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It's the cuber, not the cube: Is there a limit?

Jan 27, 2011
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Everyone is always saying that it is the cuber not the cube, which I totally agree with, but is there a limit? Could faz have gotten 5.66 with a Rubik's Brand? I am curious to knowwhat you guys think of this.
I prefer :

"Cubes can help, but the cuber makes the most difference." Not as catchy, but it works.

Also, I think Feliks (Calling him Faz bugs me >__>) has a sub-10 Average of 5 with a Rubik's Brand (correct me if I'm wrong). Unofficial, of course, but I think it's on YouTube.
A good cube will help alot. I dont think anyone disagrees... is it possible for Faz to get 5.66 on a rubiks storebought? In theory yes. Lots of things are possible in theory though. I think he could, though it might be very unlikely.
Yes. Feliks has a sub 9 solve on an unmodded, unlubed Rubik's brand at an unofficial competition. It can be done. Not easily, although I remember seeing Feliks doing an avg5 sub10 with it. He even said he liked the feel of it :p

I can't find the videos right now since they're not viewed too much, but I know that they are on youtube somewhere
I personally find that at relatively slow times (i.e. sup-30), a nice cube doesn't really change things much, but at faster times (i.e. sub-15, and such; more so sub-10), a good cube helps a lot.

With that being said, if you're fast, you can still get really nice times even with a bad cube, just not as good. So, it's mostly the cuber, not the cube, but the cube does have an effect, for sure.
If you went from a storebought to a Dayan Zhanchi, it probably will make a big difference in you time.
However if you went from the Lubix Guhong to Lubix Zhanchi, wouldn't there be no difference in times at all?
Well I've read at least one person saying that using a Dayan doesn't reflect your True speed as a cuber, unless you can replicate it on worse cubes.

Who said that, and why should I care about their opinion? Also, just because someone said it, it doesn't make it true, nor does it mean it makes any sense, because it doesn't.

Before the UKO i was averaging 30 with an A3, at the UKO i was sub 23 with most DaYans...
so although it may be the cuber who does the most... the cube also does a lot, even if its just physiological

I think that even if you have a great skill level, if the cube cannot turn at your level, which i mean is if the cube cannot turn fast as your fingers, there is a limit that nobody can reach.
However, i don't think there will be a limit to solving computer software cubes.