Dan the Beginner
Premium Member
Great to see another brand making smart cubes. However, I wish they could differentiate their products more, and not just make another ICarry (S or 2) like product, like Moyu did. Same 56mm, ~81g, and battery. Why not 54mm or 55mm? Or a less weight? Whether it's 500 hour battery or 900 does not matter much in a practical sense. I still haven't run out of battery on my ICarry S, and they look like they can last a whole year. I don't mind a shorter battery life if that would give me a smaller and lighter cube.
This one does look like it will be better in performance than the blocky Icarrys, if it's anything like the QiYi M Pro, but it can't be used on any robot. So, it does not look like it can challenge the ICarrys or sell a lot in the small market. A higher-end Tornado like, or Weilong like, smartcube would make more sense IMO.
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