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[Unofficial] 5 Year Old Boy Solving 3x3 Cube Just Over A Minute

Awesome to see such young minds at work. Im hoping to get my brother to a competition within UK and with him trying to
learn F2L Ihope he can get under a minute by then. Thanks for video.
on this occasion the middle piece fell in place - but he has done similar times many a timer before - also i learning F2L now so should be sub 1 minute soon hopefully.
Great that a 5 year old kid is solving the cube congrats.!
but please use the edit button and try not to double or triple post!!!
Is this something your kids do on their own accord or do you "encourage" them?
My son occasionally wants to play with my cubes when he sees me solving. When I give one to him, he immediately tries to turn the layers as fast as he can but his hands are still so small. He's only 3...I got him a mini Alpha and a mini DianSheng but he just shredded them to bits.
Is this something your kids do on their own accord or do you "encourage" them?
My son occasionally wants to play with my cubes when he sees me solving. When I give one to him, he immediately tries to turn the layers as fast as he can but his hands are still so small. He's only 3...I got him a mini Alpha and a mini DianSheng but he just shredded them to bits.

i started about 2 months ago and learned the beginner method, i then went onto fridrich and then did 4x4 and 5x5 all in 2 months. my sister whom is 9 and brother aged 5 were both intruigued and initially just taught them few easy patterns. I was then astonished that on their own accord, intuatively they were doing different patterns and memorising sets of moves that they were making up.

And then in the space of about 5 days they learned the whole beginner method and just with practice the times kept on rolling down from starting 6 mins to PB of 1 min 7 secs for brother 5 year old. Just encouraged them but they certainly have great interest, I mean he plays on them and loves taking it to school.
no but I am 11 and I can solve sub 30. with a record of 16.11

wow that is awesome - the problem i personally have is that I can identify F2L and the alogorithm to use but I carnt nearly turn the cube quick enough.
Ive had a look at finger tricks videos as well, also my cube is dayan guhong but if i loosen it, its too lose and other layers turn when i dont want them to and
if i thighten it, then its not loose enough.
This is one example of why a bunch of people recommend not getting the fastest cube possible when still getting used to cubing. Trust me this is something you just have to get used to.

so which cube do u use. i mean am not slow bt my PB is only 40 secs.
I use the Dayan Lunhui, and I average low 14s. I used Rubik's brand storebought until about 25 second average, then I used the F-II until mid 15-second average, and then recently got the Lunhui.

thats a mega time - thanks for info on cubes, would you happen to know which one feliks zemdegs uses - i mean hes done bout 5secs outside competiton. the guys inhuman.