On this thread, anyone can solve square-1 but only using JQ Method or Advanced JQ
You can find them on speedsolving wiki
JQ Method
Advanced JQ
For solve diagnosis:
I use the format below to write down how I recognize each parts
SFFB: Top parts / Bottom parts
Number which the part placed from slice count + part forming using color
Assume x and y as color,
-x: edge
-xy: corner
-xY or Xy: 90 degree block which is extended on the uppercase face
-X: 150 degree block
CPSB: Case >> [Part placing]
Part placing: [WX:Y:Z]
Place U corner (90 degree block) on WX
Face D 150 degree block to Y
Offset the Z face
PELS(PES + Finisher):
Face condition(Pos/Adj)-Pattern(1-3)-Reference Edge place-UDM state + ABF(Align Both Faces)
UDM state: UD block state+Middle Layer state
UD: S if both blocks are 180, O if both blocks aren’t
M: S if middle layer is squared, O if it’s not
You can find them on speedsolving wiki
JQ Method
Advanced JQ
For solve diagnosis:
I use the format below to write down how I recognize each parts
SFFB: Top parts / Bottom parts
Number which the part placed from slice count + part forming using color
Assume x and y as color,
-x: edge
-xy: corner
-xY or Xy: 90 degree block which is extended on the uppercase face
-X: 150 degree block
CPSB: Case >> [Part placing]
Part placing: [WX:Y:Z]
Place U corner (90 degree block) on WX
Face D 150 degree block to Y
Offset the Z face
PELS(PES + Finisher):
Face condition(Pos/Adj)-Pattern(1-3)-Reference Edge place-UDM state + ABF(Align Both Faces)
UDM state: UD block state+Middle Layer state
UD: S if both blocks are 180, O if both blocks aren’t
M: S if middle layer is squared, O if it’s not