TheCubicle - Phil and the rest of the group there come across as very honest ITO their opinions on cubes, which I find valuable.
CubeHead - Very entertaining, seems like a great guy I could have a beer with.
Z3Cubing - Puts a lot of effort into his content and is always entertaining
Tingman - Such an awesome guy with great values. Includes his family and has fun.
TNL Cubing - Entertaining, with some tongue-in-cheek stuff going on. Love the "rivalry" between himself and Tingman
SuperAntoniovivaldi - The man is a genius and his tutorials on solving obscure puzzles are awesome and very thorough.
LaZer0MonKey - Monkey league .... the best online competition ever. I really hope he organises more.
Jack Cai - Awesome info on blind solving, also seems like a great guy.
JRCuber - Always had great content, but not sure how much he'll keep his channel going now that he is at TheCubicle.
Cyoubx - Has spells of posting, but I like hearing his thoughts on cubing and hardware.
CrazyBadCuber - Hasn't posted anything for a while, but his videos have a lot of content and his tutorials are great.
JPerm - Meh ... used to love his content. These days it's pretty blah and not very entertaining.
BrodyTheCuber - also meh ... he used to post good content with useful info, these days it's not much other than some solve streams. Quite boring TBH
SpeedCubeShop - Appreciate that they are trying harder to produce quality content, but I still find it kinda boring
SpeedCubeReview - I'm not sure what's happened but I find myself skipping through his videos lately. The videos have gotten longer with less coming out of them. Sorry Shaun.