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Nebraskan Speedsolver's Custom Cubes and Puzzles | Interesting Puzzle Mod designed by 1x1 wr holder..

Mar 3, 2023
an old commercial about super strong tape.
No online store at this time, will work on one soon!

Original first post:
Hey guys...
The MAGevo is no longer going to be sold on SCS. Cameron said that it is not a good time to start selling it there. If you guys would like one I will figure out a payment method and we can go from there. I only have two right now, and they may go to other people in my local area.
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I mean, It likely wouldn't sell all too well because the EVO wasn't a popular puzzle on top of having breakage issues that extended beyond the core.

Have you ever considered picking up CAD and learning how to design your own speedcubes? Believe me, it's very fun.
That was the point of replacing the core, to make sure it wouldn't break.

I thought about it but I only know of one person that has a 3D printer, and he uses it all the time
I mean, It likely wouldn't sell all too well because the EVO wasn't a popular puzzle on top of having breakage issues that extended beyond the core.

Have you ever considered picking up CAD and learning how to design your own speedcubes? Believe me, it's very fun.
Is there an online CAD software that is good for designing cubes? The only one I know of is Tinkercad and it’s hard to make puzzles like a 3x3 (best I could do was a 1x1x3 lol)
Is there an online CAD software that is good for designing cubes? The only one I know of is Tinkercad and it’s hard to make puzzles like a 3x3 (best I could do was a 1x1x3 lol)
Onshape is what many people and I use to design puzzles. It’s free, but with the condition of all your files being public. I recommend watching this series by Atlanta Puzzler for how to design a speedcube. There’s also a puzzle makers Discord, which is very helpful. Please note that the server is focused on puzzle designing and not specifically speedcubes. It is still a good resource regardless for anyone looking to design puzzles with CAD.
I mean, It likely wouldn't sell all too well because the EVO wasn't a popular puzzle on top of having breakage issues that extended beyond the core.

Have you ever considered picking up CAD and learning how to design your own speedcubes? Believe me, it's very fun.
I guess if you are modding something more mainstream like tornado v3 or maybe at least like a tengyun v1 with stronger magnets, that would be a lot more realistic
Onshape is what many people and I use to design puzzles. It’s free, but with the condition of all your files being public. I recommend watching this series by Atlanta Puzzler for how to design a speedcube. There’s also a puzzle makers Discord, which is very helpful. Please note that the server is focused on puzzle designing and not specifically speedcubes. It is still a good resource regardless for anyone looking to design puzzles with CAD.
I use that. I VERY highly recommend it.