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[Unofficial] UWR Bicube 3x3x3 single - 3.524


Aug 7, 2019
So, it's been 2 months since the last time I got UWR on Bicube.
after that day, I practiced every day and finally on April 23rd 2021, I got these records!

Cube - Qiyi sail W Bandaged by me

Scramble (F:green,U:white,R:red) -

1.U2 L F U' R' F2 L' F2 R F' L' U2 R U' L U2 R' F' U L F R U2 L' U2 R' F2 L F L2
- 13.413
2.F R F' U' R U' L U2 R' U F U' R' F' U L F' L' F R' F2 L F' R F2 L2 U' F R U
3.F' U L F U' R' F R F' U' R U F R U' R' U F R' F2 U' R U' L F' L2 U' L F' R
4.U F' L' U L U' F' L F' R F' U' F R U' R' U F R' F' U F R' F' R U F' L' U2 R2
-(3.524) single NWR
5.F' U L U' F R F' U L F' L' F U F U L' U2 R' F' U2 L U' F' L F L' U' F' L' F2

To be honest, I couldn't myself either about solve 4.
This is reconstruction for the solve 4 by the way.

//No rotations in inspection
R2 //DBR slot
U2 L U' //DBL slot
F' L' U' F //DF slots EG
//U slots skip


Aug 7, 2019
These are definitely not UWRs, qqwref has had an 11.40 average of 5 listed as his pb on his website for over 8 years
I looked up, and yes this is not UWR for ao5.
Thanks for telling me.
but I promise to get UWR for ao5 in this year.