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Nebraskan Speedsolver's Custom Cubes and Puzzles | Interesting Puzzle Mod designed by 1x1 wr holder..

I ran across a listing on eBay, and I really want to pick it up. It's a ton of cubes for less than 50% retail cost. And its all recent puzzles. However, it being a slower season, I don't have enough money to pay for it.
If any of you would like to help, those cubes up there would get me to the goal.

Thanks, and best wishes,
I ran across a listing on eBay, and I really want to pick it up. It's a ton of cubes for less than 50% retail cost. And its all recent puzzles. However, it being a slower season, I don't have enough money to pay for it.
If any of you would like to help, those cubes up there would get me to the goal.

Thanks, and best wishes,
I buy stuff like that all time. When I buy stuff like that I pick out the ones I want to keep and sell the rest. But there is always a thing about buying second hand. A lot of times the preveus owner didn't take good care of it. But it all really depends on what your buying.
Here's this link for the new site. https://sites.google.com/kearneycats.com/nscubesandpuzzles?usp=sharing
Looking for people to test it for me.
Only the 5x5 pages have been developed
Ok I know that your shop is still freshly new and all that but those prices you have are a little bit pricy compared to what Cubicle and SCS has for there lube setup puzzles. But really you should look at the prices of what others offer for a set-up lubed puzzle. Also I recommend giving a brief description about what lubes are being used.
Ok I know that your shop is still freshly new and all that but those prices you have are a little bit pricy compared to what Cubicle and SCS has for there lube setup puzzles. But really you should look at the prices of what others offer for a set-up lubed puzzle. Also I recommend giving a brief description about what lubes are being used.
However, I'm not the Cubicle. While yes, my prices are a little higher, I don't think it's really that big of an issue. I set my prices that way because of eBay fees and because of the time I take to break in the puzzle afterwards (minus the MGC 6 I have rn). The Maglev and the Maglev Magentic Core versions are priced that way because they take a lot of time to make.