jack triton

  1. JackTriton

    [NEW] Square-1 | Advanced JQ Method

    Hi, this is Jack Triton: creator of JQ method Advanced JQ is faster method for JQ method retaining easy look-a-head and high SPS (Slice Per Second) On the article below, I wrote down all of the information that needs to learn it Please check out HERE! If you have thoughts about the method...
  2. JackTriton

    [NEW] Square-1 Method: JQ Method v2

    Hi, this is Jack Triton Recently, I bought mf8 Square-1 and got around 20 seconds with this method (which I would never been able to reach with Vandenbergh) I call this method JQ method last week, got no reactions so I dig up and find several problems Now I can say this method is fully...
  3. JackTriton

    [OLD, Depricated] Square-1 Speed Method: JQ Method (Lin / Screw Variant) // Low-count Algorithms

    Hi, I'm Jack Triton. Recently, I started solving various puzzles such as FTO, Master Skewb and Square-1 When I look up the method called Lin, I notice that it can be much easier if you separate U edges and DB DF edges to 2 part I'll explain how to do it on this article JQ Method CSP, Cube...
  4. JackTriton

    [Unofficial] UWR Bicube 3x3x3 6.749 ao12 + 3.297 single

    Cube: Moyu Meilong 3x3x3 M Bandaged by me Scramble(F:green,U:white,R:red) - 1. 5.917 U L F2 R' F L' F R U F' U' F' L F' R F' L F2 R' F L' U' F R2 U R' F' U F' L' 2. 8.793 U2 L F' L2 U' L F2 U F' L' U L U2 R' F R U' R' F R F' U' R U R U R' F' U' R' 3. (12.390) U F R' F' R U F' L...
  5. JackTriton

    [Unofficial] UWR Bicube 3x3x3 ao5 - 7.053

    Hi, sorry for the frequent post to this trend. Last time I post, I promised that I'll get UWR for ao5. and I'm sure this is it! Cube - Qiyi sail W Bandaged by me Scramble(F:green,U:white,R:red) - 1. R U' L U' F' U' F R U L' U2 R' F' U F U' R' F R U' R' U F R' F' R U2 F' L' U2 5.665 2. R...
  6. JackTriton

    [Unofficial] UWR Bicube 3x3x3 single - 3.524

    So, it's been 2 months since the last time I got UWR on Bicube. after that day, I practiced every day and finally on April 23rd 2021, I got these records! Cube - Qiyi sail W Bandaged by me Scramble (F:green,U:white,R:red) - 1.U2 L F U' R' F2 L' F2 R F' L' U2 R U' L U2 R' F' U L F R U2 L' U2...
  7. JackTriton

    [Unofficial] UWR Bicube 3x3x3 - 11.280

    After practicing it for 2 months, I finally solved this puzzle in good time! Cube - Bandaged Qiyi sail W Scramble(F:green,U:white,R:red) - U2 L U2 R' F R F' U' R U2 L' U2 R U R' F' U2 L2 F L' U R' U F U' Reconstruction - No rotations in inspection U2 F' L' U' // Center rotation and free...