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Should I buy theses cubes?


Nov 10, 2022
Plainsboro, New Jersey, USA
Visit Channel
Hi everybody
I wanted to know from everybody from the speedsolving Forums if I should buy these cubes and why or why not.
Here they are

Current: MeiLong 2
Global Average: 10-12 Seconds
Buying: MGC 2x2
Current: MeiLong 4
Global Average: 1:45 to 2:00
Buying: MGC 4x4
Current: MeiLong Pyraminx
Global Average: 8-12 seconds
Buying: WeiLong Pyraminx
Current: Qiyi Skewb
Global Average: 20-30 seconds
Buying: ? (Please tell me if I should buy a Skewb and which one)

I was also thinking about 3x3. I have the Dayan Tengyun as my main and I average around 16-17 seconds. Please tell me if I should buy a 3x3 and which cube I should get.
I know a lot of people really like the weilong pyraminx(And it is pretty good with setup) but I think that the bell v2 is phenomenal if you take the time to fully set it up. I found that the weilong popped for me sometimes, but this may not apply to everyone. Both are good, depends on your turning style.
if you want a new 3x3 then imo the guhong pro is hard to go wrong with. It’s the rs3m of the 15-20 dollar range (the one i recommend, the 55mm standard one is often on sale for $14 (it is right now!!!) it’s like a tornado v3 but you get to choose the size. and both standard and maglev versions have ball core