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Send your collection and how long you've been cubing!

Okay... my collection is short
View attachment 29505
(ignore the random stuff) (I have an mgc box, but the cube is gone)
I have 10 puzzles I suppose.
7 3x3s
2 2x2s
1 Skewb

So,,, What do you think?
Nice! How's The qiyi m pro btw I was thinking of getting it for a youtube video
Btw nice drawing on the wall lol
also is the gan skewb standard or enhanced?
That's a QiYi MS, which I kinda hate. The GAN Skewb is standard, it quacks my solves.
I got gan standard as well, once I tried my friend's gan enhanced, and I didnt notice much of a difference (didnt compare it side by side though)
One time I gifted a weilong skewb to one of my friends and it was really good, I wish I'd have one
I don't need a good skewb yet though because I barely do skewb anyway, so if I ever pick it up again I might get a weilong
  1. QiYi M Pro BC (main)
  2. LanLan 2x2 Transparent
  3. MoFang JiaoShi Meilong 2
  4. MoYu RS2M Evo
  5. YJ MGC
  1. MoYu WeiLong WRM 2019 (extra edge magnets) (main?)
  2. MoYu WeiLong GTS2M (main?)
  3. GAN 12 MagLev UV (main?)
  4. GAN 356 Air SM (main?)
  5. DaYan Zhanchi Pro M (travel main)
  6. MoFang JiaoShi MF3RS2M with custom stickers and 4x2 N35 magnets (OH main)
  7. DaYan 2013 Zhanchi 55mm (collectible!)
  8. Dollar-store 3x3
  9. GAN 356 XS
  10. GAN 356 M with 🔥
  11. GAN 356 Air
  12. MoFang JiaoShi MeiLong M
  13. Standard MoFang JiaoShi RS3M 2020
  14. Another standard MoFang JiaoShi RS3M 2020
  15. Color-swapped MoFang JiaoShi RS3M 2020
  16. QiYi MS 3x3 Stickerless
  17. Another QiYi MS 3x3, but stickered
  18. QiYi Valk M
  19. QiYi Thunderclap V3 M
  20. YJ MGC Elite
  21. YuXin Little Magic V1 M
  22. YuXin Little Magic V2 M
  1. YJ MGC 4x4 (main, someone stole my YJ Mini)
  2. Vintage YuXin 4x4
  1. YJ YuChuang V2 M (main)
  2. YJ Mini 5x5
  1. YJ MGC 6x6 sitting in pieces in a bag (can I call this a main?)
  2. YJ YuFu 7x7 V2 M (main)
  3. MoFang JiaoShi MeiLong 8x8
WCA Side Events:
  1. MoYu RS Skewb M (main)
  2. QiYi QiCheng A Skewb
  3. YJ MGC Evo Pyraminx (main)
  4. MoYu RS Pyraminx M
  5. QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx
  6. YJ YuHu V2 M Megaminx (main)
  7. YuXin Little Magic SQ1 M (idk how to Squan but it is technically my main)
  8. QiYi Clock (main)
  9. ShengShou Clock
  1. GAN Mirror M
  2. GAN Monster Go Cloud
  3. Meffert's Pyraminx Duo
  4. QiYi 2x2x3
  5. QiYi Fisher Cube
  6. QiYi Gear Cube
  7. QiYi Mastermorphix
  8. QiYi Windmill Cube
  9. YuXin Mirror Blocks
  10. YuXin Nightmare Cube (It's a Kylin V2 that I bandaged in random places with no indication. I still haven't solved it after 5 months)
Total: 5+22+2+2+3+9+10=53 puzzles
Last edited:
I've been cubing for nearly 10 years (started late march 2014)

2x2: 8
Wittwo V1 X2 (1 black, 1 stickerless)
New plastic Dayan (black)
Fangshi Shishuang 55mm (primary)
Qiyi Cavs (black)
YJ glow in the dark 2x2
YJ MGCevo (stickerless)
Moyu weipo WRM (stickerless, Main)
3x3: 61
Rubik's brand (bought ~2009)
Vintage Cube
Some tiled dollar store cube
Picture cubes (casino, easter, music, and panets)
Shengshou aurora 3x3 (black)
Cyclone Boys Feiwu (stickerless)
Type C5 Whityou (black)
Congs design Meiying (white)
Dayan Lunhui (black)
Dayan Zhanchi (black, NP)
Dayan Tengyun V2M (black)
Dayan Guhong Pro 54mm standard (stickerless, OH main)
Fangshi Shuangren (black)
Fangshi Jeiyun (primary)
Gan 356 Air non magnetic (black)
Gan 11M (stickerless)
Gan 11Pro (stickerless)
Guoguan Yuexio (gray)
Maru XD (white, has original yuxin red springs in it)
Moyu Weilong v2 (black)
Moyu Aolong v2 X2 (1 black, 1 stickerless pink)
Moyu Hualong (black)
Moyu Tanglong (teal)
Moyu Weilong GTS2 (black)
Moyu/YJ RS3V2 X6 (stickerless pink, I use one for FMC)
Moyu RS3M 2020 X15 (14 stickerless, 1 black, BLD and MBLD mains)
Moyu YS3M UV (stiuckerless, 3x3 Main)
Qiyi Thunderclap (black)
Qiyi Thunderclap V2 (black)
Qiyi Valk3 (black)
Qiyi Valk3 LE (aqua)
Qiyi big Sail (white, bought from convinsa, was my feet main)
Skyline cubes Yuxin Little Magic M (stickerless)
YJ guanlong X2 (1 White, 1 transparent)
Gan Keychain 3x3 (stickerless)
Rubik's mini 3x3
Some other Mini 3x3

