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Nebraskan Speedsolver's Custom Cubes and Puzzles | Interesting Puzzle Mod designed by 1x1 wr holder..

I mean, It likely wouldn't sell all too well because the EVO wasn't a popular puzzle on top of having breakage issues that extended beyond the core.

Have you ever considered picking up CAD and learning how to design your own speedcubes? Believe me, it's very fun.
designing cad is a pain sometimes though, i have had to help my father in his workshop with it, it does feel like banging your head on a metal pipe filled with ball bearings unless you have alot of experience
The final version of...

The NS Customs Spark M
-compressed springs
-florian-modded for enhanced corner cutting
-magnetic core for improved stability in the 3x3 stage

Price: TBD
@Garf are you looking to purchase one?
JK lol I know you like your AoFu. So far though, it can cut forwards 2 pieces and reverse almost 1, and it's on super tight tensions.