3)/ (-3,-3)/ (-4,3) -- PBL (8/16)

Next: (0,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,1)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-3,-3)/ (4,0)`/` (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (2,0)/ (6,-3)/ (6,-4)
Next: (0,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,1)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-3,-3)/ (4,0)`/` (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (2,0)/ (6,-3)/ (6,-4)
(-2,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-2)/ (2,1)/ (0,3)/ -- CSP (5/5)
(-5,3)/ (-1,2)/ (-5,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (1,4)/ -- OBL (5/10)
(3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (3,3)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-1)/ (0,3)/ (0,3)/ (0,-3)/ (0,3)/ (0,3)/ (0,-5) -- PBL (10/20)

Next: (0,-4)/ (1,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (6,-3)/ (5,-4)/ (1,-3)`/` (-3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (2,-2)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (4,0)/ (-1,0)
(-2,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-2)/ (2,1)/ (0,3)/ -- CSP (5/5)
(-5,3)/ (-1,2)/ (-5,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (1,4)/ -- OBL (5/10)
(3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (3,3)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-1)/ (0,3)/ (0,3)/ (0,-3)/ (0,3)/ (0,3)/ (0,-5) -- PBL (10/20)

Next: (0,-4)/ (1,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (6,-3)/ (5,-4)/ (1,-3)`/` (-3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (2,-2)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (4,0)/ (-1,0)
Reviving this partially so I can look at my PBL solutions and try to improve them (although this was an easy case), also using karn because I don't like writing out tonnes of numbers
-52/0-4/-41/-10/-30/ // CSP (bad 312/L) [5/5]
1-3 U // CO [2/7]
0-3 W' M W' // EO [6/13]
// PBL: B/S
10 B' B' // J/N [5/18]
01 U M u' 20 // adj/adj [4/22]

next: (4,6)/ (2,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (1,-5)/ (3,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-3,-3)/ (-1,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-4,-4)
Does twizzle not support Square 1?

It does! But there are a few caveats:
  • 3D animations are not implemented yet.
  • We don't yet check bandaging — that is, it lets you cut corners in half like a Square-2. 😆
  • U and D moves are not animated simultaneously yet.
  • There was an issue where Square-1 reconstructions could be blocked from loading by our web server.
I've just fixed the last issue, so it should no longer be a problem. Thanks for bringing it up, or I wouldn't have noticed!

 Twizzle link 
(4, 6) / (2, -1) / (-3, 0) / (0, -3) / (1, -5) / (3, 0) / (0, -4) / (-3, -3) / (-1, -2) / (2, 0) / (-4, 0) / (-4, -4)
(2, 0) / (0, -4) / (1, 0) / (-3, -3) / // Square
(-5, 0) / (-1, -4) / // orientation
/ (3, 0) / (-3, 0) / (-3, 3) / (-3, 0) / (3, 0) / // CP
(0, -3) / (1, 1) / (6, 0) / (-1, -1) / // 2-2 opposite edge swap
(-6, -3) / (-3, 0) / (1, 1) / (2, -1) / // 2-2 adjacent edge swap
(-6, 1) / (-3, 0) / (0, 3) / (0, -3) / (0, 3) / (2, 0) / (0, 2) / (-2, 0) / (4, 0) / (0, -2) / (0, 2) / (-1, 4) / (0, -3) / (-6, 3) // parity

P.S. Twizzle requires spaces around the slash moves. You can get a compatible random-state scramble from https://scramble.cubing.net/?event=sq1 (you can press Ctrl-C / ⌘C after the page loads, and it will transfer to your clipboard).

