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[Unofficial] 3.18 2x2 average, 15.83 OH single and other solves form the Irish Open

Tao Yu

Jun 29, 2011
Visit Channel

2.34, 2.66, 3.61, 3.65, 3.27
I borrowed Joey's type C.
This ranks me 4th in China and 42nd in the world :)

Reconstruction, thanks to Brest

Very nice scramble, easy OLL skip case into U perm. PB:)

Meh. Second scramble was lol. there was a two move cross, but I saw a keyhole Xcross.

Using Daniel's cube because I don't have one. (All practise before the comp was on higames and qcube)

Good solve for me. No parity. I had a 50.86 but only the 3x3 stage was filmed somehow. The averages sucked because I didn't practise 4x4

EDIT: Could a mod fix the title for me please? :fp
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