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What Cubing Youtubers Do You Watch?


Jan 9, 2022
I watch from:

JPerm : Tutorials in getting faster
Tingman : Interesting and fun cubing videos
BenTheCuber : Just for fun and relatable cubing things

... and more that I can't think of ...
Umm..I watch a lot of channels but I remain most excited for Jperm videos and some other channels I watch frequently are:
Cubehead:Entertaining videos
Speedcubeshop:Videos on new releases
Brody The Cuber:Many videos on many topics.. :)
Tingman-I strongly relate to many of his values, so I always enjoy watching his videos.
CubeMaster-One of the more underrated youcubers, very informational, and overall a really good channel.
RamThakkar-Not the fastest or the best, but he has some very nice 2x2 tutorials, and overall his content is very original and high quality.
Brian Sun-oo algs and f2l cases
Old Jperm-Until about a year ago I really enjoyed Jperm videos, but now he has shifted into a bit of a different kind of channel. I still do enjoy watching his old videos though.
KadtheCuber-Incredible quality and very entertaining
JFCubing- Same thing as Kad
Z3 Cubing- Incredible amount of time put into his videos, very enjoyable to watch.
BrodytheCuber- I used to love his videos( and still watch some of the old ones), but he doesn't really upload anymore, and I don't watch many videos of his anymore because I strongly disagree with some of his personal opinions the he is kind enough to let you know about.
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That man is a puzzle God! I'm a huge fan of non-wca puzzles. He has so many tutorials and explanations for such a vast number of different puzzles. Often times, even if I figure out a puzzle on my own, I'll check Superantoniovivaldi's page for a tutorial just to get his POV on it. He has an amazing way of relating complicated puzzles back to their simpler relatives. Sometimes even just his intro and description/explanation of a new puzzle is enough help for me to be able to figure it out.
Tingman-I strongly relate to many of his values, so I always enjoy watching his videos.
CubeMaster-One of the more underrated youcubers, very informational, and overall a really good channel.
RamThakkar-Not the fastest or the best, but he has some very nice 2x2 tutorials, and overall his content is very original and high quality.
Brian Sun-oo algs and f2l cases
Old Jperm-Until about a year ago I really enjoyed Jperm videos, but now he has shifted into a bit of a different kind of channel. I still do enjoy watching his old videos though.
KadtheCuber-Incredible quality and very entertaining
JFCubing- Same thing as Kad
Z3 Cubing- Incredible amount of time put into his videos, very enjoyable to watch.
BrodytheCuber- I used to love his videos( and still watch some of the old ones), but he doesn't really upload anymore, and I don't watch many videos of his anymore because I strongly disagree with some of his personal opinions the he is kind enough to let you know about.
J-perm:... what happened to all the tutorials? The reviews. Now, it's just challenges and reviews. I like J-perm, but like @CubableYT said, he has shifted his channel type. And if you hadn't noticed, his rate of publishing videos is slowing down a bit.
Cubemaster- an underrated god at sq-1 and other tutorials/reviews. I learned sq-1 from him.
Brian sun- Tps god.
BrodytheCuber- I used to love his videos( and still watch some of the old ones), but he doesn't really upload anymore, and I don't watch many videos of his anymore because I strongly disagree with some of his personal opinions the he is kind enough to let you know about.
I'm curious, what personal opinions are those? I don't know much of anything about his opinions outside of cubing.
He has been very hostile in regards to the vaccine and covid. Regardless of what your opinion is you can still be civil.
I would say hostile is to strong of a word. I don't agree with him either on the subject but he's allowed to have, and voice his opinion on his own YT channel. Yes, he said it very rashly, but I wouldn't call it hostile. If you don't want to watch him that's fine, he won't notice and frankly no one cares if you boycott a fellow cuber for his political beliefs (that bit will probably get me attacked but it's the truth). To me that seems like a rather strong, rash act but again, why does it matter? You have that right.

Edit: I should clarify. I don't think everything about Covid/Covid vaccine is political but if you're whining about it online than it's probably for political reasons.
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You have that right.
Thank you
I would say hostile is to strong of a word. I don't agree with him either on the subject but he's allowed to have, and voice his opinion on his own YT channel. Yes, he said it very rashly, but I wouldn't call it hostile. If you don't want to watch him that's fine, he won't notice and frankly no one cares if you boycott a fellow cuber for his political beliefs (that bit will probably get me attacked but it's the truth).
Yes, I agree, and I would not have said if if I had not been asked.
To me that seems like a rather strong, rash act but again, why does it matter? You have that right.
I strongly act off of principle, so it's pretty normal for me, but like you said, it doesn't really matter.
J-perm:... what happened to all the tutorials? The reviews. Now, it's just challenges and reviews. I like J-perm, but like @CubableYT said, he has shifted his channel type. And if you hadn't noticed, his rate of publishing videos is slowing down a bit.
Yes, you are right. I am sad for this change too. 😔
TheCubicle - Phil and the rest of the group there come across as very honest ITO their opinions on cubes, which I find valuable.
CubeHead - Very entertaining, seems like a great guy I could have a beer with.
Z3Cubing - Puts a lot of effort into his content and is always entertaining
Tingman - Such an awesome guy with great values. Includes his family and has fun.
TNL Cubing - Entertaining, with some tongue-in-cheek stuff going on. Love the "rivalry" between himself and Tingman :-)
SuperAntoniovivaldi - The man is a genius and his tutorials on solving obscure puzzles are awesome and very thorough.
LaZer0MonKey - Monkey league .... the best online competition ever. I really hope he organises more.
Jack Cai - Awesome info on blind solving, also seems like a great guy.
JRCuber - Always had great content, but not sure how much he'll keep his channel going now that he is at TheCubicle.
Cyoubx - Has spells of posting, but I like hearing his thoughts on cubing and hardware.
CrazyBadCuber - Hasn't posted anything for a while, but his videos have a lot of content and his tutorials are great.

JPerm - Meh ... used to love his content. These days it's pretty blah and not very entertaining.
BrodyTheCuber - also meh ... he used to post good content with useful info, these days it's not much other than some solve streams. Quite boring TBH
SpeedCubeShop - Appreciate that they are trying harder to produce quality content, but I still find it kinda boring
SpeedCubeReview - I'm not sure what's happened but I find myself skipping through his videos lately. The videos have gotten longer with less coming out of them. Sorry Shaun.