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Nir1213's Quest to Sub-20 with CFOP!


Aug 31, 2020
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This is a thread where i practice and learn cases and algs to get to sub 40.
Right now i learned intuitive f2l but i also need help and tips with it.

so now i have this problem where i see that before i learned intuitive f2l i had a 40 second average on f2l, so i went to learn intuitve f2l to get a lower f2l average, but now that i use intuitvte f2l my solve time is 1 minute and 30 seconds on average??
does this need more practice or i am doing it wrong?
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Right now my avg is 1 min and 30 sec and my PB is 1 min and 12 sec. Practicing and Practicing, but my cube is trash, its a knock-off i think. Getting the mf3rs3m cube. Any tips and help are Welcome, just saying again. :)
Umm, switch to 4LLL, it makes your time sink really low and it's only 12 algs
Then again, you could also look for other methods, but transitioning from beginners to CFOP is easy
Right now my avg is 1 min and 30 sec and my PB is 1 min and 12 sec. Practicing and Practicing, but my cube is trash, its a knock-off i think. Getting the mf3rs3m cube. Any tips and help are Welcome, just saying again. :)

As in your member introduction, practice a lot, become color neutral, don't learn bad habits, and learn good fingertricks. If you are getting a budget cube get the RS3 M 2020, Yj yulong V2 M, Qiyi MS 3x3 or the Qiyi Thunderclap V3 M.

If you want to go further, learn beginner CFOP, Roux, ZZ, etc.

Good Luck! Practice and perseverance are the main things for your improvement for now. :D
yea thanks :) after i complete my goal im going to learn beginner CFOP
Maybe i could send you some videos of me solving a cube and you could tell me where i could improve?

Im not sure where to improve actually. I still make mistakes but i dont just really know.
yea thanks :) after i complete my goal im going to learn beginner CFOP
Maybe i could send you some videos of me solving a cube and you could tell me where i could improve?

I'm not the most qualified for that but I could still help you and give you some tips because I have already been in that stage. :)
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oh i dont know how to put video

When you are going to put or write something at the bottom says "Attach files" you press it and select what you want to attach.

Click the botton spoiler.

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lemme just tell you
The solve took around 1 min and 52 seconds i think

Well, so if you did the cross on the top, do it on the bottom so you avoid rotating, then you insert the for white corner pieces, also with the cross on the bottom, next you insert the edges, etc.

A general tip is to rotate less and if you are searching for pieces on the U layer, use U moves to avoid rotating.

This became a bit of a chat room, hehe...
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ufile.io/nxu6hr9n FINALLY HERES THE LINK

download it this took so long and ran into problems
If this forum site could handle good download rates than that would be fantastic but unfortunately it doesnt
download it this took so long and ran into problems
If this forum site could handle good download rates than that would be fantastic but unfortunately it doesnt
Ermm, why didn't you just upload to YT and link the vid here, and this website doesn't alter your download speeds, its the internet that does that.
I just checked the video and your solve was 1:45 or so, my tips are that you avoid rotating too much, use U moves to search for the pieces in the U layer and also use this for your last layer, and finally when you do D moves, do them with your ring finger instead of your whole hand. And do double flicks for U2. That's it, and practice.

Good Luck! And don't forget to edit messages.

Also check the forum rules, https://www.speedsolving.com/pages/rules/
Hey i just saw your video on solving, it was pretty good but in some cases i would do something different, (that is because i main the Roux method).

that aside for the beginners method you did do quite good but kinda sloppy, i noticed that after you inserted 1 cross piece you stopped to look for the other cross edges, this could make your solve more slower, you should use your 15 second inspection time on planing the entire white cross or at least planning the "Daisy" that you make before solving the cross edges.

For the bottom layer corners and the middle layer edges, you did well. but you rotate the whole cube at where the corners and/or edges are, this could be because you were seeing the cross edge. I would recommend putting your cross at the bottom side of the cube since after the cross is done you don't really need to think or look at the cross and by doing this you could improve your "look ahead".

now if you don't know what is "look ahead". Look ahead is for example when you put your bottom layer pieces and you instantly continue to solve the other pieces, how do you do this? an example on how to do this is when you insert your corner you shouldn't really think too much about inserting it, rather while you insert it you should also look at the top layer to see if you could spot a corner for your next insertion.

now for the last layer i would recommend learning 4 Look Last Layer, 4LLL is when you solve the top layer by doing 4 steps. If i remember correctly 4LLL have 12 algorithms.

other thing that you should improve are stopping to look for the pieces, while everybody does that, it would cause your solve to be more slower than you could potentially be, to counter this you would need a fairly good understanding on how to do "look ahead". i personally aim for clean solves, and what i mean by Clean is i am aiming to solve the cube with no pausing, rather than i solve fast but i pause like 100 times to find the corners or edges to solve.

Now Please Don't Think Of My Tips Very Seriously Since I Am Also A Beginner Roux solver, And I Average Of 43.27 Seconds Per Solve.