4x4: 11
Shengshou V4 (black, Konsta modded
Cyclone Boys G4 (black)
Kungfu Changfen (white, bought from Convinsa)
Moyu Aosu (black)
Moyu Aosu WRM (black)
Qiyi Wuque (stickerless)
Vin cube (stickerless, 4x4 main)
YJ Guansu (white)
YJ MGC4 (black, 4BLD main)
Yuxin Qilin (black)
Yuxin Blue (white)
5x5: 9
Shengshou (black)
Moyu Aochuang (black)
Moyu Huachuang (black)
Cyclone Boys G5 (stickerless)
Yuxin 5x5 (white)
Qiyi Wushuang (stickerless)
Qiyi Valk 5 (black)
Moyu Aochuang WRM (stickerless, 5BLD main)
X-Man Hong (stickerless, 5x5 main)
6x6: 5
Shengshou (black, spring swapped and florian modded)
Moyu Aoshi (black)
Yuxin Red (white, has maru XD springs)
YJ MGC6 (black)
Moy Aoshi WRM (stickerless, main)
7x7: 7
Shegshou full size (black)
Shengshou mini (white)
Moyu Aofu GT (black)
Qiyi Wuji (stickerless, broken)
X-man Spark (stickerless)
Yj MGC7 (black)
Moyu Aofu WRM (stickerless, main)

Megaminx: 7
Dayan Ridged (black)
X-man Galaxy V1 X2 (both black, 1 concave, 1 standard)
X-man Galaxy V2m (black)
YJ Yuhu V2M (stickerless)
Dayan V2M (stickerless)
Dayan Pro (stickerless, smaller size, main)
Pyraminx: 5
Shengshou (black)
Moyu (black)
Qiyi (white)
X-man bell (white)
Gan (stickerless)
Skewb: 5
Shenshou (black)
Qiyi (white)
Congs Desing Meichen (white)
X-man Wingy (white)
Gan (stickerless)
SQ1: 5
Calvins (black)
Qiyi (white)
Yuxin little magic (stickerless)
YJ MGC (stickerless)
YJ MGC from RJ (stickerless black, Main)
Clock: 2

8x8+: 12
Shengshou 8x8 (black)
Diansheng Galaxy 8x8 (Primary int., non ball core)
Shengshou 9x9 (black)
Diansheng Galaxy 9x9 (Primary int., non ball core)
Shengshou 10x10 (black)
MFJS Meilong 10 (stickerless)
Diansheng Galaxy 10x10 (primary int.)
MFJS Meilong 11 (stickerless)
Diansheng Galaxy 11x11 (primary int.)
MFJS Meilong 12 (stickerless)
Diansheng Galaxy 12x12 (primary int.)
MFJS Meilong 13x13 (stickerless)
Minx+: 7
Shengshou Kilominx (black)
Shengshou Master Kilo (black)
Yuxin Master Kilo (stickerless)
MF8 Gigaminx (black)
Shengshou Gigaminx (black)
Yuxin Gigaminx (stickerless)
Yuxin Teraminx (stickerless)
Other: 3
1x1 Pyraminx
Qiyi Master Pryaminx
Shengshou Mr.M Square-2

Cuboids: 8
Floppy cube (white, don't know the brand)
Z-cube 2x2x3 (white)
Lanlan 2x3x3 (black)
C4U 3x3x4 (white)
Whiteden 3x3x5 (black)
Whiteden 3x3x6 (black)
Whiteden 3x3x7 (black)
Calvins 4x4x6 (black)
Shape mods: 11
Shengshou mirror blocks X2 (1 silver, 1 gold broken)
PlayWin Mirror blocks X2 (1 silver, 1 gold)
Mefferts Fisher cube (white)
YJ Windmill cube (white)
YJ Axis cube (white)
Moyu Crazy Fisher (black)
Moyu Crazy Windmill (black)
Shengshou pyramorphinx (stickerless)
Shengshou 2x2 Pryamorphinx (black)
Other: 3
Qiyi ivy cube (stickerless)
Moyu Redi cube (stickerless)
Maze cube (don't know the brand)