Next scramble: (4, 0) / (-3, 0) / (6, -3) / (5, -4) / (0, -3) / (3, 0) / (1, 0) / (-3, -3) / (5, 0) / (0, -2) / (4, 0) / (4, 0) / (2, 0) / (-4, 0)
It does! But there are a few caveats:
  • 3D animations are not implemented yet.
  • We don't yet check bandaging — that is, it lets you cut corners in half like a Square-2. 😆
  • U and D moves are not animated simultaneously yet.
  • There was an issue where Square-1 reconstructions could be blocked from loading by our web server.
I've just fixed the last issue, so it should no longer be a problem. Thanks for bringing it up, or I wouldn't have noticed!

 Twizzle link 
(4, 6) / (2, -1) / (-3, 0) / (0, -3) / (1, -5) / (3, 0) / (0, -4) / (-3, -3) / (-1, -2) / (2, 0) / (-4, 0) / (-4, -4)
(2, 0) / (0, -4) / (1, 0) / (-3, -3) / // Square
(-5, 0) / (-1, -4) / // orientation
/ (3, 0) / (-3, 0) / (-3, 3) / (-3, 0) / (3, 0) / // CP
(0, -3) / (1, 1) / (6, 0) / (-1, -1) / // 2-2 edge swap
(-6, -3) / (-3, 0) / (1, 1) / (2, -1) /
(-6, 1) / (-3, 0) / (0, 3) / (0, -3) / (0, 3) / (2, 0) / (0, 2) / (-2, 0) / (4, 0) / (0, -2) / (0, 2) / (-1, 4) / (0, -3) / (-6, 3) // parity

P.S. Twizzle requires spaces around the slash moves. You can get a compatible random-state scramble from https://scramble.cubing.net/?event=sq1 (you can press Ctrl-C / ⌘C after the page loads, and it will transfer to your clipboard).

Next scramble: (4, 0) / (-3, 0) / (6, -3) / (5, -4) / (0, -3) / (3, 0) / (1, 0) / (-3, -3) / (5, 0) / (0, -2) / (4, 0) / (4, 0) / (2, 0) / (-4, 0)
Another suggestion could be the option to replace yellow with black as many people do that.
Another suggestion could be the option to replace yellow with black as many people do that.

I'm somewhat amenable to that, but TNoodle itself hasn't switched over. I could also use some stats on exactly which color substitutions are the most common and how much — I've definitely seen a lot of black tiles in Square-1, but I don't know enough myself about whether it usually replaces white rather than yellow.
Next scramble: (4, 0) / (-3, 0) / (6, -3) / (5, -4) / (0, -3) / (3, 0) / (1, 0) / (-3, -3) / (5, 0) / (0, -2) / (4, 0) / (4, 0) / (2, 0) / (-4, 0)
z2 // Inspection
Cubeshape: (-2,-4) / (2,0) / (-2,-1) / (3,3) /
F2B: (4,0) / (3,-3) / (2,2) / (-2,1) / (-1,-1) / (-2,1) / (3,0) / (-1,-1) /
CPDF: (-5,1) / (-5,-3) / (-3,0) / (-1,2) / (1,-2) / (-3,3) / (-3,0) /
EPLL: (-6,0) / (2,-4) / (-5,0) / (0,-3) / (-1,0) / (0,-4) / (0,4) / (4,0) / (2,3) / (0,-3) / (-4,0) / (6,3) / (6,0) / (-3,3)

Next: (0,-4)/ (-2,4)/ (3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (-2,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-1)/ (2,0)/ (1,0)/ (-2,-4)/
(0,-4)/ (-2,4)/ (3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (-2,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-1)/ (2,0)/ (1,0)/ (-2,-4)/
z2 0-4/-2-3/-33/21/03/ // CSP [5/5] (L/6)
-20 e U M U' F // CO cancelled into EO [6/11]
// PBL: B/S (again)
-40 B' B' // J/N [5/16]
-23 D M K' U2 23 // adjadj+ [5/21]

Next: (-5,0) / (-1,5) / (3,0) / (0,-3) / (3,0) / (1,-5) / (2,0) / (3,0) / (1,0) / (-4,0) / (-4,-3) /
  • Haha
Reactions: LBr