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which 2x2 and 3x3 should i get?

i can't find it in any shop on my continent :( (and dont wanna order from the US bc of high shipping fees & long delivery time)

ok so i'm pretty much settled for the tornado v3 and the mgc, just the very last question now: mgc elite or normal? and thx everyone for lots of replies and linking vids too

Seems that the elite corner cuts better than the regular mgc.
i use the tornado v3 flagship cuz i overshoot too often on the pioneer
I use the pioneer and I think the speed is good because the stability is enough to handle the speed, and it turns easier, which helps a lot in OH. I previously mained the zhilong mini m for OH because of its smaller size, but I tend to get better times on the tornado v3 pioneer as it is easier to turn. However if you find it too fast, you can have multiple ways to adjust it by increasing the magnet strength, adjusting the elasticity, or maybe even adding heavy lube to the cube. Also heard that the pioneer has better corner cutting.