Lost/given away:5
Lanlan 2x2 (black, given to a friend)
X-man Shadow M 6x6 (stickerless, Traded with RJ)
MF8 mega V2 (black, was lost in a flood)
25mm 1x1 (was lost in a flood)
Happy face picture cube (lost in a flood)

Total: 169
I may have forgotten some or wrote down the wrong version or name.
From top to bottom,left to right:
Dayan megaminx
Moyu weilong pyraminx(non maglev)
Dayan Nezha 5m
MGC sq -1
Gan 251M pro
Moyu meilong 3x3
Qiyi qiheng s
Rubiks triamid
YJ yupo 2x2
Dayan guhong 55mm M maglev
MGC 4x4
Shengshou clock
Qiyi clock
Mini pillow 3x3
Gan skewb
Picture 2:
Random Amazon 4x4
Random Amazon 5x5
Qiyi sq-1
Moyu redi cube
Mefferts megaminx
Perplexus rubiks hybrid 2x2 thingy
Rubiks impossible(never solved)
Homemade greyscale cube
Rubiks missing link
Infinity cube front an illusions museum in Sweden
Mo fang ge ivy cube
Some sort of skewb mod from mefferts
Gear ball
Rubiks snake
Picture 3:
Qiyi pyraminx
Homemade icture cube
Random Amazon 3x3
Christmas picture cube

Wow I've just realised that I've got a large amount of cubes

I've been cubing for nearly 3 years(I think)
I've been cubing for nearly 10 years (started late march 2014)

2x2: 8
Wittwo V1 X2 (1 black, 1 stickerless)
New plastic Dayan (black)
Fangshi Shishuang 55mm (primary)
Qiyi Cavs (black)
YJ glow in the dark 2x2
YJ MGCevo (stickerless)
Moyu weipo WRM (stickerless, Main)
3x3: 61
Rubik's brand (bought ~2009)
Vintage Cube
Some tiled dollar store cube
Picture cubes (casino, easter, music, and panets)
Shengshou aurora 3x3 (black)
Cyclone Boys Feiwu (stickerless)
Type C5 Whityou (black)
Congs design Meiying (white)
Dayan Lunhui (black)
Dayan Zhanchi (black, NP)
Dayan Tengyun V2M (black)
Dayan Guhong Pro 54mm standard (stickerless, OH main)
Fangshi Shuangren (black)
Fangshi Jeiyun (primary)
Gan 356 Air non magnetic (black)
Gan 11M (stickerless)
Gan 11Pro (stickerless)
Guoguan Yuexio (gray)
Maru XD (white, has original yuxin red springs in it)
Moyu Weilong v2 (black)
Moyu Aolong v2 X2 (1 black, 1 stickerless pink)
Moyu Hualong (black)
Moyu Tanglong (teal)
Moyu Weilong GTS2 (black)
Moyu/YJ RS3V2 X6 (stickerless pink, I use one for FMC)
Moyu RS3M 2020 X15 (14 stickerless, 1 black, BLD and MBLD mains)
Moyu YS3M UV (stiuckerless, 3x3 Main)
Qiyi Thunderclap (black)
Qiyi Thunderclap V2 (black)
Qiyi Valk3 (black)
Qiyi Valk3 LE (aqua)
Qiyi big Sail (white, bought from convinsa, was my feet main)
Skyline cubes Yuxin Little Magic M (stickerless)
YJ guanlong X2 (1 White, 1 transparent)
Gan Keychain 3x3 (stickerless)
Rubik's mini 3x3
Some other Mini 3x3

4x4: 11
Shengshou V4 (black, Konsta modded
Cyclone Boys G4 (black)
Kungfu Changfen (white, bought from Convinsa)
Moyu Aosu (black)
Moyu Aosu WRM (black)
Qiyi Wuque (stickerless)
Vin cube (stickerless, 4x4 main)
YJ Guansu (white)
YJ MGC4 (black, 4BLD main)
Yuxin Qilin (black)
Yuxin Blue (white)
5x5: 9
Shengshou (black)
Moyu Aochuang (black)
Moyu Huachuang (black)
Cyclone Boys G5 (stickerless)
Yuxin 5x5 (white)
Qiyi Wushuang (stickerless)
Qiyi Valk 5 (black)
Moyu Aochuang WRM (stickerless, 5BLD main)
X-Man Hong (stickerless, 5x5 main)
6x6: 5
Shengshou (black, spring swapped and florian modded)
Moyu Aoshi (black)
Yuxin Red (white, has maru XD springs)
YJ MGC6 (black)
Moy Aoshi WRM (stickerless, main)
7x7: 7
Shegshou full size (black)
Shengshou mini (white)
Moyu Aofu GT (black)
Qiyi Wuji (stickerless, broken)
X-man Spark (stickerless)
Yj MGC7 (black)
Moyu Aofu WRM (stickerless, main)

