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Square-1: JQ Method Solve Game


Aug 7, 2019
On this thread, anyone can solve square-1 but only using JQ Method or Advanced JQ

You can find them on speedsolving wiki

JQ Method
Advanced JQ

For solve diagnosis:
I use the format below to write down how I recognize each parts

SFFB: Top parts / Bottom parts

Number which the part placed from slice count + part forming using color

Assume x and y as color,
-x: edge
-xy: corner
-xY or Xy: 90 degree block which is extended on the uppercase face
-X: 150 degree block

CPSB: Case >> [Part placing]
Part placing: [WX:Y:Z]
Place U corner (90 degree block) on WX
Face D 150 degree block to Y
Offset the Z face

PELS(PES + Finisher):
Face condition(Pos/Adj)-Pattern(1-3)-Reference Edge place-UDM state + ABF(Align Both Faces)

UDM state: UD block state+Middle Layer state
UD: S if both blocks are 180, O if both blocks aren’t
M: S if middle layer is squared, O if it’s not
First solve:
Scramble: (4,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-3,3)/ (-5,-2)/ (-4,-1)/ (-2,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (1,-4)/ (0,-4)/ (2,-5)/ (0,-2)/


6/-4/12/-2/21/3/— CSP

02/ — SFFB

-2-2/0-3/3/-3/36/ — CPSB

25/-51/-4-1/3/41/2-1/-21/-15/3-2 — PELS

CSP: Right Fist-Square-Even

SFFB: 3gr 11r / 4O 10rb >> LW-B


PELS: Adj-1-DB-OS + 3,-2 ABF

Next: (4,0)/ (-1,5)/ (0,-3)/ (-5,-5)/ (2,-4)/ (6,0)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (-4,0)/ (-2,-4)
First solve:
Scramble: (4,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-3,3)/ (-5,-2)/ (-4,-1)/ (-2,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (1,-4)/ (0,-4)/ (2,-5)/ (0,-2)/


6/-4/12/-2/21/3/— CSP

02/ — SFFB

-2-2/0-3/3/-3/36/ — CPSB

25/-51/-4-1/3/41/2-1/-21/-15/3-2 — PELS

CSP: Right Fist-Square-Even

SFFB: 3gr 11r / 4O 10rb >> LW-B


PELS: Adj-1-DB-OS + 3,-2 ABF

Next: (4,0)/ (-1,5)/ (0,-3)/ (-5,-5)/ (2,-4)/ (6,0)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (-4,0)/ (-2,-4)
I'll learn and do this when I can get access to a Square-1 again, on Wednesday
On this thread, anyone can solve square-1 but only using JQ Method or Advanced JQ

You can find them on speedsolving wiki

JQ Method
Advanced JQ

For solve diagnosis:
I use the format below to write down how I recognize each parts

SFFB: Top parts / Bottom parts

Number which the part placed from slice count + part forming using color

Assume x and y as color,
-x: edge
-xy: corner
-xY or Xy: 90 degree block which is extended on the uppercase face
-X: 150 degree block

CPSB: Case >> [Part placing]
Part placing: [WX:Y:Z]
Place U corner (90 degree block) on WX
Face D 150 degree block to Y
Offset the Z face

PELS(PES + Finisher):
Face condition(Pos/Adj)-Pattern(1-3)-Reference Edge place-UDM state + ABF(Align Both Faces)

UDM state: UD block state+Middle Layer state
UD: S if both blocks are 180, O if both blocks aren’t
M: S if middle layer is squared, O if it’s not
How difficult is advanced JQ?
How difficult is advanced JQ?
Over all: CFOP Level

From my perspective, it is harder than JQ but it is much easier than Lin or OBL+PBL since there are only 48 new algs for Full CPSB (12 algs if you count mirrored and misaligned as 1) and 36 new algs for PELS and they are all within 8 slices
At first, looking ahead the case may be difficult but you'll get used to it
I already got much faster compared to when I used Vandenbergh

Remembering CSP (329 algs) is not necessary but if you want to get faster, I suggest remembering some cases so that is the difficult part I guess
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