
  1. F

    Which 5x5 should I get?

    I don't have any 5x5. I want to buy it. Which one should I get? GAN562M, X-man Hong, AoChung V6 (single, double or triple track) or maybe MGC..? Give your advices. Which one better?
  2. BirdCubing

    Which 3x3 Should I Buy? (+ Other Puzzles)

    Hi Everybody! I just need some help getting a new 3x3 and some other puzzles like Clock, Mega and 5x5. I need some help trying to figure out which 3x3 should I get? There is like a lot of cubes and I want to probably get a cube within the 20-40 dollar range for 3x3. Also, what Mega and 5x5...
  3. Averageof12

    Forum 1-Move 5x5 Example Solve Game

    So, this is just like the other example solves, but different. The way it works: I will post a 5x5 scramble. Somone will reply to the thread with ONLY the first move in solving that scramble. Someone else will reply with the next move, and so on. The only rule is that if you post a move, you...
  4. Skewby_Doo

    What is the best 5x5?

    I am getting into 5x5(Progress updates later today), and am looking to upgrade to something better than the YJ YuChuang soon. Which one do you think is the best? I am planning to do more research also, just getting a good idea.
  5. Fukuoka Kengo James

    [NR] [Hong Kong NR] Ivan Li 37.78 5x5 Single, WR6

    Ivan Li from Hong Kong just got a sub Feliks 5x5 NR single of 37.78, which place him 6th in the world.
  6. VincentCuber

    [AsR] Seung Hyuk Nahm 39.67 5x5 Average

    Congrats to Seung on sub-40 5x5 average! Sadly no video yet.
  7. Fukuoka Kengo James

    Best 5x5 2022

    What's the best 5x5 in 2022?
  8. joshisbored

    joshisboreds progression thread (sub 20 3x3. 10/57 oll)

    im realllly close, getting times like 33 seconds and 31 seconds is my pb. im around 45 seconds on avg but i want that to drop the 30 mark
  9. cuberswoop

    Cuberly Monthly Bracket Challenge

    This will be a Cubing Bracket Competition. There is no limit to competitors, but there must be at least 4 people participating in 1 event. You will sign up at the link at the bottom of the page. The scrambles will be posted in an email to you, as well as a form for you to enter your times in...
  10. 5x5 solved in 5:48.67 (2019)

    5x5 solved in 5:48.67 (2019)

    I can solve 6x6 faster than this now, but it was a PB at the time. Also, one of the rare few images that remain of my ShengShou original 5x5 while solved.
  11. C

    [Help Thread] Solving 5x5 LBL using commutators, how would I figure out what commutator to use?

    Hi, I’m back after a very long hiatus from the forum. I’m thinking of posting pictures of my cube collection So, I’m very familiar with the reduction method, it’s my default for 4x4 and up. But I thought of solving my 5x5, which turns much more smoothly than my smaller cubes, using a LBL(layer...
  12. Close-up of a 5x5 (2018)

    Close-up of a 5x5 (2018)

    A close up picture of my [scrambled] ShengShou original 5x5.
  13. Waffles

    Poll: Your main 5x5

    Inspired by the Poll: What is your main 2x2 thread Kinda interested what the community has to say about this, but personally there’s no way I’d give up the YJ MGC, and yes, I have nothing to compare it too, but it’s really amazing IMO. Will add more cubes gradually if you post ones I’ve forgotten.
  14. Waffles

    What 5x5 method do you use?

    I’m kind of interested. I personally use the Yau method.
  15. JustAnotherCuber

    Yuxin Cloud 5x5 Corner Piece Damaged

    So my Yuxin Cloud 5x5 has some colour discrepancies on the blue-white-orange corner (as shown in the picture below). I've had it for a while so I'm guessing it was caused by a drop or multiple drops. I'm just wondering if this cube is still WCA legal (because the piece is different from all the...
  16. Existential Shrimp

    EASY 5x5 Patterns! | Tutorial

    In today's video I show some extremely easy 5x5 patterns. If you need help with a certain pattern then comment down below and I will try to help! Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ui... Discord: https://discord.gg/cYwCteZ 1st Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCRd5...
  17. C

    Improving in 5x5 | Weekly Progress Tracking | Yuxin Cloud

  18. teboecubes

    5x5 Redux Walkthrough Solves (sub-2:30)

  19. Sub1Hour

    Race to sub x on 2-7 relay

    Race thread for 2-7, nothin more, nothin less.
  20. Galva101

    [Help Thread] 5x5 Ghost Cube - Layer by Layer Method for Centers

    I have built a 5x5 Ghost Cube using Joachim Solborg's 3D Printable Extensions. I am however a bit lost when it comes to solving it, I have the following question: Is there a way to solve a 5x5 Supercube's Front, Left, Right and Back centers layer by layer? As you can see in the picture, these...