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[Unofficial] 5 Year Old Boy Solving 3x3 Cube Just Over A Minute

wow that is awesome - the problem i personally have is that I can identify F2L and the alogorithm to use but I carnt nearly turn the cube quick enough.
Ive had a look at finger tricks videos as well, also my cube is dayan guhong but if i loosen it, its too lose and other layers turn when i dont want them to and
if i thighten it, then its not loose enough.

Well thank you
my niece has a cube and shes only 18 months, just like turning it on the odd occasion but mostly tries to dismantle it as it is a DIY cube, so I'd just tighten it to the point the cube still turns freely but carnt be popped.
No one cares that an X year old can do a cube in X seconds.

You've been bumping these threads a lot with no new information. Please stop.

Nuff said, once algorithms are learnt, anyone of any age can solve a cube
Nuff said, once algorithms are learnt, anyone of any age can solve a cube

well I tell you what - he just done a PB today of 54 seconds and it is a big deal. I dont think you even knew what a rubiks cube was at the age of 5 let alone trying to solve one in x amount of time.
yeah, thom barlow got his pb in his first year of his life

Edit : what do you think?

Anyway, you repost the video with different words. Please start making other videos and keep this thread as it is.
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well I tell you what - he just done a PB today of 54 seconds and it is a big deal. I dont think you even knew what a rubiks cube was at the age of 5 let alone trying to solve one in x amount of time.

besides the point... but learn to read my post before ranting at me

once algorithms are learnt, anyone of any age can solve a cube

within reason, if we could teach a monkey a basic lettering system and then teach them to associate R with the right face, even a monkey could solve a cube
and any other animal that has dexterity similar to humans for that matter...
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besides the point... but learn to read my post before ranting at me

within reason, if we could teach a monkey a basic lettering system and then teach them to associate R with the right face, even a monkey could solve a cube
and any other animal that has dexterity similar to humans for that matter...

I know what you are saying and it is more a case of momorising the sequence of moves. Butmy point being, how many 5 year olds can solve solve the cube. I know that with time you can teach them to solve, but in this little boys case, hes been cubing for a month and now has a sub 1 minute time. I know thats something special at that age!
age has f**k all to do with how fast they can recognise colours... and carry out a set sequence of muscle memorised moves
if anything someone really old solving it would be more impressive because eyesight is deteriorating... and there muscles wont react nor move as fast
if you gave a 5 year old a rubiks cube and the booklet they could theoretically learn to solve it... its only a matter of time
i will do my best not to post on this thread again... unless something catalytically mental is said and i cant resist from replying
Butmy point being, how many 5 year olds can solve solve the cube.


but in this little boys case, hes been cubing for a month and now has a sub 1 minute time. I know thats something special at that age!

It isn't.

I don't even really care about this though. I'm much more annoyed about the fact that you keep bumping your thread with nothing.

Please stop that.
Its hard to tell if the child is actually good or if he is just developing early :D
There's a video that's been on you tube for a while of a 6 year old kid solving in 30 something sec. It's a little Asian boy wearing a SpiderMan looking outfit.

Yh seen this vido - he is doing it in 37 secs using finger tricks which is sensational at that age, theres also a video of a little 3 year old girl in a high chair solving it, i mean 3 years old, thats just something else.
Nobody really gives a c**p, its not all that unique -.-
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Lol this guy is good at advertising. Look at all the thread views compared to most of these threads.
Lol this guy is good at advertising. Look at all the thread views compared to most of these threads.

ye, everyone looks at it, opens it... face palms, then cba to comment... unless they are mocking