Faster TPS
OLL prediction
Faster TPS
Learn multiple algs for different angles and AUFs
Faster TPS
Learn AUF for your PBL algs
Faster TPS
1 look
Faster TPS
Faster TPS
Faster TPS
Faster TPS
At some point,Ortegavarasano just isn't quite worth it, and learning CLL or EG would be a better use of your time. If mid 3 is your only goal though, then those alg sets aren't necessary.
I think Ortega is faster than (only using) CLL. It is much easier to 1-look, and you can incorporate CLL/EG algs in any order.
My tips for Ortega:
- know which PLL you build on D when you solve the face (yoo probably already do that)
- try to solve the face in such a way that you don't have to rotate for PBL (or at least no y2)
- try to predict at least the OLL so you have only one pause before PBL.
- be fast at your PBL algs. I find these three really fast:
x' R F' R U2' R' U R'
R2 U R2' U2' y' R2 U R2'
R2 U R2' U' R2 U R2' U' R2
For Y-perm on bottom, you can use R U' R' U' F2 U' R U R' U R2 B2
For T-perm on bottom: x' R' U R U2' R2' F R F' R U2'