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Organize more upcoming spectator friendly competitions like All Stars


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 9, 2014
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We need more 3x3 only and elite level (sub-7) WCA competitions to drive spectator friendly competitions.

Is CubingUSA interested in doing this again this year, and are other countries taking cue from All Stars and planning a future similar mall comp with spectators and quality 3x3 solving in their region?

I believe more of these competitions should exist so that WCA and/or ROs can generate revenue from spectators and livestreaming.
Yeah but that's still not many people compared to the 200,000+ competitors
The rest of those people(and this includes me) have no reason to be taking part in an All-Stars competition in a head-to-head format. There are plenty of comps that everyone can attend, so it's important to have spectator friendly comps like these as well.
Yeah but that's still not many people compared to the 200,000+ competitors
The rest of those people(and this includes me) have no reason to be taking part in an All-Stars competition in a head-to-head format. There are plenty of comps that everyone can attend, so it's important to have spectator friendly comps like these as well.
Non-cubers seeing some of the world's fastest compete is probably more likely to grow cubing than watching a head to head of two 20 second solvers
yeah the reason I got into cubing was because of "The Speed Cubers" on Netflix. Max Parks and Felix Zemdegs are legends 😎