Megaminx: 7
Dayan Ridged (black)
X-man Galaxy V1 X2 (both black, 1 concave, 1 standard)
X-man Galaxy V2m (black)
YJ Yuhu V2M (stickerless)
Dayan V2M (stickerless)
Dayan Pro (stickerless, smaller size, main)
Pyraminx: 5
Shengshou (black)
Moyu (black)
Qiyi (white)
X-man bell (white)
Gan (stickerless)
Skewb: 5
Shenshou (black)
Qiyi (white)
Congs Desing Meichen (white)
X-man Wingy (white)
Gan (stickerless)
SQ1: 5
Calvins (black)
Qiyi (white)
Yuxin little magic (stickerless)
YJ MGC (stickerless)
YJ MGC from RJ (stickerless black, Main)
Clock: 2

8x8+: 12
Shengshou 8x8 (black)
Diansheng Galaxy 8x8 (Primary int., non ball core)
Shengshou 9x9 (black)
Diansheng Galaxy 9x9 (Primary int., non ball core)
Shengshou 10x10 (black)
MFJS Meilong 10 (stickerless)
Diansheng Galaxy 10x10 (primary int.)
MFJS Meilong 11 (stickerless)
Diansheng Galaxy 11x11 (primary int.)
MFJS Meilong 12 (stickerless)
Diansheng Galaxy 12x12 (primary int.)
MFJS Meilong 13x13 (stickerless)
Minx+: 7
Shengshou Kilominx (black)
Shengshou Master Kilo (black)
Yuxin Master Kilo (stickerless)
MF8 Gigaminx (black)
Shengshou Gigaminx (black)
Yuxin Gigaminx (stickerless)
Yuxin Teraminx (stickerless)
Other: 3
1x1 Pyraminx
Qiyi Master Pryaminx
Shengshou Mr.M Square-2

Cuboids: 8
Floppy cube (white, don't know the brand)
Z-cube 2x2x3 (white)
Lanlan 2x3x3 (black)
C4U 3x3x4 (white)
Whiteden 3x3x5 (black)
Whiteden 3x3x6 (black)
Whiteden 3x3x7 (black)
Calvins 4x4x6 (black)
Shape mods: 11
Shengshou mirror blocks X2 (1 silver, 1 gold broken)
PlayWin Mirror blocks X2 (1 silver, 1 gold)
Mefferts Fisher cube (white)
YJ Windmill cube (white)
YJ Axis cube (white)
Moyu Crazy Fisher (black)
Moyu Crazy Windmill (black)
Shengshou pyramorphinx (stickerless)
Shengshou 2x2 Pryamorphinx (black)
Other: 3
Qiyi ivy cube (stickerless)
Moyu Redi cube (stickerless)
Maze cube (don't know the brand)

Lost/given away:5
Lanlan 2x2 (black, given to a friend)
X-man Shadow M 6x6 (stickerless, Traded with RJ)
MF8 mega V2 (black, was lost in a flood)
25mm 1x1 (was lost in a flood)
Happy face picture cube (lost in a flood)

Total: 169
I may have forgotten some or wrote down the wrong version or name.
Is the Vin 4 really good? Compared to the AoSu Wrm anyway
Heres my collection

View attachment 27160

Sengso clock - qiyi clock

Rs3m 2020 - TV3 - moyu suoer rs3m - keebiez 3x3 from bol. Com - signature cube (guess who they are!) - wrmv9 standard

Keebiez pyra - moyu weilong maglev - moyu weilong standard - x man ambition 4x4 - meilong 4x4 - meilong 5x5

Mirror cube w/ all my standards - shapeshifting 2x2 pyraminx - fisher cube - mgc sq1 - xman volt stickered - gan 251 pro - mgc elite - keebiez 2x2 - mgc 2x2
the shapeshifting 2x2 pyraminx is called a pyramorphix
Is the Vin 4 really good? Compared to the AoSu Wrm anyway
I haven't had it long enough to form a final opinion on it but it is comparable to the Aosu WRM and MGC4 in performance. it is faster and lighter in turning that either, at least how mine are set up. I've enjoyed solving on it and i've been getting good averages on it so it's provisionally my main. I have had pops on it but it was probably too loose, I've been tightening it it's gradually getting better. I'll have to wait and see If it remains my main or if i end up prefering the others. It is more like the MGC4 than the Aosu so if you don't like the MGC then I'd say wait to try one.