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Nir1213's Quest to Sub-20 with CFOP!

Ok, I find millisecond pointless, but whatever.
@Micah Morrison and @Owen Morrison both use milliseconds. I think I honestly might switch to doing that as well. Way more accurate. And imagine beating the world record at home and you do it in milliseconds as well. . .it'd be pretty POG
@Micah Morrison and @Owen Morrison both use milliseconds. I think I honestly might switch to doing that as well. Way more accurate. And imagine beating the world record at home and you do it in milliseconds as well. . .it'd be pretty POG
The WCA doesn't even record milliseconds and it isn't really much more accurate. It doesn't bother me that you do it, I just find it pointless.
oh wait i just realized i had it, im going to delete it now and do another solve to make it ao100


Real average:

View attachment 14506
Don't expect to only improve by doing timed solves though. It really doesn't help to do as many timed solves until you get to like Sub 10 I think. I just started getting serious about competition simulation that way I will be prepared for my first comp. I average 9 now, so by the time comps start, I would be used to the pressure. Think about it like that. Do you use timed inspection?
Don't expect to only improve by doing timed solves though. It really doesn't help to do as many timed solves until you get to like Sub 10 I think. I just started getting serious about competition simulation that way I will be prepared for my first comp. I average 9 now, so by the time comps start, I would be used to the pressure. Think about it like that. Do you use timed inspection?
i dont use timed inspection, and I did the ao100 because I wasn't sure what i really averaged, and it turns out I was sub 27.
Do you plan what position your first pair is going to be in/ That could help. And once you get good at that, you could plan the orientation as well
no, i just do the cross in around 3/4 seconds and then find the pair, but for sub 20 im planning to do cross + 1 and lookahead, which i havent learned yet
no, i just do the cross in around 3/4 seconds and then find the pair, but for sub 20 im planning to do cross + 1 and lookahead, which i havent learned yet
Planning first pair helped me drop about 3 seconds when I averaged 17 seconds. I was also learning to look ahead around that time